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Detailed Legislative Reports - Primary Sponsored Bills by Frame (2017-18)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
E2SHB 1561 Docs af Open educational resources C 268 L 18 PV 03/27/2018 Frame
HB 1302 Docs f# Wage violations, damages for H Rules R 02/02/2017 Frame
HB 1672 Docs f Prevailing wage law recovery C 242 L 18 03/23/2018 Frame SB 5491(S Rules X)
HB 1876 Docs f Exclusive adult jurisdiction H Erly Lrn/H Svc 02/01/2017 Frame SB 5519(S Human Svcs/Cor)
HB 2040 Docs Tenancy termination notices H Judiciary 02/08/2017 Frame SB 5408(S subst for)
HB 2059 Docs f# Washington investment trust H Bus & Fin Svcs 02/09/2017 Frame SB 5464(S Fin Inst/Ins)
HB 2135 Docs f Pipeline accident mitigation H Tech & Econ D 02/27/2017 Frame
HB 2145 Docs f Aerospace job incentives H Finance 03/10/2017 Frame
HB 2687 Docs f# Public defense funding H Approps 02/02/2018 Frame
HB 2932 Docs Juvenile offenses H Erly Lrn/H Svc 01/25/2018 Frame SB 6566(S subst for)
HR 4643 Docs Seattle Pacific University H Adopted 04/13/2017 Frame
SHB 1251 Docs f# Youth counsel/dependency H Approps 02/13/2017 Frame SB 5363(S Human Svcs/Cor)
SHB 1816 Docs fd Homeless youth info. sharing C 277 L 17 05/10/2017 Frame
SHB 1930 Docs Child custody H Judiciary 01/08/2018 Frame
SHB 2037 Docs f Higher ed. disability wk grp C 175 L 17 05/04/2017 Frame
SHB 2817 Docs f# Correctional officer OT H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Frame
SHB 2818 Docs Religious coordinator appt. H Rules 3C 03/08/2018 Frame
SHB 2895 Docs f# Exclusive adult jurisdiction H Rules C 02/19/2018 Frame

Total Count: 18

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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