PDFWAC 284-55-030
For purposes of this regulation:
(1) "Applicant" means:
(a) In the case of an individual medicare supplement insurance policy or subscriber contract, the person who seeks to contract for insurance benefits, and
(b) In the case of a group medicare supplement insurance policy or subscriber contract, the proposed certificate holder.
(2) "Certificate" means any certificate issued under a group medicare supplement insurance policy, which policy has been delivered or issued for delivery in this state.
(3) "Insurer" includes insurance companies, fraternal benefit societies, health care service contractors and health maintenance organizations.
(4) "Direct response insurer" means an insurer who, as to a particular transaction, is transacting insurance directly with a potential insured without solicitation by, or the intervention of, a licensed insurance agent.
(5) "Guaranteed renewable" means a medicare supplemental insurance policy or certificate which is renewable solely at the option of the insured by the timely payment of premiums, except that the insurer may make changes in premium rates by classes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 and 48.66.041. WSR 90-17-038 (Order R 90-7), § 284-55-030, filed 8/10/90, effective 9/10/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060 (3)(a) and 48.30.010(2). WSR 88-22-061 (Order R 88-9), § 284-55-030, filed 11/1/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 48.02.060, 48.44.050 and 48.46.200. WSR 82-01-016 (Order R 81-6), § 284-55-030, filed 12/9/81.]