Committee Schedules
Joint Transportation Committee - 12/11/2024 9:30 AM
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 12/2/2024 2:44 PM
- Introductions.
- Road usage charge update; Washington, Utah and Kansas.
- WSDOT project delivery and innovative practices study; progress report and update.
- Recommendations for transit-oriented development policies in Washington state study introduction and update.
- WSDOT project update; I-5/Yesler Way to Northgate.
- Transportation needs and challenges of the Colville Tribes.
- JTC work plan update.
- Adjourn.
To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: See for how to register for remote public testimony. Registration will open 10 calendar days before the meeting start time, and close 1 hour before the start of the meeting.