Committee Schedules

House Appropriations - 2/9/2021 3:30 PM

Full Committee

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REVISED 2/5/2021 3:02 PM

Public Hearing

  1. SHB 1019 - Allowing residential marijuana agriculture. (Remote testimony.)
  2. SHB 1126 - Limiting tolling of community custody terms. (Remote testimony.)
  3. SHB 1148 - Protecting patients in acute care hospitals. (Remote testimony.)
  4. SHB 1186 - Concerning juvenile rehabilitation. (Remote testimony.)
  5. HB 1415 - Concerning skill center class size. (Remote testimony.)
  6. HB 1476 - Addressing enrollment declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Remote testimony.)

Possible Executive Session

  1. HB 1022 - Modifying Washington state horse racing commission provisions.
  2. HB 1083 - Concerning relocation assistance for tenants of closed or converted manufactured/mobile home parks.
  3. HB 1091 - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuel.
  4. HB 1096 - Concerning nonmedicare plans offered through the Washington state health insurance pool.
  5. HB 1151 - Bolstering economic recovery.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website: