Chapter 16-473 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 16-473-001 | Promulgation—Establishing quarantine. |
HTMLPDF | 16-473-010 | Regulated articles. |
HTMLPDF | 16-473-015 | Quarantine areas. |
HTMLPDF | 16-473-020 | Prohibited acts. |
HTMLPDF | 16-473-025 | Permits. |
Promulgation—Establishing quarantine.
The disease anthracnose of lentils (caused by the plant pathogen Colletotrichum truncatum (Schwein)) is potentially devastating to the Washington lentil crop. The disease has become established in central Canada and contiguous lentil growing areas of North Dakota and South Dakota, all of which produce lentil varieties grown in Washington. Anthracnose of lentils is a seed borne disease. In order to prevent its introduction, the director, under authority provided in chapter 17.24 RCW, establishes a quarantine.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.041. WSR 97-11-015, § 16-473-001, filed 5/12/97, effective 6/12/97.]
Regulated articles.
Regulated articles include lentils used, or intended to be used, as seed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.041. WSR 97-11-015, § 16-473-010, filed 5/12/97, effective 6/12/97.]
Quarantine areas.
Quarantine areas are the Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, the states of North Dakota and South Dakota, and any other states and territories of the United States and foreign countries known to have confirmed the presence of anthracnose of lentils.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.041. WSR 97-11-015, § 16-473-015, filed 5/12/97, effective 6/12/97.]
Prohibited acts.
The sale, offering to sell, transporting, disposing of, distributing and/or planting of regulated articles as defined in WAC 16-473-010 from or originating in the quarantine area as listed in WAC 16-473-015 is prohibited.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.041. WSR 97-11-015, § 16-473-020, filed 5/12/97, effective 6/12/97.]
The director may allow, by special permit, the transportation, distribution, disposal of or planting of regulated articles, listed in WAC 16-473-010. Such permit shall specify terms and conditions, pursuant to RCW 17.24.041 and 17.24.091. Permits may be requested from the Washington state department of agriculture, plant protection program at telephone number (360) 902-2071.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 17.24.041. WSR 97-11-015, § 16-473-025, filed 5/12/97, effective 6/12/97.]