Bill Information > HB 3305
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HB 3305 - 2007-08
Implementing the family leave insurance program, but only with respect to designating agencies to administer and enforce the program, adopting government efficiencies to improve program administration and reduce program costs, tracking and mitigating any impacts on the unemployment compensation system, addressing the manner in which leave is coordinated, and implementing other task force recommendations.
Bill History
Jan 29
First reading, referred to Commerce & Labor.
(View Original Bill)
Public hearing and executive session scheduled, but no action was taken in the House Committee on Commerce & Labor at 6:00 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Jan 31
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Commerce & Labor at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
CL - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 1st Substitute)
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Feb 5
Referred to Appropriations.
Feb 8
Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 11
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
APP - Majority; do pass 1st substitute bill proposed by Commerce & Labor.
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Feb 12
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Feb 15
Placed on second reading.
Feb 19
Returned to Rules Committee for second reading.
Available Documents
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Bill Documents
Bill Digests
Fiscal Note
Amendment Name | Num | Sponsor | Type | Description | Action |
3305-S AMH CHAB H5670.2 | 1237 | Chandler | Floor | Pg 15 Ln 15 | |
3305-S AMH CHAB REIN 015 | 1236 | Chandler | Floor | Pg 15 Ln 15 | |
3305-S AMH COND REIN 017 | 1252 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 35 | |
3305-S AMH COND REIN 038 | 1239 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 9 Ln 15 | |
3305-S AMH COND REIN 039 | 1251 | Condotta | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 20 |
Available Videos
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