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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Goehner (2025-26)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
SB 5154 Docs County auditor duties S Loc Gov 01/13/2025 Goehner
SB 5317 Docs f# EFSEC/services by local gov. S Environment, E 01/16/2025 Goehner
SB 5467 Docs Water-sewer district surplus S Loc Gov 01/23/2025 Goehner
SB 5470 Docs f# Detached ADUs S Housing 01/23/2025 Goehner
SB 5471 Docs f# Middle housing S Housing 01/23/2025 Goehner HB 1840(H Housing)
SB 5524 Docs f# Donate life license plate S Transportation 01/27/2025 Goehner
SB 5558 Docs Growth management comp plans S Loc Gov 01/28/2025 Goehner
SB 5631 Docs Back country search & rescue S State Gov/Trib 02/03/2025 Goehner HB 1625(H Tech, Econ Dev)
SB 5659 Docs Housing shortage/local share S Housing 02/04/2025 Goehner
SB 5660 Docs Water & sewage system access S Loc Gov 02/04/2025 Goehner
SB 5661 Docs Landlord-tenant/preemption S Housing 02/04/2025 Goehner
SB 5699 Docs Intensive rural development S Loc Gov 02/07/2025 Goehner

Total Count: 12

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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