Chapter 132K-24 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 132K-24-010 | Purpose. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-24-020 | Responsibilities. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-24-030 | Criteria of teaching excellence and professional improvement. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-24-040 | Procedures. |
To facilitate the continuing evaluation of tenured faculty members, every year after the awarding of tenure to a faculty member, division chairman shall review the teaching excellence and professional improvement of each division faculty member. Such review shall be equal and consistent in each case to the review of every other faculty member.
(1) To provide guidelines for individual faculty members to plan a program of professional improvement and to pursue teaching excellence.
(2) To suggest criteria that the division chairmen, other administrative personnel, and/or other concerned personnel may use to carry out their assigned functions of evaluating instructional personnel.
(3) To establish procedures of monitoring and enforcing programs that are generated by division action for individuals.
[Order 6, § 132K-24-010, filed 9/17/71.]
(1) It is expected that each individual faculty member will provide for his continuing teaching excellence and professional improvement.
(2) Division chairmen may use the "criteria of teaching excellence and professional improvement," listed in section III, as one means of evaluating instructional personnel.
(3) The office of instruction will monitor the programs generated by the division for individual faculty members.
[Order 6, § 132K-24-020, filed 9/17/71.]
Criteria of teaching excellence and professional improvement.
It will be considered evidence that faculty members are in compliance with the intent of this policy if they are engaged in any combination of the following activities:
(1) Attendance at professional conferences, conventions, meetings, or workshops relevant to the instructor's area of concern.
(2) Completion of teacher education courses, specialized training, or college credit programs relevant to the instructor's area of concern.
(3) Educational travel or periods of employment in related work.
(4) Changing texts, course outlines, tests, and other class materials to reflect current advancements within the various subject areas.
(5) Developing new courses, expanding current programs and curriculum, to include such things as state or national level programs.
(6) Taking an active part in intracollege programs, councils and committees that are involved in professional improvement.
(7) Research activities and writing for publication.
(8) Establishing and maintaining an appropriate individual program of evaluating classroom effectiveness which should include at least a record of student evaluations and the faculty member's attempts to respond to these critiques.
(9) Involvement in community service activities involving college related activities that are consistent with college objectives.
(10) Carry out functions as outlined in the Policies and Procedures Handbook under "faculty responsibilities and guidelines."
[Order 6, § 132K-24-030, filed 9/17/71.]
When a division member is not continuing in his teaching effectiveness or professional improvement, the division chairman will initiate the following procedures:
(1) He will meet with this faculty member and develop a plan for professional improvement to be made during an agreed upon period.
(2) A follow-up conference will be initiated between the division chairman and the concerned faculty member at the end of the agreed upon period.
(3) If the division chairman at that time is convinced that professional improvement is not apparent, the division chairman will convene a planning committee. This planning committee will be composed of the division chairman, a division member elected by the division, the concerned division member and the dean of instruction.
(4) The committee will review the evidence of the faculty member's professional development or teaching effectiveness. If the committee concurs with the division chairman's evaluation, the committee will establish a program of professional improvement for the faculty member together with a schedule for completion of the specific elements of the program.
(5) If, after the schedule for professional improvement has been completed, the committee considers the faculty member's professional improvement or teaching effectiveness to be unsatisfactory for the period, the committee may:
(a) Recommend to the college president that the individual's salary advancement for the ensuing year be withheld or
(b) Recommend to the college president that the faculty member's review committee be formally activated pursuant to WAC 132K-20-050 and 132K-20-060. (Community College District 11 tenure policy)
(6) Any professional staff member, with two professional staff cosigners, may petition for an evaluation of the teaching effectiveness and professional improvement of any division chairman. The evaluation will be initiated by the dean of instruction. If the dean's evaluation indicates that a division chairman's teaching record in this regard is inadequate, the dean will initiate steps one and two (paragraphs 1 and 2 above). If professional improvement is not apparent at the time of the follow-up conference, the dean will convene a planning committee, composed of the dean of instruction, a division member elected by the division, the most senior member of the division (other than the division chairman himself or the elected division member), and the concerned division chairman. The rest of the steps, paragraphs 4 and 5 above, will then become applicable.
[Order 6, § 132K-24-040, filed 9/17/71.]