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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Wylie (2025-26)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
HB 1042 Docs f# County treasurer costs H Finance 01/13/2025 Wylie
HB 1043 Docs f Commute trip reduction H Finance 01/13/2025 Wylie
HB 1044 Docs f# County REET admin. fees H Finance 02/04/2025 Wylie
HB 1244 Docs fd Driver training alternative H Transportation 01/13/2025 Wylie SB 5198(S Law & Justice)
HB 1251 Docs f# Report of death H HC/Wellness 01/13/2025 Wylie
HB 1341 Docs fo Medical cannabis database H Rules R 02/10/2025 Wylie SB 5700(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1384 Docs f Winery tax exemption H Finance 01/17/2025 Wylie SB 5054(S Ways & Means)
HB 1690 Docs f# Water and sewer systems H Local Govt 01/30/2025 Wylie
HB 1702 Docs Public utility tax, counties H Finance 01/29/2025 Wylie
HB 1841 Docs Art purchase program H Approps 02/05/2025 Wylie

Total Count: 10

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1102 Docs Veteran support and services H Finance 02/13/2025 Shavers
2SHB 1217 Docs Residential tenants H Rules R 02/13/2025 Alvarado SB 5222(S Housing)
ESHB 1149 Docs f# Cruelty to animals S Law & Justice 02/13/2025 Hackney SB 5376(S Law & Justice)
HB 1010 Docs Rural area ADUs H Housing 01/13/2025 Low
HB 1018 Docs fd Fusion energy facilities S Environment, E 02/07/2025 Shavers SB 5241(S Rules 2)
HB 1019 Docs f# Tax incentives for farmers H Finance 01/13/2025 Shavers
HB 1029 Docs f# 3D-printed buildings H Local Govt 01/13/2025 Shavers
HB 1032 Docs f School district elections H Education 01/13/2025 Stonier
HB 1040 Docs f# Rental income/property tax H Rules R 02/13/2025 Doglio
HB 1049 Docs f Sexual assault nurses H Approps 01/13/2025 Shavers
HB 1064 Docs o System improvement team H Rules R 02/10/2025 Abbarno SB 5034(H Cap Budget)
HB 1067 Docs f Cannabis/dept of agriculture H ConsPro&Bus 01/13/2025 Reeves
HB 1075 Docs Affordable housing financing S Housing 01/31/2025 Walen
HB 1077 Docs IUD pain control options H HC/Wellness 01/13/2025 Walen
HB 1082 Docs f Child care provider qualif. H EL & Human Svc 01/13/2025 Senn SB 5279(S EL/K-12)
HB 1090 Docs f Contraceptive coverage H 2nd Reading 02/11/2025 Alvarado SB 5498(S Health & Long-)
HB 1093 Docs Massage therapy coverage H HC/Wellness 01/13/2025 Kloba SB 5507(S Health & Long-)
HB 1103 Docs f Unwanted calls & texts H ConsPro&Bus 01/13/2025 Shavers
HB 1105 Docs f DOC employee bargaining H Approps 01/23/2025 Fosse SB 5433(S Ways & Means)
HB 1110 Docs f# DUI conviction vacation H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Ortiz-Self
HB 1115 Docs f# Recording fees/escrow tax H Finance 01/13/2025 Tharinger SB 5111(S Ways & Means)
HB 1120 Docs fo School staff salary alloc. H Approps 01/13/2025 Shavers SB 5517(S EL/K-12)
HB 1122 Docs Student mobile device use H Education 01/13/2025 McClintock SB 5346(S EL/K-12)
HB 1126 Docs f#d Local tax rate changes S Loc Gov 01/31/2025 Walen SB 5315(S Passed 3rd)
HB 1133 Docs f#d Sexually violent predators H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Leavitt
HB 1152 Docs f# Firearm storage H Rules R 02/04/2025 Doglio
HB 1158 Docs f# Community inclusion services H EL & Human Svc 01/13/2025 Leavitt SB 5428(S Human Services)
HB 1165 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 01/13/2025 Shavers
HB 1185 Docs f Correctional industries comm H Rules R 02/10/2025 Fosse
HB 1197 Docs d Operating budget, supp. H Approps 01/13/2025 Ormsby SB 5166(S Ways & Means)
HB 1199 Docs fo Insurance code violations H ConsPro&Bus 01/13/2025 Taylor SB 5331(S Business, Fin)
HB 1200 Docs f DD parental caregivers H EL & Human Svc 01/13/2025 Taylor SB 5211(S Ways & Means)
HB 1202 Docs d State gen. obligation bonds H Cap Budget 01/13/2025 Tharinger SB 5194(S Ways & Means)
HB 1204 Docs Senior shared housing H Rules R 02/03/2025 Eslick
HB 1215 Docs Natural death act/pregnancy H Passed 3rd 02/13/2025 Taylor SB 5096(S Law & Justice)
HB 1218 Docs e Competency eval. & restor. H Civil R & Judi 01/13/2025 Farivar
HB 1223 Docs f# Voter challenges H State Govt & T 01/13/2025 Doglio
HB 1226 Docs d Transportation budget, supp. H Transportation 01/13/2025 Fey SB 5160(S Transportation)
HB 1227 Docs d Transportation budget H Transportation 01/13/2025 Fey SB 5161(S Transportation)
HB 1239 Docs f Reentry readiness/DOC H Community Safe 01/13/2025 Doglio
HB 1257 Docs fo Special education services H Education 01/13/2025 Pollet SB 5253(S Ways & Means)
HB 1283 Docs f# Certificates of title H Transportation 01/14/2025 Low
HB 1298 Docs f Student athlete insurance H 2nd Reading 02/05/2025 Berg SB 5158(H Postsec Ed & W)
HB 1328 Docs f#d Clean energy development H Env & Energy 01/16/2025 Doglio SB 5359(S Environment, E)
HB 1333 Docs Pregnancy loss H Civil R & Judi 01/16/2025 Taylor SB 5093(S subst for)
HB 1338 Docs f School operating costs H Approps 01/16/2025 Berg
HB 1347 Docs f Cannabis testing labs H Rules R 02/13/2025 Reeves
HB 1355 Docs fd Tax compacts/capital invest. H Rules R 02/05/2025 Berg SB 5264(S Ways & Means)
HB 1357 Docs f Special education funding H Approps 01/17/2025 Stonier
HB 1383 Docs Baby products grant program H Approps 01/17/2025 Hill
HB 1385 Docs f#d Background checks H EL & Human Svc 01/21/2025 Taylor
HB 1393 Docs Commencement/cultural exp. H Education 01/20/2025 McEntire
HB 1445 Docs Washington health trust H HC/Wellness 01/21/2025 Parshley SB 5233(S Health & Long-)
HB 1449 Docs f# Home cultivation of cannabis H ConsPro&Bus 01/21/2025 Kloba
HB 1450 Docs Transition to kindergarten H Education 01/21/2025 Santos
HB 1459 Docs f# Child fatalities H Approps 02/04/2025 Bernbaum SB 5163(S Ways & Means)
HB 1463 Docs Cash assistance time limits H EL & Human Svc 01/21/2025 Cortes
HB 1464 Docs f Home equity sharing H ConsPro&Bus 01/21/2025 Hackney
HB 1467 Docs d Actuarial pension funding H Approps 01/21/2025 Fitzgibbon SB 5357(S Ways & Means)
HB 1534 Docs f# Tobacco, nicotine, and vapor H ConsPro&Bus 01/23/2025 Santos
HB 1569 Docs Tax exemptions H Approps 01/24/2025 Pollet
HB 1577 Docs Palliative care/volunteer H HC/Wellness 01/24/2025 Bernbaum
HB 1583 Docs f Traditional health/medicaid H HC/Wellness 01/24/2025 Lekanoff
HB 1774 Docs f# Lease of unused highway land H Transportation 02/03/2025 Fey
HB 1777 Docs Apprenticeship approval H Postsec Ed & W 02/03/2025 Schmidt
HB 1788 Docs Workers' compensation H Labor & Workpl 02/03/2025 Richards SB 5548(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1792 Docs o Nursing assistant regulation H HC/Wellness 02/03/2025 Obras SB 5051(H HC/Wellness)
HB 1793 Docs f#o Reports of fire losses H ConsPro&Bus 02/03/2025 Griffey SB 5419(S Business, Fin)
HB 1796 Docs School construction debt H Cap Budget 02/03/2025 Callan SB 5095(S Ways & Means)
HB 1805 Docs Children services/local tax H Finance 02/03/2025 Tharinger
HB 1807 Docs Catered events with alcohol H ConsPro&Bus 02/03/2025 Springer
HB 1811 Docs Crisis co-response H HC/Wellness 02/03/2025 Salahuddin
HB 1838 Docs f College grant/cert. programs H Approps 02/05/2025 Parshley
HB 1843 Docs f Students/unemployment ins. H Labor & Workpl 02/05/2025 Entenman SB 5540(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1848 Docs Traumatic brain injuries H EL & Human Svc 02/05/2025 Doglio
HB 1853 Docs Green community schoolyards H Education 02/05/2025 Abbarno
HB 1862 Docs Train length H Transportation 02/06/2025 Santos
HB 1881 Docs Health care marketplace H Civil R & Judi 02/07/2025 Taylor SB 5704(S Law & Justice)
HB 1888 Docs Naturopathic physician scope H HC/Wellness 02/07/2025 Berg
HB 1902 Docs Transp. project permitting H Transportation 02/07/2025 Richards
HB 1909 Docs f Court unification task force H Civil R & Judi 02/10/2025 Taylor
HB 1921 Docs Transportation revenue H Transportation 02/10/2025 Fey SB 5726(S Transportation)
HB 1940 Docs Cannabis industry H ConsPro&Bus 02/11/2025 Morgan
HB 1941 Docs Agricultural coops/cannabis H Ag&Nr 02/11/2025 Morgan
HB 1958 Docs d Interstate bridge toll bonds H Transportation 02/12/2025 Fey SB 5734(S Transportation)
HB 1965 Docs Bullion tax preference H Finance 02/13/2025 Ramel
HJM 4003 Docs Fossil fuel treaty H Env & Energy 01/28/2025 Street
HJR 4201 Docs f School district bonds H Education 01/13/2025 Stonier
HR 4602 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/20/2025 Jinkins
HR 4604 Docs Lunar New Year H Adopted 01/28/2025 Thai
HR 4611 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 01/29/2025 Jinkins
SHB 1066 Docs f Regulated substance use data S Labor & Comm 02/13/2025 Reeves
SHB 1096 Docs f# Lot splitting H Approps 01/29/2025 Barkis
SHB 1108 Docs Housing cost task force H Approps 01/27/2025 Klicker
SHB 1113 Docs f Misdemeanor dismissal H Rules R 02/13/2025 Farivar
SHB 1123 Docs o Health carrier reimbursement H Rules R 02/10/2025 Macri SB 5083(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1125 Docs f# Sentence modification H Approps 02/10/2025 Simmons SB 5269(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1128 Docs Child care workforce board H Approps 02/12/2025 Fosse SB 5062(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1129 Docs f Fertility-related services H Approps 01/28/2025 Stonier SB 5121(S Health & Long-)
SHB 1131 Docs f Clemency and pardons H Approps 01/27/2025 Goodman
SHB 1132 Docs f# Bulk firearm purchases H Rules R 02/04/2025 Farivar
SHB 1135 Docs Local government planning H LGDPS 02/12/2025 Duerr
SHB 1141 Docs f Ag. cannabis workers H Rules R 01/24/2025 Ortiz-Self SB 5468(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1163 Docs f# Firearm purchase H Approps 02/04/2025 Berry SB 5140(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1170 Docs AI content notices H Rules R 01/31/2025 Shavers
SHB 1175 Docs f# Small businesses/residential H Approps 01/29/2025 Klicker
SHB 1212 Docs Child care center siting H Approps 01/29/2025 Alvarado SB 5509(S Loc Gov)
SHB 1213 Docs Paid family & medical leave H Approps 02/12/2025 Berry SB 5539(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1232 Docs f# Private detention facilities H Approps 02/13/2025 Ortiz-Self
SHB 1243 Docs fd DSHS overpayments H Approps 01/29/2025 Simmons SB 5079(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1381 Docs f# Elections/language assist. H Approps 02/12/2025 Shavers
SHB 1388 Docs Mobile market programs H Rules R 02/04/2025 Bernbaum SB 5214(S subst for)
SHB 1394 Docs Hospital medical records H Rules R 02/11/2025 Parshley SB 5239(S subst for)
SHB 1395 Docs f Home care worker background H Rules R 02/06/2025 Farivar SB 5531(S Health & Long-)
SHB 1483 Docs Digital electronics/repair H Rules R 02/13/2025 Gregerson SB 5423(S Environment, E)

Total Count: 115

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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