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Chapter 118-67 WAC

Last Update: 6/7/24


WAC Sections

HTMLPDF118-67-050911 location accuracy requirements.
HTMLPDF118-67-060911 location information.
HTMLPDF118-67-090Device-based location technologies.
HTMLPDF118-67-110TTY access to 911 services.
HTMLPDF118-67-120Nonservice initialized devices.
HTMLPDF118-67-130Manufacturers of 911 only devices.
118-67-070Phase II enhanced 9-1-1 service. [Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-070, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.] Repealed by WSR 24-13-025, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520.
118-67-080Network-based location technologies. [Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-080, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.] Repealed by WSR 24-13-025, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520.
118-67-100Requirements for PSAPs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-100, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.] Repealed by WSR 24-13-025, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520.



This chapter is promulgated pursuant to the authority granted in RCW 38.52.561.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-010, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]



(1) RCW 38.52.561 authorizes the state 911 coordinator, with the advice and assistance of the 911 advisory committee, to set nondiscriminatory, uniform technical and operational standards consistent with the rules of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for the transmission of 911 calls from radio communications service companies to 911 emergency communications systems. These standards must not exceed the requirements set by the FCC.
(2) This chapter is based upon and does not exceed FCC requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. Chapter 1.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-020, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-020, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]



(1) "911 only devices" shall mean a nonservice initialized device that is manufactured with the capability of dialing 911 only and that cannot receive incoming calls.
(2) "Device" shall mean a piece of technology equipment designed to perform specific functions and with the capability to access the 911 emergency communications system.
(3) "Dispatchable location" means a location delivered to the PSAP with a 911 call that consists of the validated street address of the calling party, plus additional information such as suite, apartment, or similar information necessary to adequately identify the location of the calling party.
(4) "Electronic serial number (ESN)" shall mean the unique 11-digit serial number assigned to the device by the manufacturer.
(5) "Federal Communications Commission (FCC)" shall mean the agency of the federal government established under the Communications Act of 1934, as revised, for the purpose of regulating interstate communication by wire and radio.
(6) "International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI)" shall mean the unique 15-digit serial number assigned to a global system for mobile communication (GSM) handset used on a GSM wireless network.
(7) "Nonservice initialized devices" shall mean a device for which there is no valid service contract with an RCSC.
(8) "Radio communications service company (RCSC)" has the same meaning as defined in RCW 38.52.010 and 82.14B.020.
(9) "Real-time text (RTT)" is text that is transmitted instantly as it is typed or created.
(10) "Text-to-911" is a service typically provided by mobile carriers, which allows for the sending of short messages to a PSAP from any text enabled device.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-030, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-030, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]



(1) Radio communications service companies (RCSCs) shall comply with the technical and operational standards established by the Federal Communications Commission for the transmission of 9-1-1 calls in section 47 C.F.R. Chapter I of the FCC Rules.
(2) The authority given to the state 911 coordinator by RCW 38.52.561 is limited to setting standards as set forth in that section and does not constitute authority to regulate radio communications service companies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-040, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-040, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


911 location accuracy requirements.

RCSCs shall meet or exceed the location accuracy standards set forth by the FCC.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-050, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-050, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


911 location information.

RCSCs, using any and all industry adopted standards, must deliver one of the following to the PSAP:
(1) Dispatchable location; or
(2) Device latitude and longitude with callback number.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-060, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-060, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


Device-based location technologies.

RCSCs employing device-based location technologies shall ensure that location-capable devices shall conform to industry interoperability standards designed to enable the location of such devices by multiple RCSCs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-090, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-090, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


TTY access to 911 services.

RCSCs subject to this section must be capable of transmitting 911 calls from individuals with speech or hearing disabilities through means other than mobile radio devices, e.g., through the use of text telephone devices (TTY), text-to-911, and real-time text (RTT). Operators of digital wireless systems must comply with the provisions of this paragraph.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-110, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-110, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


Nonservice initialized devices.

RCSCs that donate a nonservice initialized device for purposes of providing access to 911 services are required to:
(1) Program each device with 911 plus the decimal representation of the seven least significant digits of the electronic serial number, international mobile equipment identifier or any other identifier unique to that device;
(2) Affix to each handset a label that is designed to withstand the length of service expected for a nonservice initialized device, and that notifies the user that the device can only be used to dial 911, that the 911 operator will not be able to call the user back, and that the user should convey the exact location of the emergency as soon as possible; and
(3) Institute a public education program to provide the users of such devices with information regarding the limitations of nonservice initialized devices.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-120, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-120, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]


Manufacturers of 911 only devices.

Manufacturers of 911 only devices that are manufactured after May 3, 2004, are required to:
(1) Program each device with 911 plus the decimal representation of the seven least significant digits of the electronic serial number, International Mobile Equipment Identifier or any other identifier unique to that device;
(2) Affix to each device a label that is designed to withstand the length of service expected for a nonservice initialized phone, and which notifies the user that the device can only be used to dial 911, that the 911 operator will not be able to call the user back, and that the user should convey the exact location of the emergency as soon as possible; and
(3) Institute a public education program to provide the users of such devices with information regarding the limitations of 911 only devices.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.520. WSR 24-13-025, § 118-67-130, filed 6/7/24, effective 7/8/24. Statutory Authority: RCW 38.52.561. WSR 04-01-066, § 118-67-130, filed 12/12/03, effective 1/12/04.]