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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Tharinger (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESHB 1148 Docs d State gen. obligation bonds C 473 L 23 05/16/2023 Tharinger SB 5201(S Rules X)
HB 1018 Docs f Hog fuel/tax exemption C 341 L 23 05/09/2023 Tharinger SB 5030(S Ways & Means)
HB 1149 Docs fd Housing/capital expenditures H Cap Budget 01/09/2023 Tharinger SB 5202(S Ways & Means)
HB 1571 Docs f Nursing facility rates H Approps 01/25/2023 Tharinger SB 5526(S Ways & Means)
HB 1662 Docs f# Sole community hospitals H Approps 01/30/2023 Tharinger
HB 1907 Docs f# Medical assistant-EMT cert. H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5940(S subst for)
HB 2378 Docs f# Health care facility fees H HC/Wellness 01/15/2024 Tharinger
SHB 1147 Docs d Capital budget H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5200(S subst for)
SHB 1267 Docs af# Rural public facilities/tax C 411 L 23 05/11/2023 Tharinger SB 5613(S Ways & Means)
SHB 1306 Docs Public works procurement H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5268(S subst for)
SHB 1709 Docs d Commerce housing programs H Rules X 01/08/2024 Tharinger SB 5301(S subst for)
SHB 1818 Docs f# Forestland/compensating tax C 109 L 24 03/15/2024 Tharinger
SHB 2089 Docs d Capital budget, supplemental H Rules R 02/26/2024 Tharinger SB 5949(S subst for)

Total Count: 13

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2E2SHB 1541 Docs f Lived experience C 283 L 24 03/26/2024 Farivar SB 5616(S State Govt & E)
2ESHB 1362 Docs fd Reports H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Stearns
2ESHB 1508 Docs f Health care cost board C 80 L 24 03/14/2024 Macri SB 5519(S Health & Long)
2SHB 1013 Docs f Regional apprenticeship prgs C 128 L 23 04/20/2023 Maycumber
2SHB 1032 Docs f# Wildfires/electric utilities C 132 L 23 04/20/2023 Dent SB 5039(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1176 Docs fe Climate-ready communities C 231 L 23 05/03/2023 Slatter SB 5247(S Ways & Means)
2SHB 1491 Docs af Employee personal vehicles C 252 L 23 05/04/2023 Orcutt
2SHB 1724 Docs af Behavioral health workforce C 425 L 23 05/11/2023 Bateman
2SHB 1746 Docs f# State broadband map H Rules X 01/08/2024 Ryu SB 5718(S Environment, E)
2SHB 2113 Docs GMA housing element H Rules X 02/20/2024 Bateman
2SHB 2124 Docs af Child care prg. eligibility C 282 L 24 03/26/2024 Eslick
2SHB 2270 Docs Department of housing H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Morgan
3SHB 1338 Docs DOC ed. and vocational prgs. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Reeves
E2SHB 1167 Docs f# Residential housing H Housing 01/08/2024 Duerr
E2SHB 1181 Docs af#e Climate change/planning C 228 L 23 05/03/2023 Duerr SB 5203(S Ways & Means)
E2SHB 1515 Docs af# Behavioral health contracts C 292 L 23 05/04/2023 Macri
E2SHB 1694 Docs af Home care workforce shortage C 424 L 23 05/11/2023 Alvarado
EHB 1086 Docs a Community org. contracts C 238 L 23 05/04/2023 Shavers
EHB 1337 Docs af# Accessory dwelling units C 334 L 23 PV 05/08/2023 Gregerson
EHB 1846 Docs af Ferry vessel procurement C 429 L 23 PV 05/11/2023 Fey SB 5760(S Transportation)
ESHB 1042 Docs af# Use of existing buildings C 285 L 23 05/04/2023 Walen
ESHB 1073 Docs f Medical assistants C 134 L 23 04/20/2023 Harris
ESHB 1235 Docs f WDFW licensing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chapman
ESHB 1329 Docs f#d Utility shutoffs/heat C 105 L 23 04/20/2023 Mena SB 5366(S Rules X)
ESHB 1340 Docs a Health professions/conduct C 192 L 23 04/27/2023 Riccelli SB 5400(S Health & Long)
ESHB 1469 Docs f Health care services/access C 193 L 23 04/27/2023 Hansen SB 5489(S Rules X)
ESHB 1568 Docs f Long-term care professionals H Rules X 01/08/2024 Chambers
ESHB 1678 Docs f Dental therapists C 460 L 23 05/15/2023 Riccelli
ESHB 1835 Docs Frontier counties C 47 L 24 03/13/2024 Kretz
ESHB 1862 Docs f# Disabled veteran assist./tax C 141 L 24 03/18/2024 Leavitt
ESHB 1893 Docs f Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Doglio SB 5777(S Rules X)
HB 1017 Docs f Cosmetologists, etc/licenses C 55 L 23 04/13/2023 Ryu SB 5307(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1027 Docs f Audio-only telemedicine H Rules X 01/08/2024 Riccelli SB 5036(C 8 L 23)
HB 1035 Docs f Health care restrictions H HC/Wellness 01/09/2023 Walen
HB 1128 Docs fd Personal needs allowance C 201 L 23 05/01/2023 Bateman SB 5183(S Ways & Means)
HB 1130 Docs d Firearm industry duties H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Hackney SB 5078(S subst for)
HB 1135 Docs f# Impact fee use H Rules X 01/08/2024 Slatter SB 5452(C 121 L 23)
HB 1156 Docs fo College grant eligibility H Approps 01/20/2023 Slatter SB 5711(S Rules X)
HB 1158 Docs f# Advisory votes H State Govt & T 01/09/2023 Walen SB 5082(S subst for)
HB 1162 Docs Controlled substances H Community Safe 01/09/2023 Graham
HB 1180 Docs d Firearms/assault weapons H Civil R & Judi 01/09/2023 Peterson SB 5193(S Law & Justice)
HB 1195 Docs f# Weapons/parks & hospitals H Civil R & Judi 01/10/2023 Senn
HB 1199 Docs a Child care/communities C 203 L 23 05/01/2023 Senn
HB 1215 Docs fe Riparian areas H Ag&Nr 01/10/2023 Chapman SB 5266(S Ag/Water/Natur)
HB 1218 Docs fd Caseload forecast/tax credit C 244 L 23 05/04/2023 Bergquist SB 5285(S Rules X)
HB 1225 Docs f#d Hatchery maint. permitting H Env & Energy 01/11/2023 Chapman
HB 1230 Docs f School websites/drug info. C 173 L 23 04/25/2023 Callan
HB 1232 Docs f College bound scholarship C 174 L 23 04/25/2023 Bergquist
HB 1252 Docs f# Impact fee deferrals H Housing 01/08/2024 Bateman
HB 1276 Docs f# Accessory dwelling units H Housing 01/12/2023 Pollet SB 5235(S subst for)
HB 1279 Docs f# Firefighters/LEOFF H Approps 01/12/2023 Griffey SB 5468(S Rules X)
HB 1286 Docs f# Reprod. health/employers H Labor & Workpl 01/13/2023 Berry SB 5260(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1296 Docs f#e Local permit review H Approps 01/31/2023 Peterson SB 5290(S subst for)
HB 1308 Docs afo Graduation pathway options C 349 L 23 05/09/2023 Stonier
HB 1348 Docs f Behavioral health support H HC/Wellness 01/16/2023 Callan SB 5189(S subst for)
HB 1398 Docs Economic development info. H Labor & Workpl 01/18/2023 Chapman
HB 1401 Docs f# Housing permit process H Housing 01/08/2024 Jacobsen
HB 1465 Docs f Prescription cost-sharing H HC/Wellness 01/20/2023 Riccelli SB 5445(S Health & Long)
HB 1473 Docs f# Wealth/property tax H Finance 01/20/2023 Thai SB 5486(S Ways & Means)
HB 1505 Docs f Alternative jet fuel H Env & Energy 01/23/2023 Slatter SB 5447(S subst for)
HB 1517 Docs f#e Transit-oriented development H Housing 01/23/2023 Reed SB 5466(S subst for)
HB 1519 Docs f# Local project review H Rules X 01/08/2024 Barkis
HB 1539 Docs f Private vocational licenses H Postsec Ed & W 01/24/2023 Senn
HB 1544 Docs f# Shoreline program review C 80 L 23 04/13/2023 Alvarado SB 5159(S Rules X)
HB 1597 Docs Public records act requests H State Govt & T 01/26/2023 Springer SB 5571(S State Govt & E)
HB 1603 Docs fd Agricultural products promo. H Ag&Nr 01/26/2023 Morgan
HB 1623 Docs f Regional economic dev. H Approps 02/07/2023 Volz
HB 1713 Docs f Health care/rural areas H HC/Wellness 02/01/2023 Maycumber
HB 1740 Docs f Forestry riparian easements H Cap Budget 02/17/2023 Orcutt SB 5667(S subst for)
HB 1750 Docs f Water safety education C 181 L 23 04/25/2023 Berg
HB 1843 Docs f School district elections H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HB 1854 Docs f DOC/abortion medications H Approps 04/05/2023 Bateman SB 5768(C 195 L 23)
HB 1879 Docs f Tribal curriculum/John McCoy C 200 L 24 03/19/2024 Lekanoff
HB 1884 Docs f Cancer drugs coverage H HC/Wellness 01/08/2024 Harris SB 5814(S Health & Long)
HB 1890 Docs # Housing authorities C 12 L 24 03/07/2024 Alvarado SB 5807(S Rules X)
HB 1895 Docs fd Working families' tax credit C 3 L 24 02/28/2024 Thai SB 5839(S Ways & Means)
HB 1902 Docs f# Firearms/purchase & transfer H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Berry SB 6004(S Law & Justice)
HB 1908 Docs f Utility project assistance H Env & Energy 01/08/2024 Barnard
HB 1917 Docs f Physician assistant compact C 53 L 24 03/13/2024 Leavitt
HB 1982 Docs f# Broadband loans & grants C 86 L 24 03/14/2024 Waters
HB 1987 Docs f# Public facilities tax use C 58 L 24 03/13/2024 Low
HB 2046 Docs f Child care alternative reqs. H Human Svc, You 01/08/2024 Dent
HB 2058 Docs Free school meals H Approps 01/22/2024 Riccelli SB 5964(S EL/K-12)
HB 2087 Docs f Apprenticeship objections H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Schmidt
HB 2101 Docs f Child care licensing fees H Approps 01/17/2024 Rule
HB 2105 Docs f Instream resources H Ag&Nr 01/08/2024 Fitzgibbon
HB 2111 Docs f Subsidized child care C 67 L 24 03/13/2024 Nance SB 5941(S Rules X)
HB 2119 Docs f# Medical debt garnishment H Civil R & Judi 01/08/2024 Riccelli
HB 2123 Docs Running start for the trades H Education 01/08/2024 Orwall
HB 2126 Docs f# Rural area ADUs H Rules X 02/20/2024 Low
HB 2149 Docs f Consumer personal info. H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Reeves
HB 2150 Docs Candidate disqualification H State Govt & T 01/08/2024 Reeves
HB 2159 Docs Journey level electricians H Labor & Workpl 01/08/2024 Eslick
HB 2218 Docs f Extended foster care H Human Svc, You 01/09/2024 Cortes SB 5908(S subst for)
HB 2253 Docs f# Community solar H Env & Energy 01/09/2024 Hackney SB 6113(S Environment, E)
HB 2263 Docs f Assisted living facilities H HC/Wellness 01/10/2024 Stonier
HB 2280 Docs o Student mental health net. H Education 01/10/2024 Rule SB 6216(S Ways & Means)
HB 2299 Docs fd DNR trust asset leasing H Cap Budget 01/11/2024 Street SB 6062(S Rules X)
HB 2310 Docs f State park heritage center H Cap Budget 01/11/2024 McEntire
HB 2351 Docs Essential worker health care H HC/Wellness 01/12/2024 Riccelli
HB 2374 Docs f Washington promise program H Postsec Ed & W 01/15/2024 Pollet
HB 2375 Docs f# Senior property tax ex./ADUs C 119 L 24 03/15/2024 Goehner
HB 2445 Docs f Leasing/state parks comm. H Rules X 02/20/2024 Ryu
HB 2497 Docs f Ferries 75 work group H Transportation 02/10/2024 Nance
HJR 4201 Docs e Reproductive freedom H HC/Wellness 01/11/2023 Gregerson SJR 8202(S Rules X)
HJR 4207 Docs f School district bond voting H Education 02/23/2023 Harris
HR 4602 Docs Jamie Walsh H Adopted 01/12/2023 Jinkins
HR 4603 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4605 Docs Presidents' Day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4610 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 02/01/2023 Jinkins
HR 4615 Docs Japanese American internment H Adopted 02/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4616 Docs Children's day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4619 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/27/2023 Hackney
HR 4621 Docs Bill Russell H Adopted 04/06/2023 Riccelli
HR 4628 Docs Feast of Saint Patrick H Adopted 03/17/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4633 Docs Rep. Jim Moeller H Adopted 03/31/2023 Stonier
HR 4634 Docs Curtis H.S. basketball team H Adopted 04/12/2023 Leavitt
HR 4635 Docs Curtis H.S. bowling team H Adopted 04/12/2023 Leavitt
HR 4644 Docs Office of Program Research H Adopted 04/21/2023 Jinkins
HR 4653 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/15/2024 Jinkins
HR 4661 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 01/24/2024 Jinkins
HR 4667 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/15/2024 Donaghy
HR 4671 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/19/2024 Jinkins
HR 4672 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII H Adopted 02/19/2024 Shavers
HR 4674 Docs Derek Kilmer H Adopted 02/20/2024 Jinkins
HR 4697 Docs Maureen Mueller H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4698 Docs Patty Moore H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4699 Docs Lisa Fenton H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4700 Docs Joel Kretz H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4701 Docs J.T. Wilcox H Adopted 03/07/2024 Jinkins
SHB 1015 Docs fo Paraeducator requirements C 19 L 23 04/06/2023 Santos SB 5264(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1026 Docs Local gov. design review H Housing 01/08/2024 Walen
SHB 1069 Docs f Mental health counselor comp C 58 L 23 04/13/2023 Leavitt
SHB 1129 Docs Mobile home community sales H Rules X 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 5198(S subst for)
SHB 1133 Docs Detached ADUs H Housing 01/08/2024 Chapman SB 5357(S Loc Gov, Land)
SHB 1231 Docs Site readiness grants H Rules X 01/08/2024 Berg SB 5229(S subst for)
SHB 1281 Docs Death with dignity act H Rules X 01/08/2024 Rude SB 5179(S subst for)
SHB 1313 Docs Health care afford./medicare H Approps 02/07/2023 Farivar SB 5492(S Health & Long)
SHB 1351 Docs Minimum parking requirements H Local Govt 01/08/2024 Reed SB 5456(S Loc Gov, Land)
SHB 1431 Docs f# Senior living meals/tax C 416 L 23 05/11/2023 Timmons
SHB 1711 Docs af# Internet projects/tribes C 355 L 23 05/09/2023 Chapman SB 5689(S Rules X)
SHB 1725 Docs Insulin/access under 21 H Approps 02/17/2023 Maycumber
SHB 1850 Docs f# Hospital safety net program C 430 L 23 05/11/2023 Macri SB 5764(S Rules X)
SHB 1903 Docs a Lost or stolen firearms C 286 L 24 03/26/2024 Berry
SHB 1912 Docs f Economic development info. H Approps 01/22/2024 Chapman SB 5817(S Business, Fin)
SHB 1915 Docs Financial education H Rules 3C 03/07/2024 Rude SB 5819(S EL/K-12)
SHB 1919 Docs # Private moorage/abandonment C 110 L 24 03/15/2024 Bronoske
SHB 1945 Docs af Food assistance access C 225 L 24 03/25/2024 Alvarado
SHB 1959 Docs f PFML/small employers H Approps 01/30/2024 Walen
SHB 2015 Docs Adult family homes capacity C 147 L 24 PV 03/18/2024 Senn
SHB 2082 Docs f Electrical transmission H Approps 01/26/2024 Fosse
SHB 2185 Docs DCYF oversight board H Approps 01/29/2024 Dent
SHB 2276 Docs f Housing/taxes H Rules R 02/26/2024 Berg SB 6191(S Ways & Means)
SHB 2295 Docs af# Hospital at-home services C 259 L 24 PV 03/26/2024 Bateman SB 6101(S subst for)

Total Count: 154

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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