These rules of internal management shall govern the transaction of business by the duly appointed and acting Washington state canal commission.
[Article I, filed 8/16/65.]
Organization of the commission.
(1) The commission shall organize by the election from its own members of a chairman and a vice chairman, and a secretary. The director appointed by the commission shall act as a recording secretary to the commission. All proceedings of the canal commission shall be by motion or resolution recorded in a book or books kept for such purpose and maintained at the office of the state canal commission and shall be open to the public.
(2) The chairman, vice chairman and secretary shall hold office from July through June and until their successors be elected and qualified. Elections shall be held in the first meeting in July of each year. Vacancies in any office arising from any cause shall be filled at any regular or special meeting of the commission.
(3) Vacancies in the office of canal commissioner shall be filled in the manner prescribed by chapter 123, Laws of 1965 extraordinary session [chapter
91.12 RCW] .
[Article II, filed 8/16/65.]
Duties of officers.
(1) The chairman shall preside at all public meetings of the commission, and at all executive sessions of the commission and shall endorse all resolutions, contracts and instruments on behalf of the commission as authorized by the commission, and shall perform all such other duties as are incident to his office or as are properly required of him by the commission.
(2) The vice chairman shall, during the absence or disability of the chairman, exercise all the functions of the chairman. In addition, the vice chairman shall have such powers and discharge such duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the commission.
(3) The secretary shall authorize the issuance of notices for all meetings and executive sessions of the commission, except that notice for an executive session of the commission may be issued by any two commissioners who may desire an executive session shall be held. The director shall, under the direction of the secretary of the commission, act as recording secretary, and shall record the minutes of all meetings, and shall make and retain a record of all motions and resolutions adopted by the commission, and shall supervise the safekeeping of the books and records of the commission. The secretary shall otherwise perform such other and further duties as are incident to his office and as are properly required of him by the commission.
[Article III, filed 8/16/65.]
(1) The position of director will be filled by appointment by the commission. The director shall hold office as such at the pleasure of the commission.
(2) The director shall serve as the chief executive officer of the commission and shall perform such duties as are incident to his office and as are properly required of him by the commission from time to time, and shall receive such salary as the commissioners may from time to time fix. The director, upon approval of the commission and acting within the scope of the rules and regulations governing the operation of state agencies in the state of Washington, may employ such persons and incur such expenditures as are necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes for which the canal commission has been formed.
(3) The director shall serve as a recording secretary to the commission acting in such capacity at the direction and advice of the secretary.
[Article IV, filed 8/16/65.]
(1) Regular meetings: Regular public meetings of the commission shall be held at the hour of five o'clock p.m. at the offices of the commission or at such other place or places as the commission shall from time to time select on the second Monday of the months of April, July, October and January of each year.
(2) Special meetings: Special public meetings may be called for any time either by the chairman or by a majority of the members of the commission.
Notice of meetings: No additional notice shall be required for regular quarterly public meetings, the time and place for which has been established by these rules of internal management. For all special public meetings the secretary shall give written notice to each commissioner by posting in the United States mails a notice thereof addressed to the commissioner at his business or residence address furnished to the commission, such notice to be posted at least forty-eight hours prior to the scheduled time of a special meeting: Provided, however, That the requirement of notice to the individual commissioners shall be deemed waived as to any commissioner who shall be in attendance at any particular meeting. No ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, order, or directive shall be adopted at any special meeting unless public notice thereof has been given in the manner required by RCW
(4) Place of meetings: Unless otherwise determined by the commission, all meetings of the commission shall be held in the office of the Washington state canal commission at Olympia, Washington.
(5) Executive sessions: The commission may meet at any time and place in executive session for any purposes other than the final adoption of any study determining the feasibility of any proposed project.
(6) Quorum: The presence of any three members of the commission will constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of the commission at any regular, special or executive session thereof.
[Article V, filed 8/16/65.]
Order of business.
The order of business shall be:
(1) Minutes
(2) Introduction of resolutions
(3) Final action on resolutions
(4) Old business
(5) New business
(6) Adjournment.
[Article VI, filed 8/16/65.]
Motions and resolutions.
(1) All business of the commission shall be transacted by motion and resolution which may be made by any commissioner in attendance, including the chairman, and shall not require a second.
(2) Voting on all motions and resolutions shall be viva voce, unless a division is called for by any commissioner, in which case the secretary, or recording secretary, shall call the roll in alphabetical order and record the vote of each commissioner present, "yea" or "nay."
(3) A concurrence of the majority of the persons holding the office of commissioner at the time shall be necessary and shall be sufficient for the passage of any motion or resolution.
(4) All matters, which in the judgment of the commission are of a legislative character, shall be embodied in the form of a resolution.
[Article VII, filed 8/16/65.]
All proceedings of the canal commission shall be by motion or resolution recorded in a book or books kept for such purpose, maintained at the office of the Washington state canal commission and shall be open to the public for inspection at all reasonable times.
[Article VIII, filed 8/16/65.]
Amendment of rules of internal management.
These rules of internal management may be amended by the commission from time to time by a majority vote thereof.
[Article IX, filed 8/16/65.]