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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Dozier (2025-26)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
SB 5383 Docs Salmon recovery projects/tax S Ways & Means 01/21/2025 Dozier
SB 5384 Docs Riparian programs review S Ag & Natural R 01/21/2025 Dozier
SB 5475 Docs Salmon recovery maintenance S Loc Gov 01/24/2025 Dozier

Total Count: 3

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
SB 5000 Docs State nickname S Rules 2 01/21/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5003 Docs f School security grants S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Torres
SB 5004 Docs School emergency response S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Torres
SB 5007 Docs Chronically absent students S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Braun
SB 5008 Docs f Public school tools S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Braun
SB 5009 Docs Student transp. allocation S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Braun
SB 5010 Docs Election security cameras S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5011 Docs f# Ballot drop box labeling S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5014 Docs f#d Election security S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5015 Docs EFSEC governor approval S Environment, E 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5021 Docs f Retention of court exhibits S Rules 2 01/17/2025 Wagoner
SB 5024 Docs Wine/alcohol tax exemption S Labor & Comm 01/13/2025 Warnick
SB 5026 Docs Motor vehicle sales tax S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 King
SB 5027 Docs f Law school loan repayment S Higher Ed & Wo 01/13/2025 Torres
SB 5033 Docs Biosolids/PFAS chemicals S Environment, E 01/21/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5034 Docs fo System improvement team S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Boehnke HB 1064(H Cap Budget)
SB 5036 Docs f Statewide emissions data S Environment, E 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5045 Docs f Battery stewardship/EVs S Environment, E 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5046 Docs Kimchi day S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5047 Docs Signature gathering/protests S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5050 Docs Presidential primary privacy S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Wilson, J.
SB 5054 Docs Winery tax exemption S Labor & Comm 01/13/2025 Warnick HB 1384(H Finance)
SB 5055 Docs f# Agritourism S Loc Gov 01/13/2025 Warnick
SB 5058 Docs f Recycling rates S Environment, E 01/13/2025 Chapman HB 1071(H Env & Energy)
SB 5063 Docs Freight railroad infra. S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Stanford HB 1058(H Finance)
SB 5069 Docs f#d Voters' pamphlets S Ways & Means 01/21/2025 Valdez
SB 5071 Docs f# Controlled sub. endangerment S Law & Justice 01/13/2025 Braun
SB 5075 Docs f Prenatal and postnatal care S Health & Long- 01/13/2025 Muzzall
SB 5076 Docs f Nonspot shrimp pot license S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Muzzall
SB 5079 Docs fd DSHS overpayments S Ways & Means 01/23/2025 Muzzall HB 1243(H EL & Human Svc)
SB 5087 Docs f CTC legal education programs S Higher Ed & Wo 01/13/2025 Torres
SB 5090 Docs d Professional engineers' reg. S Labor & Comm 01/13/2025 Liias HB 1104(H ConsPro&Bus)
SB 5091 Docs Motor vehicle emissions S Environment, E 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5092 Docs f# Farm machinery sales tax S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5097 Docs Girls' athletic activities S EL/K-12 01/13/2025 Warnick
SB 5107 Docs Local gov. vehicle insurance S Loc Gov 01/13/2025 Boehnke
SB 5108 Docs f Service contracts S BFTDP 01/22/2025 Kauffman HB 1006(H Rules R)
SB 5111 Docs Recording fees/escrow tax S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Chapman HB 1115(H Finance)
SB 5113 Docs fo Plan 1 retiree COLAs S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Boehnke HB 1292(H Approps)
SB 5114 Docs fo Retirement benefits/death S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Boehnke HB 1312(H Approps)
SB 5117 Docs f Agriculture impacts S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Muzzall
SB 5124 Docs SNF & rehab network adequacy S Health & Long- 01/13/2025 Muzzall
SB 5145 Docs f State spending prgs. review S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Gildon
SB 5146 Docs Government efficiency portal S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Gildon
SB 5152 Docs f Journal access/state empl. S State Gov/Trib 01/13/2025 Warnick HB 1606()
SB 5165 Docs f Deer and elk damage S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Short
SB 5170 Docs f# DNR boundary line adjust. S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Short
SB 5171 Docs f Wolf predation S Ag & Natural R 01/13/2025 Short
SB 5173 Docs County comprehensive plans S Loc Gov 01/13/2025 Short
SB 5194 Docs d State gen. obligation bonds S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Trudeau HB 1202(H Cap Budget)
SB 5195 Docs d Capital budget S Ways & Means 01/13/2025 Trudeau HB 1216(H Cap Budget)
SB 5207 Docs Media service subscriptions S Business, Fin 01/13/2025 MacEwen
SB 5208 Docs Clean energy fund program S Environment, E 01/13/2025 MacEwen
SB 5241 Docs fo Fusion energy facilities S Environment, E 01/14/2025 Liias HB 1018(H Env & Energy)
SB 5265 Docs f Electrical inspector exp. S Labor & Comm 01/14/2025 King
SB 5268 Docs Unlawful firearm possession S Law & Justice 01/14/2025 Wagoner
SB 5274 Docs Body cameras/corrections S Human Services 01/15/2025 Braun
SB 5277 Docs Juvenile rehab. to 25 repeal S Human Services 01/15/2025 Braun
SB 5278 Docs Juvenile correctional pop. S Human Services 01/15/2025 Braun
SB 5283 Docs Energy storage siting/EFSEC S Environment, E 01/15/2025 Wagoner
SB 5285 Docs Law enf. officers/increase S Loc Gov 01/15/2025 Holy HB 1436(H Finance)
SB 5288 Docs County board vacancies S Loc Gov 01/15/2025 Schoesler
SB 5289 Docs Farm machinery sales tax S Ways & Means 01/15/2025 Schoesler
SB 5294 Docs fd Professional accounts S Business, Fin 01/16/2025 Gildon HB 1300(H Approps)
SB 5297 Docs f Early learning facilities S Ways & Means 01/16/2025 Trudeau HB 1314(H Cap Budget)
SB 5299 Docs Radiologic technologists S Health & Long- 01/16/2025 Riccelli
SB 5303 Docs f Yakima basin water plan S Ag & Natural R 01/16/2025 Warnick
SB 5305 Docs f Salmon recovery accelerator S Ag & Natural R 01/16/2025 Muzzall
SB 5317 Docs EFSEC/services by local gov. S Environment, E 01/16/2025 Goehner
SB 5323 Docs Theft from first responders S Law & Justice 01/17/2025 Warnick
SB 5328 Docs Earned wage access services S Business, Fin 01/17/2025 Lovick HB 1063(H ConsPro&Bus)
SB 5333 Docs Eluding & resisting arrest S Law & Justice 01/17/2025 Lovick HB 1378(H Community Safe)
SB 5343 Docs NE WA wolf-livestock account S Ag & Natural R 01/17/2025 Short
SB 5346 Docs Student mobile device use S EL/K-12 01/17/2025 Liias HB 1122(H Education)
SB 5354 Docs Gray wolf management S Ag & Natural R 01/17/2025 Short HB 1442(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5398 Docs Veterans w/ disabilities/tax S Ways & Means 01/21/2025 Conway
SB 5399 Docs Liquor licenses S Labor & Comm 01/21/2025 Schoesler
SB 5405 Docs Estate tax exclusion amount S Ways & Means 01/21/2025 Schoesler
SB 5406 Docs EV charging/state expense S State Gov/Trib 01/21/2025 Schoesler
SB 5410 Docs Veteran parking privileges S Transportation 01/22/2025 Braun HB 1371(H Transportation)
SB 5416 Docs Child care providers S EL/K-12 01/22/2025 Gildon
SB 5420 Docs Veteran benefits access S State Gov/Trib 01/22/2025 Lovick
SB 5424 Docs UW health sciences campus S Higher Ed & Wo 01/22/2025 Braun
SB 5430 Docs Utility wildfire mitigation S Environment, E 01/22/2025 Chapman HB 1522(H Env & Energy)
SB 5431 Docs Tax and revenue laws S Ways & Means 01/22/2025 Schoesler
SB 5434 Docs Gubernatorial emergencies S State Gov/Trib 01/22/2025 Wagoner
SB 5454 Docs Dairy inspection program S Ag & Natural R 01/23/2025 Chapman HB 1553(H Ag&Nr)
SB 5464 Docs CDL federal standards S Transportation 01/23/2025 King
SB 5483 Docs History & heritage education S EL/K-12 01/24/2025 McCune
SCR 8400 Docs Joint session/state of jud. S Held 01/13/2025 Riccelli
SCR 8401 Docs Legislature joint rules S Filed Sec/St 01/22/2025 Riccelli
SCR 8402 Docs Joint session/state of jud. S Filed Sec/St 01/22/2025 Riccelli
SJM 8003 Docs f I-82/Charles Frank Noble, Jr S Transportation 01/13/2025 Torres

Total Count: 93

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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