SB 5560 - Regarding state agency climate leadership.
SJM 8000 - Requesting the Postal Service to issue a postage stamp commemorating Nisei veterans.
SB 5032 - Concerning the Washington code of military justice.
SB 5096 - Requiring mailed political advertising to be filed with the secretary of state to be archived.
SB 5017 - Eliminating the requirement that auditors send a ballot or an application to receive a ballot to inactive voters.
SB 5029 - Recodifying and making technical clarifications to campaign funding and disclosure laws.
SB 5322 - Creating a five-member option for civil service commissions for sheriffs' offices.
SB 5267 - Regarding the issuance of checks by joint operating agencies and public utility districts.
SB 5233 - Addressing county elected officials keeping offices at the county seat.
SJR 8208 - Repealing a conflicting residency requirement for voting in a presidential election.
SB 5211 - Prohibiting false and defamatory statements about candidates for public office.
SB 5019 - Concerning resident curators of state properties.
SB 5018 - Concerning historic preservation.
SB 5016 - Modifying when a special election may be held.