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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Senn (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 2447 Docs f# Children and families H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn
E2SHB 1188 Docs af Child welfare services/DD C 345 L 23 05/09/2023 Senn
E2SHB 1368 Docs af Zero emission school buses C 345 L 24 03/28/2024 Senn SB 5431(S EL/K-12)
ESHB 1394 Docs f# Sexual offenses by youth C 150 L 23 04/20/2023 Senn SB 5543(S Human Services)
ESHB 2021 Docs f# Firearm disposition C 287 L 24 03/26/2024 Senn SB 6001(S Law & Justice)
HB 1195 Docs f# Weapons/parks & hospitals H Civil R & Judi 01/10/2023 Senn
HB 1199 Docs a Child care/communities C 203 L 23 05/01/2023 Senn
HB 1539 Docs f Private vocational licenses H Postsec Ed & W 01/24/2023 Senn
HB 2186 Docs f# Juv. deferred adjudications H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Senn
HR 4624 Docs Deborah Senn H Adopted 03/08/2023 Senn
HR 4642 Docs Holocaust remembrance day H Adopted 04/17/2023 Senn
HR 4655 Docs Dee Simon H Adopted 01/19/2024 Senn
SHB 1109 Docs f Special education funding H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn
SHB 1207 Docs af Harassment/schools C 242 L 23 05/04/2023 Senn
SHB 1451 Docs f Child care workforce H Approps 02/09/2023 Senn
SHB 1676 Docs f Special ed. early support H Approps 02/16/2023 Senn
SHB 1776 Docs Applied behavior analysis H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Senn
SHB 1916 Docs fd Infants and toddlers program C 284 L 24 03/26/2024 Senn SB 5933(S EL/K-12)
SHB 2015 Docs Adult family homes capacity C 147 L 24 PV 03/18/2024 Senn
SHB 2322 Docs f# Child care/tax preferences H Rules X 02/20/2024 Senn

Total Count: 20

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1205 Docs af# Service by pub./dependency C 312 L 24 03/28/2024 Taylor
2SHB 1229 Docs d Voter registration H Rules X 01/08/2024 Simmons SB 5112(S subst for)
2SHB 1278 Docs d Nonrelative kin placement H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ortiz-Self SB 5124(S subst for)
2SHB 1305 Docs f Students with disabilities H Rules X 02/20/2024 Pollet
2SHB 1389 Docs f Residential rent increases H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ramel SB 5435(S Housing)
2SHB 1405 Docs f Public benefit payments/DCYF H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Alvarado SB 5397(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1474 Docs af# Covenant homeownership prg. C 340 L 23 05/08/2023 Taylor SB 5496(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1525 Docs af Apprenticeships/child care C 294 L 23 05/04/2023 Fosse
2SHB 1550 Docs af Transition to kindergarten C 420 L 23 05/11/2023 Santos
2SHB 1580 Docs f# Children in crisis C 423 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 Callan
2SHB 1628 Docs Real estate excise tax H Rules X 01/08/2024 Chopp
2SHB 2124 Docs af Child care prg. eligibility C 282 L 24 03/26/2024 Eslick
2SHB 2320 Docs af High THC cannabis products C 360 L 24 03/29/2024 Davis SB 6220(S Ways & Means)
3SHB 1338 Docs DOC ed. and vocational prgs. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
E2SHB 1143 Docs af#e Firearms/purchase & transfer C 161 L 23 04/25/2023 Berry SB 5211(S Law & Justice)
E2SHB 1238 Docs afo Free school meals C 379 L 23 05/09/2023 Riccelli SB 5339(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1694 Docs af Home care workforce shortage C 424 L 23 05/11/2023 Alvarado
E2SHB 2245 Docs Co-response services H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Bronoske
EHB 1274 Docs f Child malnutrition guide C 70 L 23 04/13/2023 Couture
EHB 1324 Docs af# Prior juvenile offenses C 415 L 23 05/11/2023 Hackney SB 5475(S Law & Justice)
EHB 1714 Docs f Financial literacy grants H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stonier
ESHB 1155 Docs afd Consumer health data C 191 L 23 04/27/2023 Slatter SB 5351(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 1248 Docs af Pupil transportation C 313 L 24 03/28/2024 Stonier
ESHB 1260 Docs afd Work-limiting disability C 289 L 23 05/04/2023 Alvarado SB 5480(S Ways & Means)
ESHB 1329 Docs f#d Utility shutoffs/heat C 105 L 23 04/20/2023 Mena SB 5366(S Rules X)
ESHB 1340 Docs a Health professions/conduct C 192 L 23 04/27/2023 Riccelli SB 5400(S Health & Long)
ESHB 1424 Docs af# Dogs and cats/consumers C 208 L 23 05/01/2023 Berg
ESHB 1469 Docs f Health care services/access C 193 L 23 04/27/2023 Hansen SB 5489(S Rules X)
ESHB 1736 Docs af# Vehicle odometer readings Gov vetoed V 05/15/2023 Cortes
ESHB 1766 Docs af Protection orders/hope cards C 308 L 23 05/04/2023 Griffey
ESHB 1893 Docs f Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Doglio SB 5777(S Rules X)
ESHB 1957 Docs af Preventive service coverage C 314 L 24 03/28/2024 Riccelli
ESHB 2037 Docs Holocaust and genocide edu. H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Couture SB 5851(S Rules X)
ESHB 2114 Docs f# Residential tenants H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Alvarado SB 5961(S Housing)
ESHB 2115 Docs a Prescription labels/abortion C 257 L 24 03/26/2024 Thai SB 5960(S Rules X)
ESHB 2118 Docs af# Firearms dealers C 288 L 24 03/26/2024 Walen SB 6266(S Law & Justice)
ESHB 2256 Docs f Children behavioral health C 372 L 24 03/29/2024 Callan
ESHB 2494 Docs af School operating costs C 262 L 24 03/26/2024 Bergquist
HB 1002 Docs af# Hazing penalty C 196 L 23 05/01/2023 Leavitt
HB 1096 Docs Amateur sports officials H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Low SB 5731(S Law & Justice)
HB 1144 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Berry SB 5232(S Ways & Means)
HB 1145 Docs f Orca vessel protection H Ag&Nr 01/09/2023 Berry SB 5371(S subst for)
HB 1180 Docs d Firearms/assault weapons H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Peterson SB 5193(S Law & Justice)
HB 1206 Docs f#d Newspaper publishers/tax H Finance 01/10/2023 Pollet SB 5199(S subst for)
HB 1211 Docs d Special education funding H Approps 01/10/2023 Bergquist SB 5311(S subst for)
HB 1215 Docs fe Riparian areas H Ag&Nr 01/10/2023 Chapman SB 5266(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1230 Docs f School websites/drug info. C 173 L 23 04/25/2023 Callan
HB 1244 Docs f Enrichment levy authority H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramel SB 5692(S EL/K-12)
HB 1265 Docs f Adult family homes/prop. tax C 69 L 23 04/13/2023 Ramos SB 5302(S Rules X)
HB 1276 Docs f# Accessory dwelling units H Housing 01/12/2023 Pollet SB 5235(S subst for)
HB 1296 Docs f#e Local permit review H Approps 01/31/2023 Peterson SB 5290(S subst for)
HB 1309 Docs fd Contractor registration H Rules X 01/08/2024 Fosse SB 5088(C 88 L 23)
HB 1345 Docs afd DOC/costs of privileges C 177 L 23 04/25/2023 Farivar
HB 1348 Docs f Behavioral health support H HC/Wellness 01/16/2023 Callan SB 5189(S subst for)
HB 1350 Docs f# Multifamily unit conversion H Housing 01/16/2023 Walen
HB 1353 Docs School district elections H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HB 1354 Docs f School volunteers/conviction H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HB 1400 Docs Property exempt from exec. H Civil R & Judi 01/18/2023 Peterson SB 5173(S subst for)
HB 1407 Docs f Dev. disability/eligibility C 207 L 23 05/01/2023 Taylor
HB 1410 Docs Hate crimes & bias incidents H Civil R & Judi 01/18/2023 Hansen SB 5427(S subst for)
HB 1418 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment H Approps 01/18/2023 Springer SB 5442(S EL/K-12)
HB 1432 Docs f# Juvenile justice H Human Svc, You 01/18/2023 Farivar SB 5474(S Ways & Means)
HB 1473 Docs f# Wealth/property tax H Finance 01/20/2023 Thai SB 5486(S Ways & Means)
HB 1481 Docs f Tribal peace officers/LEOFF C 77 L 23 04/13/2023 Cortes
HB 1482 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 01/20/2023 Orcutt
HB 1497 Docs f# Vapor and tobacco/minors H Reg Subst & Ga 01/23/2023 Harris
HB 1511 Docs f Income/child care programs H Approps 02/14/2023 Reeves
HB 1556 Docs f# Property tax rebates H Finance 01/24/2023 Berg SB 5495(S Ways & Means)
HB 1560 Docs f# Property tax exemptions H Finance 01/24/2023 Shavers
HB 1575 Docs f# Cultural access programs/tax C 179 L 23 04/25/2023 Reed SB 5612(S Loc Gov, Land)
HB 1583 Docs f Certified peer specialists H HC/Wellness 01/25/2023 Eslick
HB 1585 Docs f# Local infra. project areas H Finance 02/14/2023 Cortes
HB 1622 Docs af Students/homelessness C 386 L 23 05/09/2023 Fey
HB 1626 Docs f Colorectal screening tests C 299 L 23 05/04/2023 Bronoske
HB 1627 Docs Family vlogs H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Reeves
HB 1629 Docs Firearm transfers to museums H Civil R & Judi 01/26/2023 Wylie SB 5436(S subst for)
HB 1640 Docs f Pardons and commutations H Rules X 02/20/2024 Street
HB 1642 Docs f Cannabis concentrates H Reg Subst & Ga 01/27/2023 Davis
HB 1643 Docs f Nurse student loan repayment H Postsec Ed & W 01/27/2023 Riccelli SB 5498(S Ways & Means)
HB 1670 Docs f# Property tax limit factor H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ormsby
HB 1695 Docs Surplus property/housing C 301 L 23 05/04/2023 Alvarado SB 5674(S Rules X)
HB 1750 Docs f Water safety education C 181 L 23 04/25/2023 Berg
HB 1759 Docs Chinese American month H State Govt & T 02/06/2023 Santos
HB 1760 Docs Disability/civil actions H Civil R & Judi 02/06/2023 Barnard
HB 1763 Docs f Conditional scholarships C 159 L 23 04/20/2023 Eslick
HB 1769 Docs Juvenile records H Human Svc, You 02/06/2023 Cortes SB 5644(S Human Services)
HB 1772 Docs f Tetrahydrocannabinol & alc. C 217 L 23 05/01/2023 Waters
HB 1795 Docs f Estate tax H Finance 02/08/2023 Street
HB 1843 Docs f School district elections H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HB 1854 Docs f DOC/abortion medications H Approps 04/05/2023 Bateman SB 5768(C 195 L 23)
HB 1885 Docs f Campaign finance/foreign H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Mena SB 5832(S State Govt & E)
HB 1897 Docs f Charter schools/enrichment H Approps 01/08/2024 Springer SB 5809(S Ways & Means)
HB 1902 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Berry SB 6004(S Law & Justice)
HB 1946 Docs f Behav. health scholarship C 369 L 24 03/29/2024 Eslick
HB 1969 Docs fd Individual providers/family H Rules X 02/20/2024 Alvarado SB 5811(C 322 L 24)
HB 2004 Docs f Military student early reg. C 89 L 24 03/14/2024 McEntire
HB 2016 Docs Minors/contracts for housing H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 McClintock
HB 2044 Docs f# Voter-approved property tax C 114 L 24 03/15/2024 Duerr
HB 2054 Docs f# Firearm bulk purchases H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Farivar
HB 2059 Docs f Sale of halal foods H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stearns SB 5799(C 245 L 24)
HB 2092 Docs f School construction funding H Cap Budget 01/08/2024 Callan
HB 2094 Docs Gift certificates H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Alvarado
HB 2095 Docs f Gift certificates/unclaimed H Finance 01/08/2024 Alvarado SB 5988(S Ways & Means)
HB 2101 Docs f Child care licensing fees H Approps 01/17/2024 Rule
HB 2111 Docs f Subsidized child care C 67 L 24 03/13/2024 Nance SB 5941(S Rules X)
HB 2116 Docs f Pharmacist prescriptive auth H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Thai SB 6019(S Health & Long)
HB 2145 Docs f Health plans/mental health H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Simmons
HB 2209 Docs f Lunar new year C 76 L 24 03/13/2024 Thai
HB 2215 Docs f#o Enrichment levies limit H Approps 01/09/2024 Slatter
HB 2240 Docs Void covenant redaction H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2024 Taylor
HB 2244 Docs fd Retirement savings H ConsPro&Bus 01/09/2024 Reeves SB 6069(S subst for)
HB 2278 Docs fd Capital gains tax H Finance 01/10/2024 Thai SB 6248(S Ways & Means)
HB 2407 Docs f# Child welfare workers H Rules X 02/20/2024 Couture
HB 2468 Docs # Child care facility siting H Local Govt 01/23/2024 Jacobsen
HB 2492 Docs f Ferries 75 commission H Transportation 02/01/2024 Nance
HB 2497 Docs f Ferries 75 work group H Transportation 02/10/2024 Nance
HCR 4402 Docs f Jennifer Belcher Building H Rules X 02/20/2024 Doglio
HJM 4004 Docs DC statehood H State Govt & T 01/10/2024 Street
HJR 4201 Docs e Reproductive freedom H HC/Wellness 01/11/2023 Gregerson SJR 8202(S Rules X)
HJR 4203 Docs School district bonds H Education 01/16/2023 Stonier
HJR 4207 Docs f School district bond voting H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HJR 4208 Docs Gendered terms/Constitution H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Ramos
HR 4602 Docs Jamie Walsh H Adopted 01/12/2023 Jinkins
HR 4603 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4605 Docs Presidents' Day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4610 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 02/01/2023 Jinkins
HR 4615 Docs Japanese American internment H Adopted 02/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4616 Docs Children's day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4619 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/27/2023 Hackney
HR 4629 Docs Nowruz H Adopted 03/24/2023 Farivar
HR 4632 Docs Developmental disabilities H Adopted 03/30/2023 Taylor
HR 4633 Docs Rep. Jim Moeller H Adopted 03/31/2023 Stonier
HR 4644 Docs Office of Program Research H Adopted 04/21/2023 Jinkins
HR 4653 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/15/2024 Jinkins
HR 4660 Docs Lunar New Year H Adopted 02/05/2024 Thai
HR 4661 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 01/24/2024 Jinkins
HR 4665 Docs Taiwan and Washington H Adopted 02/01/2024 Walen
HR 4667 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/15/2024 Donaghy
HR 4671 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/19/2024 Jinkins
HR 4672 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII H Adopted 02/19/2024 Shavers
HR 4674 Docs Derek Kilmer H Adopted 02/20/2024 Jinkins
HR 4678 Docs Nowruz H Adopted 02/26/2024 Farivar
HR 4683 Docs Girl Scouts H Adopted 02/26/2024 Taylor
HR 4697 Docs Maureen Mueller H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4698 Docs Patty Moore H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4699 Docs Lisa Fenton H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4700 Docs Joel Kretz H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4701 Docs J.T. Wilcox H Adopted 03/07/2024 Jinkins
SHB 1045 Docs f# Basic income pilot program H Approps 01/26/2023 Berry
SHB 1069 Docs f Mental health counselor comp C 58 L 23 04/13/2023 Leavitt
SHB 1077 Docs Courthouse facility dogs C 59 L 23 04/13/2023 Thai
SHB 1087 Docs f# Solitary confinement H Approps 01/23/2023 Peterson SB 5135(S Human Services)
SHB 1094 Docs fd Future fund program H Approps 01/31/2023 Stonier SB 5125(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1098 Docs Clergy/child abuse reporting H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Walen SB 5280(S Human Services)
SHB 1236 Docs f# Clean fuel/public transport. C 234 L 23 05/03/2023 Hackney
SHB 1240 Docs af#d Firearms/assault weapons C 162 L 23 04/25/2023 Peterson SB 5265(S Law & Justice)
SHB 1281 Docs Death with dignity act H Rules X 01/08/2024 Rude SB 5179(S subst for)
SHB 1292 Docs d FBI criminal history records H Rules X 01/08/2024 Goodman SB 5252(C 223 L 23)
SHB 1313 Docs Health care afford./medicare H Approps 02/07/2023 Farivar SB 5492(S Health & Long)
SHB 1323 Docs f Fire-resistant materials C 145 L 23 04/20/2023 Bronoske SB 5253(S Labor & Comm)
SHB 1326 Docs a# Utility connection charges C 249 L 23 05/04/2023 Cortes
SHB 1333 Docs Domestic violent extremism H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ramos
SHB 1355 Docs f# Property tax exemptions C 147 L 23 04/20/2023 Wylie
SHB 1406 Docs f Youth seeking housing assist C 151 L 23 04/20/2023 Cortes
SHB 1516 Docs f# Lunar new year H Approps 02/17/2023 Thai
SHB 1621 Docs af# Local government procurement C 255 L 23 05/04/2023 Ryu
SHB 1701 Docs af Institutional ed. programs C 303 L 23 05/04/2023 Callan
SHB 1756 Docs f# Energy/tax C 427 L 23 05/11/2023 Ramel
SHB 1761 Docs Property tax exemption H Rules X 02/20/2024 Christian
SHB 1784 Docs Hunger relief C 63 L 23 04/13/2023 Gregerson
SHB 1889 Docs f Professionals/immigration C 50 L 24 03/13/2024 Walen
SHB 1903 Docs a Lost or stolen firearms C 286 L 24 03/26/2024 Berry
SHB 1905 Docs f Equal pay/protected classes C 353 L 24 03/28/2024 Mena SB 5894(S Rules X)
SHB 1915 Docs Financial education H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Rude SB 5819(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1945 Docs af Food assistance access C 225 L 24 03/25/2024 Alvarado
SHB 1960 Docs Prototypical school staffing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Stonier SB 5882(S subst for)
SHB 2007 Docs af Cash assistance time limits C 181 L 24 03/19/2024 Peterson
SHB 2138 Docs f Outdoor learning/state parks H Approps 01/29/2024 Rule
SHB 2184 Docs f DD parental caregivers H Approps 01/23/2024 Taylor SB 6267(S Human Services)
SHB 2185 Docs DCYF oversight board H Approps 01/29/2024 Dent
SHB 2195 Docs af Early learning facilities C 230 L 24 03/25/2024 Callan
SHB 2217 Docs f# Juvenile criminal offenses C 117 L 24 03/15/2024 Cortes
SHB 2267 Docs Commencement/cultural exp. H Rules X 02/20/2024 McEntire
SHB 2276 Docs f Housing/taxes H Rules R 02/26/2024 Berg SB 6191(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2283 Docs f Shared leave/disasters H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Volz SB 6124(S State Govt & E)
SHB 2368 Docs f# Refugee & immigrant assist. C 153 L 24 03/18/2024 Gregerson

Total Count: 186

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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