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Chapter 296-49A WAC

Last Update: 6/18/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF296-49A-010Definitions that apply to this chapter.
HTMLPDF296-49A-020The purpose of these rules.
HTMLPDF296-49A-030The purpose of the board.
HTMLPDF296-49A-040The members and officers of the board.
HTMLPDF296-49A-050Board meeting dates.
HTMLPDF296-49A-060Conduct of board meetings.
HTMLPDF296-49A-070Duties of the board.
HTMLPDF296-49A-080Speaking at board meetings.
HTMLPDF296-49A-090Soliciting business.
HTMLPDF296-49A-100Standards of ethical conduct required of board members.
296-49A-110What statute governs the adoption of FAS rules and regulations? [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-110, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.] Repealed by WSR 24-13-089, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36.


Definitions that apply to this chapter.

"Board" is the factory assembled structures advisory board.
"Department" is the Washington state department of labor and industries.
"Director" is the director of the department of labor and industries.
"Program" is the factory assembled structures (FAS) program of the department.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-010, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-010, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


The purpose of these rules.

The primary purpose of these rules is to provide a formal means of communication between the factory assembled structures program and stakeholders. Generally, the topics of this communication will involve either WAC rule revisions or the operation of the program.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-020, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-020, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


The purpose of the board.

The purpose of the board, as authorized by RCW 43.22.420, is to advise the director on all matters pertaining to the enforcement of chapter 43.22 RCW including but not limited to standards of body and frame design, construction and plumbing, heating and electrical installations, minimum inspection procedures and the adoption of rules and regulations pertaining to the manufacture of factory assembled structures, manufactured (mobile) homes, commercial coaches, conversion vendor units, medical units, recreational vehicles, and recreational park trailers (park model recreational vehicles).
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-030, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-030, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


The members and officers of the board.

(1) The board has at least 11 members. Each is appointed by the director to a four-year term and board members must apply for reappointment if terms would be consecutive. The members must represent consumer interests, regulated industries, allied trades, and allied professionals. Consequently, the composition of the board will be:
• Two members representing consumers;
• Two members representing manufactured housing;
• Two members representing factory-built structures;
• One member representing recreational vehicles and recreational park trailers (park model recreational vehicles);
• One member representing building officials;
• One member who will either be an architect or an engineer;
• One member representing conversion vendor units; and
• One member representing the allied trades.
Additional board members may be appointed at the discretion of the director.
(2) When appointing board members, consideration will be given to the gender, racial, ethnic and geographic diversity of the state, including the interests of persons with disabilities.
(3) Board members serve at the discretion of the director and may be removed from the board for cause.
(4) The board will elect a chairperson and vice chairperson. The department's FAS program manager shall serve as secretary of the board.
(5) In accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060, each board member shall be paid travel expenses. Those expenses will be paid out of department appropriations upon the presentation of a voucher approved by the director or the director's designee.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-040, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-040, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Board meeting dates.

The board holds regular quarterly meetings on the third Thursday of February, May, August, and November. Regular meetings may be rescheduled by the FAS program manager with advance notice. If needed, the FAS program manager may call special meetings or the board chair may call special meetings with the approval of the FAS program manager on behalf of the director. Regular and special meetings are open to the public.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-050, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-050, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Conduct of board meetings.

The board must adopt written bylaws governing its internal management. These bylaws must include Roberts' Rules of Order, Revised. The bylaws must be posted on the department's website.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-060, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-060, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Duties of the board.

(1) The board must review any new rules and regulations proposed by the program and make recommendations regarding their adoption. Also, the board may review existing FAS rules and recommend revisions.
(2) The board may advise the program on administrative procedures, organizational plans, and rules for improving the operation of the program.
(3) Board members should provide their respective stakeholder groups with information about program proposals, issues, and changes. Members should also provide the program with feedback from stakeholders and provide insight as to their opinions, attitudes, and needs.
(4) The board will neither function as a board of appeals nor will it render decisions regarding the application or interpretation of any adopted rule or regulation.
(5) At any board meeting, the board must consider any written proposals made by any person regarding new rules and regulations or changes in administrative procedures related to the program.
These written proposals must be submitted to the board's secretary at least 15 days prior to the meeting so that they can be included on the meeting agenda and in the meeting packet distributed to board members. If the parties submitting these proposals wish to address them at that meeting, their proposals must be accompanied by a written request to address the board.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-070, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-070, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Speaking at board meetings.

Any person can speak at board meetings. Those persons wishing to formally address the board regarding specific proposals relating to FAS rule adoptions, amendments or repeals or changes in the program's administrative procedures, must do so in accordance with WAC 296-49A-070 and with the board's bylaws.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-080, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-080, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Soliciting business.

The board considers it unethical for anyone appearing before the board to solicit business directly or indirectly, through circulars, advertisements or by personal communications or interviews unwarranted by personal relations. It is permissible to publish or circulate business cards.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-090, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-090, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]


Standards of ethical conduct required of board members.

Anyone serving on the board must adhere to chapter 42.52 RCW (Ethics in Public Service Act) and the standards described in "Boards and Commissions Membership Handbook" (issued by the office of the governor). Failure to conform to these standards may result in removal as a board member.
[Statutory Authority: 2023 c 78 and 2023 c 36. WSR 24-13-089, § 296-49A-100, filed 6/18/24, effective 7/22/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.22.340 and 43.22.420. WSR 97-16-043, § 296-49A-100, filed 7/31/97, effective 12/1/97.]