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Detailed Legislative Reports - All Bills Sponsored by Kretz (2023-24)

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Primary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
ESHB 1835 Docs Frontier counties C 47 L 24 03/13/2024 Kretz
HB 1680 Docs Rural library districts H Finance 01/31/2023 Kretz
HB 2423 Docs f# Gray wolf management H Ag&Nr 01/18/2024 Kretz
HR 4659 Docs Victims of stalking H Adopted 01/19/2024 Kretz
SHB 1698 Docs f# Gray wolf management H Approps 02/17/2023 Kretz
SHB 1699 Docs f Fish & wildlife salaries H Approps 02/16/2023 Kretz
SHB 1700 Docs a Eastern Washington landscape C 302 L 23 05/04/2023 Kretz
SHB 2424 Docs a State-tribe coop./wildlife C 260 L 24 03/26/2024 Kretz

Total Count: 8

Secondary Bills

Bill Docs Flags Title Status Veto Date Original Sponsor Companion Bills
2SHB 1013 Docs f Regional apprenticeship prgs C 128 L 23 04/20/2023 Maycumber
2SHB 1578 Docs ad Wildland fire safety C 385 L 23 05/09/2023 Springer SB 5611(S Ag/Water/Natur)
E2SHB 1392 Docs f Electronics repair H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 5464(S Environment, E)
ESHB 1235 Docs f WDFW licensing H Rules X 02/20/2024 Chapman
HB 1191 Docs f Cooperative finance org. B&O H Rules X 01/08/2024 Springer SB 5166(C 317 L 23)
HB 1253 Docs f Pharmacy benefit managers H HC/Wellness 01/12/2023 Stonier SB 5213(S subst for)
HB 1523 Docs Agricultural overtime H Labor & Workpl 01/23/2023 Goehner SB 5476(S Labor & Comm)
HB 1543 Docs f# Horse program/Coyote Ridge H Rules X 01/08/2024 Dye
HB 1603 Docs fd Agricultural products promo. H Ag&Nr 01/26/2023 Morgan
HB 1713 Docs f Health care/rural areas H HC/Wellness 02/01/2023 Maycumber
HB 1737 Docs f Reconciliation account H Rules X 02/20/2024 Morgan
HB 1740 Docs f Forestry riparian easements H Cap Budget 02/17/2023 Orcutt SB 5667(S subst for)
HB 1933 Docs f Digital electronics/repair H ConsPro&Bus 01/08/2024 Gregerson SB 6276(S Environment, E)
HB 2286 Docs f# Salmon rec. capital grants H Cap Budget 01/31/2024 Wilcox
HB 2289 Docs f# Salmon recovery projects/tax H Finance 01/10/2024 Wilcox
HB 2290 Docs f# Untreated sewage discharges H Env & Energy 01/10/2024 Dye
HB 2292 Docs Hatchery improvement H Ag&Nr 01/10/2024 Dent
HB 2294 Docs Salmon recovery account H Approps 01/10/2024 Wilcox
HB 2439 Docs Personal income taxes H Finance 01/19/2024 Volz
HCR 4400 Docs Joint session/state of state H Filed Sec/St 01/10/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4401 Docs Legislature joint rules H Filed Sec/St 01/10/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4403 Docs Bills/to house of origin H Filed Sec/St 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HCR 4404 Docs Adjourning SINE DIE H Rules R 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4600 Docs House organized, ready H Adopted 01/09/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4601 Docs Temporary rules H Adopted 01/09/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4602 Docs Jamie Walsh H Adopted 01/12/2023 Jinkins
HR 4603 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4605 Docs Presidents' Day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4610 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 02/01/2023 Jinkins
HR 4615 Docs Japanese American internment H Adopted 02/16/2023 Jinkins
HR 4616 Docs Children's day H Adopted 02/20/2023 Jinkins
HR 4617 Docs House rules, permanent H Adopted 02/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4619 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/27/2023 Hackney
HR 4626 Docs Survivors of crimes H Adopted 03/10/2023 Graham
HR 4644 Docs Office of Program Research H Adopted 04/21/2023 Jinkins
HR 4646 Docs Aeronautics and military H Adopted 04/19/2023 Wilcox
HR 4650 Docs House/interim periods H Adopted 04/23/2023 Fitzgibbon
HR 4653 Docs Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. H Adopted 01/15/2024 Jinkins
HR 4661 Docs Washington National Guard H Adopted 01/24/2024 Jinkins
HR 4667 Docs Black history month H Adopted 02/15/2024 Donaghy
HR 4671 Docs Presidents' day H Adopted 02/19/2024 Jinkins
HR 4672 Docs Japanese-Americans/WWII H Adopted 02/19/2024 Shavers
HR 4697 Docs Maureen Mueller H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4698 Docs Patty Moore H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4699 Docs Lisa Fenton H Adopted 03/06/2024 Jinkins
HR 4701 Docs J.T. Wilcox H Adopted 03/07/2024 Jinkins
SHB 1686 Docs Salmon recovery H Rules X 02/20/2024 Lekanoff
SHB 1720 Docs f# Riparian grant program H Cap Budget 02/17/2023 Chapman
SHB 2293 Docs f Avian predation/salmon C 72 L 24 03/13/2024 Wilcox
SHB 2336 Docs f Suitability of lands H Cap Budget 01/26/2024 Morgan

Total Count: 50

a Amended. $ Appropriation bill. f State fiscal note on file. d Department.
e Governor. b Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee. o Other. # Local fiscal note on file.

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