Chapter 132Q-07 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-010 | Authority to demand identification. |
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-020 | Right of assembly. |
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-030 | Outside speakers. |
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-040 | Distribution of materials. |
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-050 | Commercial activities. |
HTMLPDF | 132Q-07-060 | Trespass. |
Authority to demand identification.
(1) For the purpose of determining whether probable cause exists for application of any section of chapter 132Q-30 WAC to any conduct by any person on a college facility, any faculty or other college personnel of Community Colleges of Spokane may demand that any person on college facilities produce evidence of student enrollment at the college, by tender of said person's student identification card.
(2) Refusal by a student to produce a student identification card, as required by subsection (1) of this section, shall be cause for disciplinary action under chapter 132Q-30 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 07-10-042, § 132Q-07-010, filed 4/25/07, effective 6/25/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-010, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]
Right of assembly.
(1) Students shall have the right of "assembly" upon college facilities that are generally available to the public. Such assembly shall:
(a) Be conducted in an orderly manner; and
(b) Not unreasonably interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
(c) Not unreasonably interfere with classes, schedules, meetings or ceremonies, or with educational functions of the college; and
(d) Not unreasonably interfere with college functions.
(2) A student who conducts or participates in an assembly that violates any provision of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action under chapter 132Q-30 WAC.
(3) Nonstudents who participate in, aid or abet any assembly or assemblies in violation of this section shall be subject to possible prosecution under the state criminal trespass law and/or any other possible civil or criminal remedies available to the college. Faculty and other college personnel who participate in, aid or abet any assembly or assemblies in violation of this section shall be subject to appropriate discipline.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 07-10-042, § 132Q-07-020, filed 4/25/07, effective 6/25/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-020, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]
Outside speakers.
(1) Any recognized campus student organization may invite speakers on campus, subject to provisions of this section.
(2) The appearance of an invited speaker on a campus does not represent an endorsement, either implicit or explicit, of views or opinions of the speaker by CCS, its students, its faculty, its college personnel, its administration or its board.
(3) The scheduling of speakers including, but not limited to, those expecting to use campus facilities, including notification of the identity of the speaker(s), time of the speech, the place of the speech and the manner in which the speech will be transmitted shall be made through the facilities scheduling office of the campus at which the speaker will appear.
(4) If it is expected that an outside speaker is to be compensated with any institutional funds, the appropriate student activities office will be notified at least thirty days prior to the appearance of an invited speaker, at which time a personal services contract (available in the student activities office) must be completed with all particulars regarding speaker, time, place, etc., signed by the sponsoring organization's advisor, and filed with the student activities office. Exceptions to the thirty-day ruling may be made by the appropriate administrator.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 10-06-012, § 132Q-07-030, filed 2/19/10, effective 3/22/10. Statutory Authority: Chapter 28B.50 RCW. WSR 07-10-042, § 132Q-07-030, filed 4/25/07, effective 6/25/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-030, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]
Distribution of materials.
(1) Handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and similarly related material (including religious matter) distributed free of charge by any student, nonstudent, member of a recognized student organization or college personnel may be distributed upon a college campus, provided that such distribution does not interfere with the free flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
(2) Newspapers, leaflets, and similarly related materials offered for sale by any student or nonstudent person or organization may be distributed and sold only through the college book store as are other commercial forms of merchandise, subject to reasonable rules and regulations that may be imposed by the bookstore manager. Exceptions may be made by the appropriate vice president or designee.
(3) The organization or individual publishing and distributing handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and similarly related material (including religious matter) is encouraged but not required to include its or his/her name and contact information on the distributed material.
(4) Any distribution of the materials regulated in this section shall not be construed as endorsement of the same by the college or by the board of trustees of Community Colleges of Spokane.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 10-06-012, § 132Q-07-040, filed 2/19/10, effective 3/22/10; WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-040, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]
Commercial activities.
(1) No student or college personnel shall use college facilities for commercial solicitation, or promotional activities except when such activities clearly serve educational objectives. These activities include but are not limited to the display of books of interest to the academic community or the display or demonstration of technical or research equipment. Commercial solicitation may be conducted under the sponsorship or request of a college department or the office of student activities of the college, provided that such solicitation does not interfere with or operate to the detriment of the conduct of college affairs or the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(2) For the purpose of this regulation, the term "commercial activities" does not include handbills, leaflets, newspapers, and similarly related materials as regulated in WAC 132Q-07-040.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-050, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]
The appropriate president or designee of the college in the instance of any event that is determined to be disruptive of order, impedes the movement of vehicles or persons; or threatens to disrupt the movement of persons from college facilities or grounds, shall have the power and authority to:
(1) Give notice against trespass by any manner provided for by law, to any person(s), or group against whom the privilege has been withdrawn or who have been prohibited from entering on or remaining upon any or all portions of a college facility; or
(2) Prohibit the entry of, or withdraw the privilege of a person(s) or any group to enter or remain on all or any portion of a college facility or the entire college district; or
(3) Order any person(s), or group to leave or vacate all or any portion of a college facility or grounds.
Any student or nonstudent who shall disobey a lawful order given by the president, or designee, pursuant to the requirements of this section, shall be subject to disciplinary action and/or referred to law enforcement for possible criminal charges.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 12-05-105, § 132Q-07-060, filed 2/21/12, effective 3/23/12; WSR 03-18-021, § 132Q-07-060, filed 8/25/03, effective 9/25/03.]