Chapter 16-602 WAC
Last Update: 5/23/01APIARIES
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 16-602-025 | Apiarist registration fees, schedule. |
HTMLPDF | 16-602-026 | Broker registration fees. |
HTMLPDF | 16-602-050 | Types of offenses and level of civil penalty assessment. |
16-602-005 | Definitions. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 88-07-018 (Order 1967), § 16-602-005, filed 3/7/88.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-010 | Apiary board, area boundaries. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 88-07-018 (Order 1967), § 16-602-010, filed 3/7/88; WSR 78-04-062 (Order 1551), § 16-602-010, filed 3/31/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-020 | Apiary inspection fees. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 93-19-082 (Order 5006), § 16-602-020, filed 9/15/93, effective 10/16/93; WSR 88-07-018 (Order 1967), § 16-602-020, filed 3/7/88; WSR 78-10-071 (Order 1582), § 16-602-020, filed 9/27/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-027 | Grower pollination service fee, collection, remittance. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 94-12-045 (Order 5044), § 16-602-027, filed 5/27/94, effective 6/27/94.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-030 | Colony strength. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 88-07-018 (Order 1967), § 16-602-030, filed 3/7/88; WSR 78-10-071 (Order 1582), § 16-602-030, filed 9/27/78.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-040 | Apiary marking. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 93-19-081 (Order 5014), § 16-602-040, filed 9/15/93, effective 10/16/93.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
16-602-045 | Civil penalty authority and application. [Statutory Authority: RCW 15.60.025 and 15.60.170(2). WSR 97-24-066, § 16-602-045, filed 12/2/97, effective 1/2/98.] Repealed by WSR 01-11-146, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. |
Apiarist registration fees, schedule.
(1) Beekeepers in the following two categories shall pay a fee for owning or operating colonies of bees in Washington:
(a) Resident beekeepers of Washington;
(b) Nonresident beekeepers operating colonies in Washington for the purpose of producing honey or other products, or their use or rental for pollination of agricultural crops.
(2) Both categories of beekeepers shall pay a fee based upon the number of colonies they own or will operate during the calendar year in Washington. The fee schedule shall be as follows:
1 | - | 5 colonies | $ | 5.00 |
6 | - | 25 colonies | $ | 10.00 |
26 | - | 100 colonies | $ | 25.00 |
101 | - | 300 colonies | $ | 50.00 |
301 | - | 500 colonies | $ | 100.00 |
501 | - | 1,000 colonies | $ | 200.00 |
1,001 | or more colonies | $ | 300.00 |
(3) The registration fee shall be paid, on or before April first, on the number of colonies of bees:
(a) Owned by resident beekeepers;
(b) Operated and or rented for pollination by nonresident beekeepers during the calendar year in Washington.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 15.60 RCW. WSR 01-11-146, § 16-602-025, filed 5/23/01, effective 6/30/01; WSR 94-05-049 (Order 5030), § 16-602-025, filed 2/10/94, effective 3/13/94.]
Broker registration fees.
In accordance with RCW 15.60.021, there is assessed an annual broker registration fee of $100 due and payable to the department on April 1 of each year. If a person registers as both a broker and an apiarist, only one of the registration fees shall be owed. The lesser of the two registration fees shall be waived.
Types of offenses and level of civil penalty assessment.
(1) Violations of the Apiaries Act include, but are not limited to:
(a) Failure to register as a resident or nonresident apiarist;
(b) Failure to register as a broker;
(c) Failure to remit apiary registration fees;
(d) Failure to remit broker registration fees.
(2) The level of civil penalty assessed for each individual violation shall be as follows:
First violation. . . .$100
Second violation. . . .$500
Third and each subsequent violation. . . .$1,000