Committee Schedules

House Labor & Workplace Standards - 2/5/2025 8:00 AM

Full Committee

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House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/31/2025 4:30 PM

Public Hearing

  1. HB 1570 - Concerning collective bargaining for certain employees who are enrolled in academic programs at public institutions of higher education. (Remote Testimony Available).
  2. HB 1571 - Removing qualifiers related to the presumption of occupational disease for heart problems. (Remote Testimony Available).
  3. HB 1619 - Concerning paid family leave premium collection for dockworkers. (Remote Testimony Available).
  4. HB 1622 - Allowing bargaining over matters related to the use of artificial intelligence. (Remote Testimony Available).
  5. HB 1623 - Prohibiting deductions for credit card transaction processing fees from employee tips. (Remote Testimony Available).
  6. HB 1626 - Expanding access to grants within the paid family and medical leave insurance program for small school districts. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: