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Chapter 192-940 WAC

Last Update: 2/14/25


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF192-940-005Earning years to become a qualified individual.
HTMLPDF192-940-010How will the department determine if someone is a qualified individual?


Earning years to become a qualified individual.

(1) The department will determine years earned toward qualified individual status under RCW 50B.04.050 based on wages earned and hours worked in employment as reported under chapter 192-910 WAC or in covered self-employment under chapter 192-915 WAC.
(2) Only hours worked in reportable employment or covered self-employment will be considered when determining whether an individual has worked at least 500 hours each year.
(3) A year toward qualified individual status may be earned once an individual has accrued 500 hours in employment as reported under chapter 192-910 WAC or in covered self-employment as reported under chapter 192-915 WAC.
(4) Wages and hours reported when an individual had an approved exemption do not count toward qualifying for the benefit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50B.04.020. WSR 25-05-068, s 192-940-005, filed 2/14/25, effective 3/17/25.]


How will the department determine if someone is a qualified individual?

(1) Qualified individual status under RCW 50B.04.050 is determined as follows:
(a) An individual who has earned 10 years toward becoming a qualified individual without a break of five or more consecutive years in that 10 years will be eligible for the full benefit amount. Years with less than 500 hours reported will count toward the break of five or more consecutive years;
(b) An individual who, from the date of application for benefits, has earned three of the last six years toward becoming a qualified individual will qualify for the full benefit amount; or
(c) An individual born before January 1, 1968, who does not qualify under (a) or (b) of this subsection will qualify for one-tenth of the benefit amount for each earned year toward becoming a qualified individual.
(2) An individual who continues to work in employment or in covered self-employment after qualifying for subsection (1) (b) or (c) of this section, or both, may be eligible to earn additional years toward becoming a qualified individual.
(3) An individual may not exceed the maximum lifetime benefit amount under RCW 50B.04.060.
(4) An individual who has an approved exemption cannot become a qualified individual.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50B.04.020. WSR 25-05-068, s 192-940-010, filed 2/14/25, effective 3/17/25.]