Bill Information > SJR 8211
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SJR 8211 - 2015-16
Amending the Constitution to require a two-thirds majority vote of the legislature to raise taxes.
Sponsors: Roach, Benton, Pearson, Rivers, Braun, Schoesler, Dammeier, O'Ban, Miloscia, Bailey
Bill History



Jan 19
First reading, referred to Government Operations & Security. (View Original Bill)
Jan 21
Public hearing and executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Government Operations and Security at 10:00 AM. (Committee Materials)
Feb 1
GOS - Majority; do pass.
Minority; do not pass.
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Feb 8
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Feb 12
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, failed; yeas, 26; nays, 23; absent, 0; excused, 0.
Available Documents
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Bill Documents
Bill Digests
Fiscal Note
(Not Available)
Amendment Name Num Sponsor Type Description Action
8211 AMS CARL EPPS 143 575 Carlyle Floor Pg 2 Ln 19 NOT ADOPTED 02/12/2016
8211 AMS CARL EPPS 146 574 Carlyle Floor Pg 2 Ln 13 NOT ADOPTED 02/12/2016
8211 AMS CHAS GAVI 242 567 Chase Floor Pg 2 Ln 13 NOT ADOPTED 02/12/2016
8211 AMS FROC EPPS 139 577 Frockt Floor Pg 2 Ln 19 NOT ADOPTED 02/12/2016
8211 AMS KEIS EPPS 140 576 Keiser Floor Pg 2 Ln 19 NOT ADOPTED 02/12/2016
Available Videos
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