Chapter 132K-116 WAC
WAC Sections
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-010 | Introduction. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-015 | Objectives of traffic rules and regulations. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-020 | Applicable traffic rules and regulations—Areas affected. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-025 | Permits required for vehicles on campus. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-030 | Tourists and visitors—Exemption from permit requirements. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-035 | Restrictions on use of vehicles with permits. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-040 | Speed. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-045 | Regulatory signs and directions. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-050 | Pedestrians—Right of way. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-055 | Parking—Permits required. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-060 | Parking within designated spaces. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-065 | Disabled and inoperative or abandoned vehicles—Impounding. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-070 | Special traffic and parking regulations and restrictions authorized. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-075 | Authorization for issuance of permits. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-080 | Numbering of parking areas. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-085 | Allocation of parking space. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-090 | Visitors and guests. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-095 | Permit revocations. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-100 | Duplicate permits for faculty, staff, and student personnel. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-105 | Faculty and staff permit periods. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-110 | Fees for permits. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-115 | Annual parking fee payment. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-120 | Display of permits. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-125 | Responsibility of person to whom permit is issued. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-130 | Refund of fees. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-135 | Procedure—Issuance of summons or traffic tickets. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-140 | Grievance proceedings—Bond for appearance—Date of hearing. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-145 | Fines and penalties. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-150 | Mitigation and suspension of penalties. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-155 | Enforcement of determination of the parking committee. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-160 | Regulatory signs, markings, barricades, etc. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-165 | Impounding of vehicles. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-170 | Delegation of authority. |
HTMLPDF | 132K-116-175 | Liability of college. |
Section 1. Pierce College District Number Eleven hereby establishes these regulations to govern pedestrian and vehicular traffic and parking upon state lands devoted mainly to the educational activities of Pierce College.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 86-15-020 (Order 86-1, Resolution No. 86-1), § 132K-116-010, filed 7/11/86; Order 13, § 132K-116-010, filed 2/20/73.]
Objectives of traffic rules and regulations.
Section 2. The objectives of these traffic regulations are:
(1) To protect and control pedestrian and vehicular traffic
(2) To assure access at all times of emergency equipment
(3) To minimize traffic disturbance during class hours
(4) To facilitate the work of the college by assuring access to its vehicles and by assigning the limited parking space for the most efficient use.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-015, filed 2/20/73.]
Applicable traffic rules and regulations—Areas affected.
Section 3. The traffic regulations which are applicable upon state lands devoted mainly to the educational activities of the college are as follows:
(1) The motor vehicle and other traffic laws of the state of Washington shall be applicable upon all lands located within the state of Washington.
(2) The traffic code of Pierce County, Washington shall be applicable upon all lands located within Pierce County, Washington.
(3) These regulations shall be applicable to all state lands which are or may hereafter be devoted mainly to educational, research, recreational, or parking activities of the college.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-020, filed 2/20/73.]
Permits required for vehicles on campus.
Section 4. Except as provided in WAC 132K-116-030, no person shall drive any vehicle, nor shall any person stop, park, leave or abandon any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the campus of the college without a permit issued by the parking office of the college.
Abandoned vehicle: For purposes of this chapter, "abandoned vehicle" shall mean any vehicle left on college property in violation of college parking rules and without the written consent of the college for a period of twenty-four hours or longer. Written consent shall be granted the owner or operator of an abandoned vehicle who is unable to remove the vehicle from the place where it is located and so notifies the physical plant director and requests assistance.
(1) Permission to drive on campus or to park thereon will be shown by the display of a valid permit issued by the parking office of the college.
(2) A valid permit is:
(a) An unexpired parking sticker properly registered and displayed in accordance with instructions, or
(b) A temporary permit authorized by the parking office of the college and displayed in accordance with instructions on the permit, or
(c) A parking permit issued by the college parking booth attendant, which permit must be displayed on the vehicle in accordance with instructions.
(3) Parking permits are not transferable.
(4) The college reserves the right to refuse the issuance of a parking permit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 86-15-020 (Order 86-1, Resolution No. 86-1), § 132K-116-025, filed 7/11/86; Order 36, § 132K-116-025, filed 9/6/77; Order 31, § 132K-116-025, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-025, filed 2/20/73.]
Tourists and visitors—Exemption from permit requirements.
Section 5. The college parking booth attendant will allow tourists and visitors to drive on the campus. A visitor's permit shall be issued without a fee at time of entrance.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-030, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-030, filed 2/20/73.]
Restrictions on use of vehicles with permits.
Section 6. Decisions on the granting of permits for physically handicapped students will be made by the handicapped program coordinator of the college, or his/her designee.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-035, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-035, filed 2/20/73.]
Section 7. No vehicle shall be operated on the campus at a speed in excess of twenty miles per hour unless otherwise posted or such lower speed as is reasonable and prudent in the circumstances.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-040, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-040, filed 2/20/73.]
Regulatory signs and directions.
Section 8. Drivers of vehicles shall obey regulatory signs and signs related to the collection of parking fees posted by the college. Drivers of vehicles shall also comply with directions given them by officers of the college parking office in the control and regulation of traffic.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-045, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-045, filed 2/20/73.]
Pedestrians—Right of way.
Section 9. (1) The operator of a vehicle shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping, if need be, to so yield to any pedestrian crossing any street or roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger; but no pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield.
(2) A pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the street or roadway.
(3) Pedestrians on a street or roadway where a sidewalk is provided shall proceed upon such sidewalk. Pedestrians upon a street or roadway where no sidewalk is provided shall proceed on the extreme lefthand side of the roadway and upon meeting an oncoming vehicle shall step to their left and clear off the street or roadway.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-050, filed 2/20/73.]
Parking—Permits required.
Section 10. (1) No vehicle shall be parked on the campus except in those areas set aside and designated as parking areas.
(2) No vehicle shall be parked in any parking area without a permit for that area.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-055, filed 2/20/73.]
Parking within designated spaces.
Section 11. No vehicle shall be parked so as to occupy any portion of more than one parking space or stall as designated within the parking area. The fact that other vehicles may have been so parked as to require the vehicle parked to occupy a portion of more than one space or stall shall not constitute an excuse for a violation of this section.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-060, filed 2/20/73.]
Disabled and inoperative or abandoned vehicles—Impounding.
Section 12. No disabled or inoperative or abandoned vehicle shall be parked on the campus without a permit to do so. Vehicles which have been disabled, inoperative or abandoned may be impounded and stored at the expense of either or both the owner and operator thereof following twenty-four hours notice posted at a conspicuous place on the vehicle. Neither the college nor its employees shall be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such impounding and storage.
Impoundment without notice. A vehicle may be impounded without notice to the owner or operator in the following circumstances:
(1) When in the judgment of the physical plant director, the vehicle is obstructing or may impede the flow of traffic; or
(2) When in the judgment of the physical plant director, the vehicle poses an immediate threat to public safety.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 86-15-020 (Order 86-1, Resolution No. 86-1), § 132K-116-065, filed 7/11/86; Order 36, § 132K-116-065, filed 9/6/77; Order 31, § 132K-116-065, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-065, filed 2/20/73.]
Special traffic and parking regulations and restrictions authorized.
Section 13. Upon special occasions causing additional heavy traffic and during emergencies, the college parking office is authorized to impose additional traffic and parking regulations and restrictions for the achievement of the objectives in section 1 [WAC 132K-116-015].
[Order 31, § 132K-116-070, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-070, filed 2/20/73.]
Authorization for issuance of permits.
Section 14. The college parking office is authorized to issue permits to drive or park upon the campus. Permits may be purchased during registration. The application for a permit must be accompanied by the applicant's vehicle registration. This will include second and third vehicle permits also. Late permits may be obtained at the parking office, Room 3014.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-075, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-075, filed 2/20/73.]
Numbering of parking areas.
Section 15. The college physical plant director is authorized to designate and mark the various parking areas on the campus with numbers or letters by the posting of signs or by other means in those areas.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-080, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-080, filed 2/20/73.]
Allocation of parking space.
Section 16. The parking space available on the campus shall be allocated by the college physical plant director or his designee among applicants for permits in such manner as will best effectuate the objectives of these regulations. Certain restricted parking areas on campus are marked as, "physically handicapped," "faculty," "staff," "service vehicles," "visitors," "motor pool," "loading zone," etc.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-085, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-085, filed 2/20/73.]
Visitors and guests.
Section 17.
(1) All visitors, guests, salesmen, maintenance or service personnel, and all other members of the public who are not college employees or students will park in available space as directed by the college parking booth attendant without paying a fee, including the following:
(a) Members of the board of trustees and other designated by the college may be given complimentary annual permits.
(b) Federal, state, county, city, and school district personnel on official business and in vehicles with tax exempt licenses will be admitted without charge.
(c) Vehicles owned by contractors and their employees working on campus construction will be parked in designated areas, if available, without charge.
(d) Visiting academic or administrative personnel from other colleges or universities and guest speakers will be parked without charge upon presentation of a guest permit. Responsibility for naming parking arrangements for guests will rest with the sponsoring college department or division.
(e) Members of the press, television, and radio on official business will park without charge.
(f) Taxis will be admitted without charge for pick-up and delivery but will not be given free parking privileges.
(g) No parking fee will be charged visitors and guests attending special college events such as commencement. No parking fees will be charged for college and departmental events such as open house, symposiums, social and cultural events.
(h) Those covered by section 5 [WAC 132K-116-030].
(2) Special permits:
(a) Temporary or part-time employees, salesmen, maintenance and service personnel, and other visitors who must frequently visit the campus on college business, may be issued parking permits at the regular annual or quarterly fee or at the rate based on the regular annual fee, subject to the approval of the college physical plant director.
(b) The college parking office will assist college departments and divisions which sponsor functions such as conferences, seminars, dinners and similar events in arranging parking without collecting parking fees, only if prearranged with the parking office.
(3) Athletics, concerts, plays and other special events: Parking fees will not be charged for vehicles parked at athletics, concerts, plays and other special events held on campus after hours or on weekends.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-090, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-090, filed 2/20/73.]
Permit revocations.
Section 18.
(1) Permits are the property of the college and may be recalled for any of the following reasons by the college physical plant director:
(a) When the purpose for which the permit was issued changes or no longer exists
(b) When a permit is used by an unregistered vehicle or by an unauthorized individual
(c) Falsification on a parking permit application
(d) Continued violations or [of] parking regulations
(e) Counterfeiting or altering of stickers
(2) Vehicles displaying canceled permits will be subject to citation or impounding.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-095, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-095, filed 2/20/73.]
Duplicate permits for faculty, staff, and student personnel.
Section 19. Faculty, staff, and student personnel of the college may apply on a separate application for a permit for a second vehicle owned and operated by that person for a minimum charge of $.50. Vehicle registration must be presented for verification. If a permit is damaged, remove the portion that is left and a new permit will be issued free of charge. If a vehicle is traded, sold, or demolished, remove the permit (or at least the number portion) and a new permit will be issued at no charge.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-100, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-100, filed 2/20/73.]
Faculty and staff permit periods.
Section 20. All faculty and staff will park on a permit basis, i.e., either annually, quarterly, or daily. Annual permits will be payable in full prior to the start of fall quarter of each year.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-105, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-105, filed 2/20/73.]
Fees for permits.
Section 21. The fees charged by the college for the issuance of permits shall be those established from time to time by the board of trustees of the college.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-110, filed 2/20/73.]
Annual parking fee payment.
Section 22. Payment for an annual parking permit must be made by cash or check directly to the business office of the college or to the college cashier at the time of registration. Cash should not be sent by mail.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-115, filed 2/20/73.]
Display of permits.
Section 23. The permit issued by the college parking office shall be placed as per directions on the permit. Permits not displayed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall not be valid.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-120, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-120, filed 2/20/73.]
Responsibility of person to whom permit is issued.
Section 24. The person to whom a permit is issued pursuant to these regulations shall be responsible for all violations of these rules and regulations involving the vehicle for which the permit was issued and to which it was affixed, provided, however, that such responsibility shall not relieve other persons who violate these rules and regulations.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-125, filed 2/20/73.]
Refund of fees.
Section 25. Parking fees are nonrefundable.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-130, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-130, filed 2/20/73.]
Procedure—Issuance of summons or traffic tickets.
Section 26. Upon probable cause to believe that a violation of these regulations has occurred, an officer of the college parking office may issue a summons or traffic ticket setting forth the date, the approximate time, the locality, and the nature of the violation. Such summons may be served by attaching or affixing a copy thereof to the vehicle allegedly involved in such violation, or by placing a copy thereof in some prominent place outside such vehicle. Vehicles not displaying a valid permit may be towed after the third violation citation has been issued. (See section 32)
Questions pertaining to citations may be directed to the physical plant department, Room 3014.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 86-15-020 (Order 86-1, Resolution No. 86-1), § 132K-116-135, filed 7/11/86; Order 36, § 132K-116-135, filed 9/6/77; Order 31, § 132K-116-135, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-135, filed 2/20/73.]
Grievance proceedings—Bond for appearance—Date of hearing.
Section 27.
(1) The summons or traffic ticket issued pursuant to WAC 132K-116-135 shall direct the alleged violator to appear before the college physical plant director within five school days. At that time, the alleged violator will be informed of the next meeting of the college parking committee which will convene on the last Thursday of each month.
(2) The alleged violator may then elect to waive his right to appear before the college parking committee and pay the appropriate fine or appeal the violation. If the alleged violator elects to appeal the violation, he/she will be informed that the appeal must be made in writing to the college physical plant director giving full particulars, listing witnesses, evidence, etc., within five school days following the issuance of summons or traffic ticket.
The college parking committee shall consist of the college dean of students as chairperson, the college dean of administrative services, and the physical plant director.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 86-15-020 (Order 86-1, Resolution No. 86-1), § 132K-116-140, filed 7/11/86; Order 36, § 132K-116-140, filed 9/6/77; Order 31, § 132K-116-140, filed 9/17/76; Order 15, § 132K-116-140, filed 4/6/73; Order 13, § 132K-116-140, filed 2/20/73.]
Fines and penalties.
Section 28. The fines or penalties to be assessed for violation of these regulations shall be as follows:
(1) Parking violations. $2.00 if the five school day requirement of section 27 [WAC 132K-116-140] is not met.
(2) Exceeding speed limit. Not less than $5.00 or more than $25.00 and/or loss of parking and driving privileges on campus for up to one year, and appearance before the college parking committee for appropriate disciplinary action.
(3) Any other violation of these regulations. Not less than $2.00 or more than $25.00 and/or loss of parking and driving privileges on campus for up to one year, and appearance before the college parking committee for appropriate disciplinary action.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-145, filed 9/17/76; Order 15, § 132K-116-145, filed 4/6/73; Order 13, § 132K-116-145, filed 2/20/73.]
Mitigation and suspension of penalties.
Section 29. Upon showing of good cause or mitigating circumstances, the college parking committee may impose any lesser fine or penalty than those established in section 28 and section 30 [WAC 132K-116-145 and 132K-116-155], or it may grant an extension of time within which to comply with its determination and sentence.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-150, filed 9/17/76; Order 15, § 132K-116-150, filed 4/6/73; Order 13, § 132K-116-150, filed 2/20/73.]
Enforcement of determination of the parking committee.
Section 30. In the event a student fails or refuses to comply with the determination of the college parking committee such alleged violator shall not be eligible to register for additional courses, or to obtain a transcript of his grades or credits, or to receive a degree; until he has paid or otherwise complied with the determination. Failure by employees to pay citations shall result in withholding of paychecks either for June or for the last month of an employment contract.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-155, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-155, filed 2/20/73.]
Regulatory signs, markings, barricades, etc.
Section 31. The college parking office is authorized to erect signs, barricades, and other structures and to paint marks and other directions upon the streets and roadways for the regulation of traffic and parking upon state lands devoted mainly to the educational or research activities of the college. Such signs, barricades, structures, markings and directions shall be so made and placed as in the opinion of the college physical plant director will best effectuate the objectives stated in section 2 [WAC 132K-116-015].
No person without authorization from the college physical plant director shall move, deface, or in any way change a sign, barricade, structure, marking, or direction so placed, or previously placed, for the purpose of regulating traffic or parking.
[Order 31, § 132K-116-160, filed 9/17/76; Order 13, § 132K-116-160, filed 2/20/73.]
Impounding of vehicles.
Section 32. Any vehicles parked upon state land devoted mainly to the educational purposes of the college in violation of these regulations including the motor vehicle and other traffic laws of the state of Washington and the traffic code of Pierce County, Washington as incorporated in section 3 [WAC 132K-116-020] may be impounded and taken to such place for storage as the college selects. The expenses of such impoundings and storage shall be charged to the owner or operator of the vehicle and paid by him prior to its release. The college and its employees shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from such impounding and storage.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-165, filed 2/20/73.]
Delegation of authority.
Section 33. The authority and powers conferred upon the board of trustees, the president, the college dean of students, and the manager of business services by these regulations shall be subject to delegation by him to his subordinates.
[Order 13, § 132K-116-170, filed 2/20/73.]
Liability of college.
Section 34. The college assumes no liability under any circumstances for vehicles parked on campus. The college grants a license for use of a parking space to individuals desiring to park their vehicles on campus and who purchase a parking space or for those individuals described in section 17 [WAC 132K-116-090]. However, no bailment is created by the sale of a permit or for those individuals described in section 17 [WAC 132K-116-090].
[Order 15, § 132K-116-175, filed 4/6/73; Order 13, § 132K-116-175, filed 2/20/73.]