Bill Information > SB 5581
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SB 5581 - 2005-06
Revised for Engrossed: Establishing the life sciences discovery fund authority.
Revised for 2nd Substitute: Establishing the life sciences discovery fund.
Original: Establishing the life sciences discovery fund.
Sponsors: Brown, Finkbeiner, Kohl-Welles, Rasmussen, Prentice, Hewitt, Fairley, Esser, Doumit, Keiser, Haugen, McAuliffe, Shin
By Request: Governor Gregoire
Companion Bill: HB 1623
Bill History



Jan 28
First reading, referred to Labor, Commerce, Research & Development. (View Original Bill)
Feb 8
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research & Development at 10:00 AM. (Committee Materials)
Feb 17
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Labor, Commerce, Research & Development at 8:00 AM. (Committee Materials)
Feb 21
LCRD - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 1st Substitute)
And refer to Ways & Means.
Minority; do not pass.
Referred to Ways & Means.
Mar 2
Public hearing scheduled, but not heard in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
Mar 7
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 2nd Substitute)
Minority; without recommendation.
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Mar 9
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Mar 11
2nd substitute bill substituted (WM 05). (View 2nd Substitute)
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 45; nays, 4; absent, 0; excused, 0. (View 1st Engrossed)


Mar 15
First reading, referred to Technology, Energy & Communications.
Mar 29
Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Technology, Energy & Communications at 1:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
TEC - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
Minority; do not pass.
Mar 31
Public hearing scheduled, but not heard in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
Apr 1
Referred to Appropriations.
Apr 7
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 3:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
APP - Majority; do pass with amendment(s) but without amendment(s) by Technology, Energy & Communications.
Minority; do not pass.
Apr 8
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Apr 11
Placed on second reading.
Apr 16
Committee amendment adopted as amended.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 53; nays, 40; absent, 0; excused, 5.


Apr 23
Senate concurred in House amendments.
Passed final passage; yeas, 25; nays, 24; absent, 0; excused, 0.
President signed.


Apr 24
Speaker signed.


Apr 24
Delivered to Governor. (View Bill as Passed Legislature)
May 12
Governor signed.
Chapter 424, 2005 Laws. (View Session Law)
Effective date 5/12/2005*.
Available Documents
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Fiscal Note
Amendment Name Num Sponsor Type Description Action
5581-S2 AMS BROW JONE 002 245 Brown Floor Pg 3 Ln 12 ADOPTED 03/11/2005
5581-S2 AMS ESSE GORR 018 185 Esser Floor Pg 4 Ln 32 NOT ADOPTED 03/11/2005
5581-S2 AMS HONE S2526.1 187 Honeyford Floor Pg 2 Ln 21 ADOPTED 03/11/2005
5581-S2.E AMH ALEX FRAS 150 493 Alexander Floor Pg 6 Ln 23 WITHDRAWN 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH ALEX FRAS 153 492 Alexander Floor Pg 1 Ln 20 FAILED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH ANDG FRAS 157 531 Anderson Floor Pg 5 Ln 7 FAILED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH APP AMH3043.1 Appropriations Committee Striker ADOPTED AS AMENDED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH APP H3043.1 Appropriations Committee Striker ADOPTED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH BAIL DURB 067 470 Bailey Floor Pg 2 Ln 13 FAILED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH CLEM FRAS 151 490 Clements Floor Pg 6 Ln 23 WITHDRAWN 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH CONW DURB 072 495 Conway Floor Pg 6 Ln 34 ADOPTED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH DICK DURB 080 573 Dickerson Floor Pg 6 Ln 34 ADOPTED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH ERIC DURB 081 575 Ericksen Floor Pg 2 Ln 25 FAILED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH HINK H3105.1 535 Hinkle Floor Pg 2 Ln 13 WITHDRAWN 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH MORR DURB 074 574 Morris Floor Pg 2 Ln 16 WITHDRAWN 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH PRIE FRAS 162 572 Priest Floor Striker FAILED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH SCHI H3113.1 552 Schindler Floor Pg 5 Ln 26 WITHDRAWN 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH TEC H2836.1 Technology, Energy & Communications Committee Striker NOT ADOPTED 04/16/2005
5581-S2.E AMH UPTH DURB 078 559 Upthegrove Floor Pg 2 Ln 3 ADOPTED 04/16/2005
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