Committee Schedules

House Early Learning & Human Services - 3/26/2025 1:30 PM

Full Committee

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House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 3/24/2025 3:56 PM

Executive Session

  1. SSB 5030 - Improving access to educational services by reducing barriers to obtaining vital records and allowing alternative forms of documentation.
  2. SB 5032 - Expanding the duties of the office of the family and children's ombuds to include juvenile rehabilitation facilities operated by the department of children, youth, and families.
  3. SB 5199 - Providing compensation to members of the department of children, youth, and families oversight board with direct lived experience.
  4. SSB 5214 - Concerning mobile market programs.
  5. SSB 5394 - Reducing the developmental disabilities administration's no-paid services caseload services.
  6. SSB 5655 - Concerning child care centers operated in existing buildings.

Public Hearing

  1. SSB 5149 - Expanding the early childhood court program. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  2. ESSB 5291 - Implementing the recommendations of the long-term services and supports trust commission. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  3. SSB 5545 - Modifying provisions regarding family home providers overseen and certified by a federal military service. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify

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