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16-750-004  <<  16-750-005 >>   16-750-011

PDFWAC 16-750-005

State noxious weed listClass A noxious weeds.

Common Name
Scientific Name
broom, French
Genista monspessulana
broom, Spanish
Spartium junceum
common crupina
Crupina vulgaris
cordgrass, common
Spartina anglica
cordgrass, dense-flowered
Spartina densiflora
cordgrass, salt meadow
Spartina patens
cordgrass, smooth
Spartina alterniflora
dyer's woad
Isatis tinctoria
eggleaf spurge
Euphorbia oblongata
false brome
Brachypodium sylvaticum
floating primrose-willow
Ludwigia peploides
flowering rush
Butomus umbellatus
garlic mustard
Alliaria petiolata
giant hogweed
Heracleum mantegazzianum
Galega officinalis
Hydrilla verticillata
Sorghum halepense
knapweed, bighead
Centaurea macrocephala
knapweed, Vochin
Centaurea nigrescens
Pueraria montana var. lobata
meadow clary
Salvia pratensis
oriental clematis
Clematis orientalis
Palmer amaranth
Amaranthus palmeri
purple starthistle
Centaurea calcitrapa
reed sweetgrass
Glyceria maxima
ricefield bulrush
Schoenoplectus mucronatus
round leaf bittersweet
Celastrus orbiculatus
sage, clary
Salvia sclarea
sage, Mediterranean
Salvia aethiopis
silverleaf nightshade
Solanum elaeagnifolium
small-flowered jewelweed
Impatiens parviflora
South American spongeplant
Limnobium laevigatum
Syrian bean-caper
Zygophyllum fabago
Texas blueweed
Helianthus ciliaris
thistle, Italian
Carduus pycnocephalus
thistle, marsh
Cirsium palustre
thistle, milk
Silybum marianum
thistle, slenderflower
Carduus tenuiflorus
thistle, Turkish
Carduus cinereus
variable-leaf milfoil and hybrids
Myriophyllum heterophyllum
heterophyllum x
Myriophyllum hippuroides
wild four o'clock
Mirabilis nyctaginea
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.10 and 34.05 RCW. WSR 24-23-085, s 16-750-005, filed 11/19/24, effective 1/1/25; WSR 23-23-168, § 16-750-005, filed 11/21/23, effective 1/1/24; WSR 20-24-098, § 16-750-005, filed 11/30/20, effective 1/1/21; WSR 19-24-052, § 16-750-005, filed 11/26/19, effective 1/1/20; WSR 17-24-035, § 16-750-005, filed 11/29/17, effective 1/1/18; WSR 16-24-031, § 16-750-005, filed 11/30/16, effective 1/1/17; WSR 14-24-103, § 16-750-005, filed 12/2/14, effective 1/2/15; WSR 14-02-072, § 16-750-005, filed 12/30/13, effective 1/30/14; WSR 13-01-038, § 16-750-005, filed 12/12/12, effective 1/12/13; WSR 12-01-050, § 16-750-005, filed 12/15/11, effective 1/15/12; WSR 09-01-071, § 16-750-005, filed 12/15/08, effective 1/16/09; WSR 07-24-023, § 16-750-005, filed 11/28/07, effective 1/1/08; WSR 05-24-026, § 16-750-005, filed 11/30/05, effective 12/31/05; WSR 03-04-001, § 16-750-005, filed 1/22/03, effective 2/22/03. Statutory Authority: Chapter 17.10 RCW. WSR 99-24-029, § 16-750-005, filed 11/23/99, effective 1/3/00; WSR 98-24-026, § 16-750-005, filed 11/23/98, effective 1/2/99; WSR 97-24-051, § 16-750-005, filed 11/26/97, effective 1/2/98. Statutory Authority: RCW 17.10.080. WSR 96-06-030, § 16-750-005, filed 2/29/96, effective 3/31/96. Statutory Authority: Chapter 17.10 RCW. WSR 93-01-004, § 16-750-005, filed 12/2/92, effective 1/2/93; WSR 91-24-072, § 16-750-005, filed 12/2/91, effective 1/2/92; WSR 91-01-016, § 16-750-005, filed 12/7/90, effective 1/7/91; WSR 90-01-004, § 16-750-005, filed 12/7/89, effective 1/7/90; WSR 88-24-002 (Order 26, Resolution No. 26), § 16-750-005, filed 11/29/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 17.10.080. WSR 88-07-016 (Order 22, Resolution No. 22), § 16-750-005, filed 3/7/88.]