Committee Schedules
Senate Environment, Energy & Technology - 3/26/2025 8:00 AM
Senate Hearing Rm 1 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing
- ESHB 1819 - Increasing transmission capacity. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
- 2SHB 1514 - Encouraging the deployment of low carbon thermal energy networks. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
- 2SHB 1715 - Regarding the costs of compliance with the state energy performance standard. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
- SHB 1857 - Concerning asbestos-containing building materials. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
- ESHB 1483 - Supporting the servicing and right to repair of certain products with digital electronics in a secure and reliable manner to increase access and affordability for Washingtonians. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Possible other business. See for testimony options. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: