Committee Schedules

House Finance - 1/30/2025 1:30 PM

Full Committee

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House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED 1/28/2025 4:23 PM

Public Hearing

  1. HB 1355 - Modifying retail taxes compacts between the state of Washington and federally recognized tribes located in Washington state by increasing the revenue-sharing percentages when a compacting tribe has completed a qualified capital investment. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  2. HB 1210 - Concerning targeted urban area tax preferences. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  3. HB 1258 - Providing funding for municipalities participating in the regional 911 emergency communications system. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify
  4. HB 1148 - Exempting goods and services provided by youth athletic facilities from sales and use tax. (Remote Testimony Available). - Testify

Executive Session

  1. HB 1060 - Concerning newspapers and eligible digital content.
  2. HB 1058 - Providing incentives to improve freight railroad infrastructure.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: