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PDFWAC 132F-121-300

Sex discriminationDismissal and initiation of discipline.

(1) Any member of the college community may file a complaint against a student or student group for conduct which may constitute sex discrimination.
(2) The college's Title IX coordinator or designee shall review, process, and, if applicable, investigate complaints or other reports of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment. The disciplinary process for allegations of sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment, against a student shall be addressed through the student conduct code.
(3) Both the respondent and the complainant in cases involving allegations of sex discrimination shall be provided the same procedural rights to participate in student discipline matters, including the right to participate in the disciplinary process and to appeal any disciplinary decision.
(4) When a summary suspension is imposed pursuant to WAC 132F-121-250, the complainant shall be notified that a summary suspension has been imposed on the same day that the summary suspension notice is served on the respondent. The college will also provide the complainant with timely notice of any subsequent changes to the summary suspension order.
(5) The student conduct officer shall review the investigation report provided by the Title IX coordinator, and determine whether, by a preponderance of the evidence, there was a violation of the student conduct code; and if so, what disciplinary sanction(s) and/or remedies will be recommended. The student conduct officer shall, within five business days of receiving the investigation report, serve respondent, complainant, and the Title IX coordinator with a written recommendation, setting forth the facts and conclusions supporting their recommendation. The time for serving a written recommendation may be extended by the student conduct officer for good cause.
(a) The complainant and respondent may either accept the student conduct officer's recommended finding and disciplinary sanction(s) or request a hearing before a student conduct committee.
(b) The complainant and respondent shall have 21 calendar days from the date of the written recommendation to request a hearing before a student conduct committee.
(c) The request for a hearing may be verbal or written, but must be clearly communicated to the student conduct officer.
(d) The student conduct officer shall promptly notify the other party of the request.
(e) The student conduct officer may recommend dismissal of the complaint if:
(i) The college is unable to identify respondent after taking reasonable steps to do so;
(ii) Respondent is not participating in the college's educational programs or activities;
(iii) The complainant has voluntarily withdrawn any or all of the allegations in the complaint, and the Title IX coordinator has declined to initiate their own complaint. In cases involving allegations of sex-based harassment, the complainant must withdraw their complaint in writing;
(iv) The college determines that, even if proven, the conduct alleged by the complainant would not constitute sex discrimination; or
(v) The conduct alleged by the complainant falls outside the college's disciplinary jurisdiction.
(f) If no request for a full hearing is provided to the student conduct officer, the student conduct officer's written recommendation shall be final and implemented immediately following the expiration of 21 calendar days from the service of the written recommendation.
(g) Upon receipt of the student conduct officer's written recommendation, the Title IX coordinator or their designee shall review all supportive measures and, within five business days, provide written direction to the complainant and respondent as to any supportive measures that will be implemented, continued, modified, or terminated. If either party is dissatisfied with the supportive measures, the party may seek review in accordance with the college's Title IX investigation procedure.
(h) If the respondent is found responsible for engaging in sex discrimination, the Title IX coordinator shall also take prompt steps to coordinate and implement any necessary remedies to ensure that sex discrimination does not recur and that complainant has equal access to the college's programs and activities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.010(16) and 28B.50.140(13). WSR 25-02-075, s 132F-121-300, filed 12/24/24, effective 1/24/25. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and 28B.50.090(3). WSR 21-10-027, § 132F-121-300, filed 4/26/21, effective 5/27/21.]