Committee Schedules
Senate State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections - 3/28/2025 10:30 AM
Senate Hearing Rm 2 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA
REVISED 3/20/2025 9:23 AM
Executive Session
- HB 1633 - Concerning prime contractor bidding submission requirements on public works contracts.
- HB 1573 - Revising the period in which the oath of office must be taken for elective offices of counties, cities, towns, and special purpose districts.
- E2SHB 1102 - Increasing support and services for veterans.
- HB 1934 - Concerning the disclosure of information pertaining to complainants, accusers, and witnesses in an employment investigation.
- SHB 1321 - Concerning the governor's authority to limit outside militia activities within the state.
- ESHB 1541 - Concerning the veterans affairs advisory committee.
- E2SHB 1549 - Modifying the responsible bidder criteria for public works projects.
- SHB 1967 - Modifying bonding requirements in the design portion of design-build public works projects.
- ESHB 1610 - Concerning the disclosure of critical energy infrastructure information.
- HB 1064 - Eliminating the expiration of the interagency, multijurisdictional system improvement team.
- SHB 1969 - Concerning the law enforcement aviation support grant program.
Possible other business. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: