Committee Schedules

House Appropriations - 2/19/2025 4:00 PM

Full Committee

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House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 2/14/2025 5:53 PM

Public Hearing

  1. SHB 1232 - Concerning private detention facilities. (Remote Testimony Available).
  2. SHB 1303 - Increasing environmental justice by improving government decisions. (Remote Testimony Available).
  3. HB 1309 - Addressing the impacts of burrowing shrimp on bottom culture shellfish farming through integrated pest management research. (Remote Testimony Available).
  4. SHB 1399 - Modernizing, harmonizing, and clarifying laws concerning sheriffs, chiefs, marshals, and police matrons. (Remote Testimony Available).
  5. SHB 1462 - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with hydrofluorocarbons. (Remote Testimony Available).
  6. HB 1467 - Concerning actuarial funding of pension systems. (Remote Testimony Available).
  7. SHB 1497 - Improving outcomes associated with waste material management systems. (Remote Testimony Available).
  8. SHB 1524 - Concerning workplace standards and requirements applicable to employers of isolated employees. (Remote Testimony Available).
  9. SHB 1565 - Continuing the Washington dual enrollment scholarship. (Remote Testimony Available).
  10. SHB 1587 - Encouraging local government partner promise scholarship programs within the opportunity scholarship program. (Remote Testimony Available).
  11. HB 1936 - Extending the expiration of certain school employee postretirement employment restrictions. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: