PDFWAC 296-17A-2008
Classification 2008.
2008-01 Warehouses - Field bonded
Applies to:
Businesses providing bonded warehouse services at the customer's location. The field bonding company is not responsible for the maintenance of the facility and does not become involved in handling, moving, or shipping the goods.
Field bonding includes:
• Appropriating a warehouse (or portion of one), that is owned by the customer, for the purpose of segregating and securing a portion of that customer's merchandise to be used as collateral for a bank loan.
• Cataloging the merchandise that is involved in the transaction.
• Issuing a receipt (the receipt is presented as collateral for the loan).
• Ensuring the security and value of the merchandise for the length of the contract.
Work activities contemplated by this classification are limited to:
• Employees who catalog the goods being held.
• Security guards.
• Clerical help employed at the secured location.
Drivers are classified in 1102.
Special note: Traditional warehousing establishments (such as those described in classification 2102) may be "bonded" in that they can assure their customers that goods regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, or goods awaiting inspection by U.S. Customs, will remain secured. This type of bonding is similar in that it is an assurance of value and safekeeping, but differs from classification 2008 in that the goods are delivered to, and held at, the warehouse company's own facility.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 51.04.020 and 51.16.035. WSR 24-23-081, s 296-17A-2008, filed 11/19/24, effective 1/1/25; WSR 20-20-108, § 296-17A-2008, filed 10/6/20, effective 1/1/21. WSR 07-01-014, recodified as § 296-17A-2008, filed 12/8/06, effective 12/8/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 51.16.035. WSR 98-18-042, § 296-17-561, filed 8/28/98, effective 10/1/98; WSR 96-12-039, § 296-17-561, filed 5/31/96, effective 7/1/96; WSR 85-24-032 (Order 85-33), § 296-17-561, filed 11/27/85, effective 1/1/86; WSR 83-24-017 (Order 83-36), § 296-17-561, filed 11/30/83, effective 1/1/84; Order 73-22, § 296-17-561, filed 11/9/73, effective 1/1/74.]