PDFWAC 392-137-110
Nonresident attendance exempt from adjudication.
The following nonresident attendance arrangements and entitlements are exempt from the adjudication provisions of this chapter:
(1) Interdistrict cooperation programs conducted in accordance with RCW 28A.335.160 or 28A.225.250 and chapter 392-135 WAC.
(2) Programs temporarily conducted in behalf of another district in accordance with RCW 28A.225.200
(3) Reciprocity programs with continuous out-of-state school districts conducted pursuant to RCW 28A.225.260.
(4) The attendance of students from other districts who, by operation of law, have a statutory entitlement to attend school in a nonresident district—to wit the following:
(a) Children who reside within certain federal lands or Indian reservations as provided in RCW 28A.225.170.
(b) Children who reside in school districts which do not provide the grade in which the student is eligible to enroll as provided in RCW 28A.225.210.
(c) Children who are defined to be at risk pursuant to RCW 28A.175.090.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.22.230 [28A.225.230] and 34.05.220(4). WSR 90-19-068 (Order 26), § 392-137-110, filed 9/17/90, effective 10/18/90.]