Bill Information > SB 5052
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SB 5052 - 2015-16
Establishing the cannabis patient protection act.
Bill History
Jan 8
Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 12
First reading, referred to Health Care.
(View Original Bill)
Jan 22
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Jan 29
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Health Care at 10:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
HLTH - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 1st Substitute)
(Majority Report)
And refer to Ways & Means.
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Referred to Ways & Means.
Feb 3
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 9
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 10
WM - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 2nd Substitute)
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Feb 13
2nd substitute bill substituted (WM 15).
(View 2nd Substitute)
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 36; nays, 11; absent, 0; excused, 2.
(View Roll Calls)
Feb 17
First reading, referred to Health Care & Wellness (Not Officially read and referred until adoption of Introduction report).
Mar 5
Public hearing in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Mar 13
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness at 10:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
HCW - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Mar 19
Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Apr 8
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Apr 10
Committee amendment not adopted.
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 60; nays, 36; absent, 0; excused, 2.
(View Roll Calls)
Apr 14
Senate concurred in House amendments.
Passed final passage; yeas, 41; nays, 8; absent, 0; excused, 0.
(View Roll Calls)
Apr 16
President signed.
Apr 16
Speaker signed.
Apr 20
Delivered to Governor.
(View Bill as Passed Legislature)
Apr 24
Governor partially vetoed.
Chapter 70, 2015 Laws PV.
(View Session Law)
Effective date 7/24/2015*.
Available Documents
For a complete list of documents, go to Online Reports Text of a Legislative Document.
Bill Documents
Fiscal Note
Amendment Name | Num | Sponsor | Type | Description | Action |
5052-S2 AMS DANS LOHN 030 | 22 | Dansel | Floor | Pg 53 Ln 19 | PULLED 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS HOBB LOHN 028 | 21 | Hobbs | Floor | Pg 30 Ln 16 | WITHDRAWN 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS KOHL BUCK 671 | 15 | Kohl-Welles | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 25 | NOT ADOPTED 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS KOHL BUCK 672 | 18 | Kohl-Welles | Floor | Pg 42 Ln 3 | NOT ADOPTED 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS KOHL S1669.1 | 19 | Kohl-Welles | Floor | Striker | NOT ADOPTED 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS KOHL S1709.1 | 17 | Kohl-Welles | Floor | Pg 28 Ln 24 | NOT ADOPTED 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMS KOHL S1710.1 | 16 | Kohl-Welles | Floor | Pg 18 Ln 28 | WITHDRAWN 02/13/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH HCW H2286.3 | Health Care & Wellness | Committee | Striker | NOT ADOPTED 04/10/2015 | |
5052-S2 AMH CODY H2596.3 | 338 | Cody | Floor | Striker | ADOPTED AS AMENDED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH APPL BLAC 080 | 400 | Appleton | Floor | Pg 1 Ln 2 | NOT ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH BLAK BLAC 101 | 410 | Blake | Floor | Pg 3 Ln 3 | NOT ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH CODY BLAC 099 | 389 | Cody | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 1 | ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH CODY BLAC 100 | 398 | Cody | Floor | Pg 42 Ln 21 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH CODY BLAC 102 | 409 | Cody | Floor | Pg 42 Ln 25 | ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH COND BLAC 082 | 402 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 38 Ln 5 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH COND BLAC 083 | 403 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 36 Ln 6 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH COND BLAC 093 | 401 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 36 Ln 32 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH KLIP BLAC 086 | 349 | Klippert | Floor | Pg 26 Ln 25 | ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH SHEA BLAC 089 | 358 | Shea | Floor | Pg 30 Ln 36 | ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH SHEA BLAC 098 | 391 | Shea | Floor | Pg 57 Ln 29 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH SHEA BLAC 103 | 419 | Shea | Floor | Pg 57 Ln 29 | ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH SHOR BLAC 084 | 404 | Short | Floor | Pg 34 Ln 38 | WITHDRAWN 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH TAYL BLAC 091 | 359 | Taylor | Floor | Pg 58 Ln 25 | NOT ADOPTED 04/10/2015 |
5052-S2 AMH ENGR H2596.E | Engrossed | Striker | ADOPTED AND ENGROSSED 04/10/2015 |
Available Videos
(Video links take you to the TVW website)
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Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.
There are no videos available for this bill at this time.