Committee Schedules

Senate Business, Financial Services & Trade - 2/6/2025 8:00 AM

Full Committee

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Senate Hearing Rm 2 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA

REVISED 2/4/2025 3:16 PM

Public Hearing

  1. Washington State Gambling Commission: Nooksack Indian Tribe Gaming Compact Amendment.
  2. SB 5589 - Conducting a study of credit history, credit-based insurance scores, and other rate factors in making rates for personal insurance. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  3. SB 5563 - Concerning horse racing. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  4. SB 5495 - Adjusting a limitation of liability in life insurance policies. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  5. SB 5610 - Establishing an equine industry tax credit, allowing the horse racing commission to impose a fee, and using equine industry sales tax revenues for federal regulatory compliance. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Possible other business. See for testimony options. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: