Committee Schedules

Senate Law & Justice - 2/3/2025 10:30 AM

Full Committee

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Senate Hearing Rm 4 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing

  1. SB 5453 - Concerning public defense recruitment and retention. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  2. SB 5367 - Concerning grant programs fostering community engagement through law enforcement-community partnerships and immersion. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  3. SB 5356 - Concerning training provided by the criminal justice training commission. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  4. SB 5362 - Concerning victims of crime act funding. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Possible other business. See for testimony options. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: