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Chapter 132F-605 WAC

Last Update: 11/6/17


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF132F-605-010Refund scheduleGeneral.
HTMLPDF132F-605-020Refund scheduleIntensive English institute.
HTMLPDF132F-605-030Refund scheduleContinuing education.
HTMLPDF132F-605-040Dismissal for disciplinary reasons.
HTMLPDF132F-605-050Classes not following regular college quarter calendar.
HTMLPDF132F-605-070Parking fees.



Tuition and fees (except those which are nonrefundable) will be refunded if complete or partial withdrawal from classes is accomplished within the first twenty calendar days of the regular college quarter following the beginning day of the quarter.
Refunds, except for self-support programs, e.g., continuing education, intensive English courses, will be made in accordance with the schedule below, subject to an administrative fee. In those instances where the fee subject to refund is less than the administrative fee, the minimum forfeiture will be reduced to that amount. No charge is made for dropping classes when no refund is involved. At least two weeks must elapse between payment and refund of fees.
International students who attend a college within the Seattle College District on an International Student Visa and make advance payments must be enrolled at the college in the quarter for which they are requesting a refund and must provide documentation establishing extenuating circumstances, such as visa denial or medical reasons.
Refunds of financial aid recipients will be refunded to the appropriate financial aid account as required by federal and state regulations, including those students who are dismissed for disciplinary reasons.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-005, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Refund scheduleGeneral.

Withdrawal resulting from classes being canceled by the district, one hundred percent.
Before the first day of the college quarter, one hundred percent.
During the first five instructional days of the college quarter (less administrative fee), one hundred percent.
From the sixth instructional day through the twentieth calendar day of the college quarter, fifty percent.
After the first twenty calendar days of the college quarter, zero percent.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-010, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Refund scheduleIntensive English institute.

Withdrawal prior to first class, one hundred percent.
During the first five calendar days, eighty percent.
From the sixth through the fourteenth calendar day, fifty percent.
After the fourteenth calendar day, zero percent.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-020, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Refund scheduleContinuing education.

Two business days prior to first day of class, one hundred percent, less administrative fee.
Within two business days of start of class/after class begins, zero percent.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-030, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Dismissal for disciplinary reasons.

No refund will be given beyond the stated refund deadlines for a student who is dismissed or suspended from the district for disciplinary reasons.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-040, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Classes not following regular college quarter calendar.

Refunds for summer quarter, or other short courses/programs that do not follow the regular college calendar, will be applied on a prorated basis to the specific class' shortened schedule.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-050, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]


Parking fees.

Parking fees will be refunded only in the case of one hundred percent withdrawal from the college and surrender of the parking permit, in which case the fees will be refunded on the same basis as tuition.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 17-23-020, § 132F-605-070, filed 11/6/17, effective 12/7/17.]