Committee Schedules

Senate Higher Education & Workforce Development - 3/24/2025 10:30 AM

Full Committee

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Senate Hearing Rm 2 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/21/2025 3:07 PM

Work Session

  1. Artificial intelligence and higher education.

Executive Session

  1. 2SHB 1273 - Improving student access to dual credit programs.
  2. SHB 1486 - Adding a student member to the state board for community and technical colleges.
  3. ESHB 1572 - Modifying higher education accreditation standards.
  4. 2SHB 1587 - Encouraging local government partner promise scholarship programs within the opportunity scholarship program.
  5. SGA 9230 - Monica Yu, Member, Washington Student Achievement Council.
  6. SGA 9231 - Elizabeth Cattin, Member, Lower Columbia College Board of Trustees.

Possible other business. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: