PDFWAC 16-306-130
Transporting hemp.
(1) Hemp produced under this chapter may not be transported from a registered land area as identified on the hemp producer license until THC certification by the department as specified in WAC 16-306-120 is obtained by the applicable licensee prior to transport. During transport of hemp off a producer's registered land area, including to a processor, the person in possession of the hemp during transport must have in their possession either:
(a) Copies of the hemp producer license and department-issued THC certification, as required by this chapter; or
(b) A bill of lading or other proper documentation demonstrating that the hemp was legally imported or is otherwise legally present in the state of Washington under applicable state and federal laws relating to hemp.
(2) Any hemp from a licensed Washington producer that is found in Washington state at any location off the premises of a registered land area of a licensee without department-issued THC certification as specified in WAC 16-306-120 is deemed to be contraband and subject to seizure by the Washington state patrol or any law enforcement officer. Any such contraband material is subject to destruction at the licensee's expense, and may result in suspension or revocation of the hemp producer license.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.140.030 and 43.01.160. WSR 24-22-038, s 16-306-130, filed 10/28/24, effective 11/28/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.140.030, 15.140.060 and 2021 c 104. WSR 22-01-137, § 16-306-130, filed 12/14/21, effective 1/14/22. Statutory Authority: RCW 15.140.030 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 20-03-174, § 16-306-130, filed 1/22/20, effective 2/22/20.]