Bill Information > SB 5848
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SB 5848 - 2019-20
Concerning individuals under the department of corrections' jurisdiction.
Sponsors: Darneille, Nguyen
By Request:
Department of Corrections
Bill History
Feb 6
First reading, referred to Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation.
(View Original Bill)
Feb 14
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation at 1:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 20
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
HSRR - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 1st Substitute)
(Majority Report)
And refer to Ways & Means.
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Feb 21
Referred to Ways & Means.
Feb 25
Executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 27
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
WM - Majority; without recommendation.
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Feb 28
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Mar 5
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Apr 28
Returned to Rules.
Jan 13
By resolution, reintroduced and retained in present status.
Senate Rules "X" file.
Available Documents
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Bill Documents
Bill Digests
Bill Reports
Fiscal Note
Amendment Name | Num | Sponsor | Type | Description | Action |
5848-S AMS BRAU S2637.1 | 297 | Braun | Floor | Pg 1 Ln 6 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS DARN S4222.1 | 784 | Darneille | Floor | Striker | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS PADD S4390.1 | 786 | Padden | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 1 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S4389.1 | 816 | Short | Floor | Pg 9 Ln 11 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS WALS S4534.1 | 789 | Walsh | Floor | Pg 9 Ln 16 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS ZEIG S4398.1 | 795 | Zeiger | Floor | Pg 5 Ln 20 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS FORT S2736.1 | 310 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 17 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS HOLY S2641.1 | 306 | Holy | Floor | Pg 15 Ln 22 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS HOLY S2741.1 | 301 | Holy | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 17 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS HOLY S2742.1 | 302 | Holy | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 17 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS PADD S2635.1 | 298 | Padden | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 37 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS RIVE S2732.1 | 300 | Rivers | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 17 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS RIVE S2743.1 | 299 | Rivers | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 17 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2503.1 | 307 | Short | Floor | Pg 15 Ln 23 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2504.1 | 304 | Short | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 6 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2506.1 | 303 | Short | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 8 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2508.1 | 305 | Short | Floor | Pg 15 Ln 20 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2535.1 | 308 | Short | Floor | Pg 16 Ln 4 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS SHOR S2556.1 | 309 | Short | Floor | Pg 16 Ln 4 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS ZEIG S2502.1 | 162 | Zeiger | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 27 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS ZEIG S2638.1 | 170 | Zeiger | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 14 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
5848-S AMS ZEIG S2639.1 | 171 | Zeiger | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 13 | NOT CONSIDERED 12/23/2019 |
Available Videos
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Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.