Washington State Legislature
Committee Documents
House Ways & Means 4/14/2011 3:30 PM
House Ways & Means 4/14/2011 3:30 PM
House Ways & Means 4/14/2011 3:30 PM
- Agenda (27k)
Public Hearing
- HB 2068 - Setting law enforcement officers' and firefighters' plan 2 contribution rates for the 2011-2013 fiscal biennium at the actuarially required rates.
- Bill Analysis (80k)
- HB 2068 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2068.FN (321k)
- HB 2071 - Eliminating the September 30, 2011, transfer to the local public safety account and clarifying the method of funding previously adopted benefits.
- Bill Analysis (82k)
- HB 2071 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 2071.FN Prelim (256k)
- SB 5806 - Authorizing a statewide raffle to benefit veterans and their families.
- Bill Analysis (79k)
- SB 5806 Text
- Bill History
- Fiscal Note
- 5806.FN (115k)
- HB 1250 - Transferring funds from the budget stabilization account to the general fund.
- Bill Analysis (80k)
- HB 1250 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Bills referred to committee.
Possible Executive Session
- HB 1354 - Changing the apportionment schedule to educational service districts and school districts for the 2010-11 school year.
- Bill Analysis (76k)
- HB 1354 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1354.FN (113k)
- SHB 1371 - Addressing boards and commissions. - NO ACTION
- Bill Report (99k)
- HB 1371 Text
- SHB 1371 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1371-S AMH WAYS H1992.1 Withdrawn (18k)
- 1371-S AMH WAYS POLZ 150 Withdrawn (82k)
- 1371-S AMH WAYS ELGE 154 Withdrawn (85k)
- 1371-S AMH WAYS H2015.2 Withdrawn (174k)
- 1371 P2SHB Alexander Withdrawn (1155k)
- 1371 P2SHB Darneille Adopted (1064k)
- 1371-PS2 AMH WAYS ELGE 172 Failed (163k)
- 1371-PS2 AMH WAYS ELGE 171 Adopted (83k)
- 1371-PS2 AMH WAYS POLZ 175 Adopted (78k)
- 1371-PS2 AMH WAYS ELGE 170 Withdrawn (108k)
- Fiscal Note
- SHB 1720 - Reorganizing and streamlining central service functions, powers, and duties of state government. - NO ACTION
- Bill Report (123k)
- HB 1720 Text
- SHB 1720 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1720-S AMH WAYS REIL 133 Withdrawn (120k)
- 1720-S AMH WAYS REIL 058 Withdrawn (83k)
- 1720-S AMH WAYS H2527.1 Withdrawn (123k)
- 1720 P2SHB Parker Withdrawn (872k)
- 1720 P2SHB Hunt (1557k)
- 1720-PS2 AMH WAYS REIL 135 (120k)
- 1720-PS2 AMH WAYS DURB 154 (79k)
- 1720-PS2 AMH WAYS DURB 151 (81k)
- 1720-PS2 AMH WAYS MCLA 652 (99k)
- Fiscal Note
- OPR - PSHB 1720 Savings (183k)
- OPR - 1720 P2SHB DES Summary (179k)
- OPR - SHB 1720 Savings Feb 23 (181k)
- OPR - 1720 SHB DES Summary (175k)
- HB 1742 - Addressing the alternate early retirement provisions for new members in plan 2 and plan 3 of the public employees' retirement system, the teachers' retirement system, and the school employees' retirement system.
- Bill Analysis (75k)
- HB 1742 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1742.FN (416k)
- SHB 1795 - Enacting the higher education opportunity act.
- Bill Report (99k)
- HB 1795 Text
- SHB 1795 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1795 P2SHB Carlyle H-2297.4 Withdrawn (622k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS H2655.1 Withdrawn (42k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS H2564.1 Withdrawn (11k)
- 1795 P2SHB Carlyle H-1975.3 Withdrawn (371k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS ZUGE 089 Withdrawn (82k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS ZUGE 090 Withdrawn (85k)
- 1795 P2SHB Carlyle H-2661.2 Adopted (628k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS THMA 062 Withdrawn (84k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS CLYN 260 Adopted (85k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS CLYN 256 Adopted (83k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS THMA 059 Adopted (83k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS CLYN 259 Failed (84k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS CLYN 255 Withdrawn (101k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS CLYN 258 Withdrawn (80k)
- 1795-PS2 AMH WAYS THMA 061 Adopted (88k)
- Fiscal Note
- HB 1796 - Concerning recreation access on state lands. - NO ACTION
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 1796 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1796.FN (1045k)
- SHB 1841 - Addressing management and consolidation of state information technology. - NO ACTION
- Bill Report (121k)
- HB 1841 Text
- SHB 1841 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- 1841-S AMH WAYS DURB 149 (80k)
- Fiscal Note
- 1841.FN (608k)
- OPR - CTS Summary Olsen (175k)
- OPR - 1841 SHB Savings Olsen (176k)
- HB 1981 - Addressing public employee postretirement employment and higher education employees' annuities and retirement income plans.
- Bill Analysis (84k)
- HB 1981 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 1981 FN Preliminary (524k)
- OPR - 1981 Comparison (182k)
- HB 2021 - Limiting the annual increase amounts in the public employees' retirement system plan 1 and the teachers' retirement system plan 1.
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- HB 2021 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 2021.FN-Prelim (464k)
- SB 5852 - Addressing the public employment of retirees from plan 1 of the teachers' retirement system and plan 1 of the public employees' retirement system.
- Bill Analysis (81k)
- SB 5852 Text
- Bill History
- Amds/Proposed Subs
- Fiscal Note
- 5852.FN (484k)
- Bills previously heard by committee.