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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Leavitt (2025-26)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HB 1004 Docs f# Property tax exemption H Rules R 01/27/2025 Leavitt
HB 1046 Docs Motor vehicle damage/rescue S Law & Justice 01/31/2025 Leavitt
HB 1054 Docs # County ferry contracts H Passed 3rd 02/12/2025 Leavitt
HB 1073 Docs f National guard retention H Approps 01/22/2025 Leavitt
HB 1114 Docs f Respiratory care compact H APPDP 02/10/2025 Leavitt
HB 1133 Docs f#d Sexually violent predators H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Leavitt
HB 1158 Docs f# Community inclusion services H EL & Human Svc 01/13/2025 Leavitt SB 5428(S Human Services)
HB 1159 Docs Control. subst. endangerment H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Leavitt
HB 1169 Docs Fabricated depictions/minors H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Leavitt SB 5105(S subst for)
HB 1276 Docs Organized retail theft H Community Safe 01/14/2025 Leavitt
HB 1292 Docs fo Plan 1 retiree COLAs H Approps 01/14/2025 Leavitt SB 5113(S Ways & Means)
HB 1316 Docs f Postsecondary homelessness H Approps 01/15/2025 Leavitt
HB 1596 Docs f Speeding H Transportation 01/24/2025 Leavitt
HB 1717 Docs f# Affordable housing/sales tax H Finance 01/29/2025 Leavitt SB 5591(S Housing)
HR 4612 Docs Keri Rawlings Rooney H Adopted 02/04/2025 Leavitt
SHB 1136 Docs Student navigational support H Approps 01/31/2025 Leavitt
SHB 1162 Docs f# Health care work violence H Approps 01/24/2025 Leavitt SB 5162(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1201 Docs f# Emergency shelters/pets H Rules R 01/31/2025 Leavitt

Total Count: 18

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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