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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Rivers (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESSB 5716 Docs f In-home services surveys S Rules X 02/15/2024 Rivers
ESSB 6286 Docs f Nurse anesthetist workforce C 363 L 24 03/29/2024 Rivers HB 2462(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5069 Docs af Interstate cannabis agrmts. C 264 L 23 05/04/2023 Rivers
SB 5163 Docs fd Medicaid fraud false claims C 90 L 23 04/14/2023 Rivers
SB 5184 Docs af Anesthesiologist assistants C 362 L 24 03/29/2024 Rivers HB 1038(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5445 Docs f Prescription cost-sharing S Health & Long 01/18/2023 Rivers HB 1465(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5549 Docs Electric security alarms S Loc Gov, Land 01/25/2023 Rivers
SB 5571 Docs Public records act requests S State Govt & E 01/26/2023 Rivers HB 1597(H State Govt & T)
SB 5704 Docs Fund-raising activities S Business, Fin 02/06/2023 Rivers
SB 5745 Docs Use of a stolen firearm S Law & Justice 02/15/2023 Rivers
SB 6148 Docs f Quality of care metrics S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Rivers
SB 6182 Docs f Obesity Rx coverage S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6183 Docs Fund-raising events S Business, Fin 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6184 Docs Deepfake AI material/minors S Law & Justice 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6190 Docs f Fund-raising activities S Business, Fin 01/11/2024 Rivers
SB 6209 Docs Hemp consumable products S Ag/Water/Natur 01/12/2024 Rivers
SB 6214 Docs Animal cruelty/seriousness S Law & Justice 01/15/2024 Rivers HB 1961(C 55 L 24)
SB 6230 Docs f# Tax increment areas S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Rivers HB 2354(H subst for)
SB 6244 Docs Pain medications S Health & Long 01/16/2024 Rivers
SJM 8004 Docs Constitutional convention S State Govt & E 01/23/2023 Rivers HJM 4002(H State Govt & T)
SR 8639 Docs National donate life month S Adopted 04/05/2023 Rivers
SR 8655 Docs Pete Carroll S Adopted 02/09/2024 Rivers
SR 8656 Docs National donate life month S Adopted 02/15/2024 Rivers
SR 8669 Docs National Wear Red Day S Adopted 02/15/2024 Rivers
SSB 5377 Docs f Cannabis license ownership S Rules X 02/15/2024 Rivers HB 1341(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SSB 5388 Docs f Diversity in clinical trials S Rules X 01/08/2024 Rivers
SSB 5569 Docs Kidney disease centers C 48 L 23 04/06/2023 Rivers

Total Count: 27

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2E2SSB 5580 Docs af Maternal health outcomes C 213 L 24 03/19/2024 Muzzall
2SSB 5103 Docs af# Medicaid patients/discharge C 315 L 23 05/04/2023 Muzzall
2SSB 5263 Docs af# Psilocybin C 364 L 23 PV 05/09/2023 Salomon
E2SSB 5582 Docs f# Nurse supply C 126 L 23 04/20/2023 Holy
ESSB 5142 Docs d HIV medication rebate rev. C 12 L 23 03/30/2023 Liias HB 1408(H Rules X)
ESSB 5512 Docs f Higher ed. financial reports C 98 L 23 04/14/2023 Holy
ESSB 5796 Docs o Common interest communities C 321 L 24 03/28/2024 Pedersen
ESSB 5983 Docs af# Syphilis treatment C 248 L 24 03/25/2024 Liias
ESSB 6031 Docs f Student transp. allocation S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Braun
ESSB 6101 Docs f# Hospital at-home services S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Cleveland HB 2295(H subst for)
ESSB 6127 Docs af HIV prophylaxis C 251 L 24 03/25/2024 Liias
SB 5000 Docs a Americans of Chinese descent C 357 L 23 05/09/2023 Wagoner
SB 5021 Docs f Audiology & speech compact S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Wagoner HB 1001(C 53 L 23)
SB 5099 Docs f Estate tax/extraordinary rev S Ways & Means 01/09/2023 Braun
SB 5100 Docs f Breast & chest wall surgery S Health & Long 01/09/2023 Wellman
SB 5296 Docs fo Military service credit S Rules X 01/08/2024 Nobles HB 1007(H subst for)
SB 5297 Docs fe Commercial salmon fisheries S Ag/Water/Natur 01/11/2023 Van De Wege
SB 5351 Docs d Consumer health data S Law & Justice 01/12/2023 Dhingra HB 1155(H subst for)
SB 5537 Docs f# Hospital staffing collab. S Ways & Means 02/17/2023 Cleveland
SB 5540 Docs Medicaid reprocurement S Health & Long 01/23/2023 Cleveland
SB 5564 Docs f Missing persons reward prg. S Law & Justice 01/25/2023 Wagoner
SB 5567 Docs f#o Vol. firefighter pensions S Ways & Means 01/25/2023 Lovelett EHB 1336(C 73 L 23)
SB 5595 Docs f State nickname S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Wilson, J.
SB 5596 Docs Public health/consumers S Health & Long 01/27/2023 Wilson, J. HB 1610(H State Govt & T)
SB 5628 Docs Water right transfers S Ag/Water/Natur 01/30/2023 Torres
SB 5677 Docs Walla Walla sweet onion day S Rules X 02/15/2024 Dozier
SB 5680 Docs Seismic safety/schools S EL/K-12 02/02/2023 Schoesler HB 1747(H Cap Budget)
SB 5686 Docs f# Senior citizens local tax S Loc Gov, Land 02/03/2023 Braun HB 1702(H Local Govt)
SB 5756 Docs Fuel tax suspension S Transportation 02/23/2023 Muzzall
SB 5758 Docs Electromagnetic attacks S Environment, E 03/03/2023 McCune
SB 5772 Docs Energy code/federal law S State Govt & E 04/21/2023 Wilson, L.
SB 5807 Docs Housing authorities S Rules X 02/15/2024 Frame HB 1890(C 12 L 24)
SB 5814 Docs f Cancer drugs coverage S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall HB 1884(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5821 Docs f Audio-only telemedicine C 215 L 24 03/19/2024 Muzzall HB 1881(H HC/Wellness)
SB 5822 Docs f Physicians health prg. fees S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Muzzall HB 1972(C 15 L 24)
SB 5836 Docs fo Clark county superior court C 125 L 24 03/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 5977 Docs Psilocybin services S Health & Long 01/08/2024 Salomon HB 2281(H HC/Wellness)
SB 6097 Docs f Dental services contracts S Health & Long 01/09/2024 Cleveland
SB 6128 Docs Traveling animal acts S Law & Justice 01/10/2024 Liias
SB 6144 Docs f Prescribing psychologists S Health & Long 01/10/2024 Randall
SB 6161 Docs f Provider contract comp. S Health & Long 01/11/2024 Cleveland
SB 6219 Docs f# Agritourism S Loc Gov, Land 01/15/2024 Warnick
SB 6235 Docs Criminal justice assistance S Ways & Means 01/15/2024 Wilson, L.
SB 6257 Docs f# Hospital charity/residency S Health & Long 01/17/2024 Cleveland
SB 6263 Docs f# Firefighter death benefits C 169 L 24 03/18/2024 Wilson, L.
SCR 8414 Docs afe Civic health committee S Filed Sec/St 03/08/2024 Lovick
SCR 8415 Docs Yakima Valley redistricting S State Govt & E 01/16/2024 Braun
SJR 8205 Docs d Investments/persist. poverty S Ways & Means 01/18/2023 Mullet HJR 4204(H Rules X)
SR 8604 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. S Adopted 01/16/2023 Nobles
SR 8613 Docs Washington National Guard S Adopted 02/01/2023 Nobles
SR 8614 Docs Keenan Konopaski S Adopted 02/08/2023 Mullet
SR 8620 Docs Ukrainian Americans S Adopted 02/24/2023 Salomon
SR 8625 Docs Special Olympics S Adopted 04/07/2023 Kauffman
SR 8633 Docs Stephen Roy Lindstrom S Adopted 04/03/2023 Schoesler
SR 8634 Docs People of Iran S Adopted 04/04/2023 Braun
SR 8635 Docs Bill Russell S Adopted 04/06/2023 Braun
SR 8640 Docs Ramadan S Adopted 04/04/2023 Trudeau
SR 8649 Docs Martin Luther King, Jr. S Adopted 01/15/2024 Lovick
SR 8668 Docs Jeannie Darneille S Adopted 02/08/2024 Wilson, C.
SR 8670 Docs People of Taiwan S Adopted 02/28/2024 Wellman
SR 8671 Docs Civil rights act S Adopted 02/19/2024 Lovick
SR 8672 Docs Black history month S Adopted 02/19/2024 Nobles
SR 8674 Docs 1st territorial legislature S Adopted 02/27/2024 Hunt
SSB 5006 Docs af Waiver of firearm rights C 262 L 23 05/04/2023 Pedersen
SSB 5125 Docs d Future fund program S Ways & Means 01/27/2023 Trudeau HB 1094(H Approps)
SSB 5181 Docs Medical assistants S Rules X 03/10/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5300 Docs a Behavioral health continuity C 325 L 23 05/04/2023 Dhingra
SSB 5308 Docs Athletic trainers S Rules X 03/10/2023 Cleveland HB 1275(H subst for)
SSB 5375 Docs f Low-proof beverages/tax S Ways & Means 02/16/2023 King HB 1344(H Reg Subst & Ga)
SSB 5376 Docs af Cannabis waste C 243 L 24 03/25/2024 Stanford
SSB 5378 Docs d Voter education S Rules X 03/10/2023 Kauffman
SSB 5389 Docs a Optometry C 400 L 23 05/09/2023 Cleveland
SSB 5396 Docs a Breast exam cost sharing C 366 L 23 05/09/2023 Wilson, L.
SSB 5498 Docs f Nurse student loan repayment S Ways & Means 02/14/2023 Mullet HB 1643(H Postsec Ed & W)
SSB 5499 Docs f Multistate nurse licensure C 123 L 23 04/20/2023 Mullet
SSB 5506 Docs f Behavior support homes S Ways & Means 02/08/2023 Kauffman HB 1654(H Human Svc, You)
SSB 5581 Docs a Maternal support services C 444 L 23 05/11/2023 Muzzall
SSB 5613 Docs f# Rural public facilities/tax S Ways & Means 02/15/2023 Lovelett HB 1267(H subst for)
SSB 5802 Docs ad Nursing rate calculation C 246 L 24 03/25/2024 Muzzall HB 2208(H Approps)
SSB 5815 Docs f Physician assistant compact S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Muzzall
SSB 5829 Docs f Congenital cytomegalovirus C 96 L 24 03/14/2024 Frame HB 2067(H HC/Wellness)
SSB 5871 Docs d Definition of veteran S Ways & Means 01/17/2024 Lovick HB 2014(H subst for)
SSB 5936 Docs f Palliative care work group C 166 L 24 03/18/2024 Conway
SSB 5946 Docs fd Fallen firefighter memorial S Rules X 02/15/2024 Van De Wege HB 2091(H subst for)
SSB 6150 Docs Comprehensive plan revisions S Rules 3 03/07/2024 Cleveland HB 2296(H subst for)
SSB 6152 Docs f# Housing needs gap S Ways & Means 01/31/2024 Cleveland

Total Count: 86

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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