Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Financial Management, Office of 43.88.160 Audit Resolution, 2016 Report (1.9MB) 12/1/2016
Financial Management, Office of 43.88.160 Audit Resolution, 2017 Report (2.0MB) 12/1/2017
Financial Management, Office of 43.88.160 Audit Resolution, 2018 Report (3.2MB) 12/1/2018
Financial Management, Office of 43.88.160 Audit Resolution, 2021 Report (3.4MB) 12/1/2021
Auditor's Office, Washington State 43.09.420 Audits of State Agency Local Funds, July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2019 (658k) 11/7/2019
Health Care Authority ESSB 6032 (2017-18)   Autism Alliance and Advocacy (121k) 12/15/2018
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of SSB 6743 (2007-08)  (21k) Autism Awareness: Recommendations for Teacher Preparation and Professional Development (45k) 12/1/2008
Professional Educator Standards Board and Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of SSB 6743 (2007-08)  (21k) Autism Awareness: Recommendations for Teacher Preparation and Professional Development (3.6MB) 12/1/2008
Auto Theft Prevention Authority, Washington E3SHB 1001 (2007-08)  (137k) Auto Theft Prevention Authority 2019 Annual Report (240k) 12/31/2019
Auto Theft Prevention Authority, Washington E3SHB 1001 (2007-08)  (137k) Auto Theft Prevention Authority 2020 Annual Report (285k) 1/29/2021
Auto Theft Prevention Authority, Washington E3SHB 1001 (2007-08)   Auto Theft Prevention Authority 2021 Annual Report (373k) 1/21/2022
Auto Theft Prevention Authority, Washington E3SHB 1001 (2007-08)  (137k) Auto Theft Prevention Authority 2022 Annual Report (247k) 1/1/2023
Auto Theft Prevention Authority, Washington E3SHB 1001 (2007-08)  (137k) Auto Theft Prevention Authority 2023 Annual Report (401k) 1/25/2024
Washington Technology Solutions ESSB 5092 (2021-22)   Automated Decision-Making Systems Workgroups Report (1.5MB) 12/1/2021
Transportation, Department of, Ferries Division ESHB 2358 (2007-08)  (39k) Auto-Passenger Vessel Preservation & Replacement Draft Report Financing Study II (1.7MB) 12/7/2007
Ecology, Department of 43.21C.031 Average Time to Complete Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) (126k) 12/31/2018
Ecology, Department of 43.21C.0311 Average Time to Complete Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) (121k) 12/1/2020
Ecology, Department of 43.21C.0311 Average Time to Complete Final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) Report (270k) 1/1/2023
Financial Management, Office of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Background Checks Feasibility Study Letter of Transmittal (150k) 6/2/2023
Financial Management, Office of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Background Checks Feasibility Study Preliminary Report (328k) 12/9/2022
Financial Management, Office of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Background Checks Feasibility Study Preliminary Report Letter of Transmittal (169k) 12/16/2022
Parks and Recreation Commission ESSB 5035 (2013-14)  (813k) Backlog Repairs and Enhanced Amenities and Capital Project Savings Annual Progress Report (376k) 12/1/2013
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the 2SHB 1065 (2019-20)   Balance Billing Protection Act Arbitration Proceedings, 2021 Annual Report (306k) 6/29/2021
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the 2SHB 1065 (2019-20)   Balance Billing Protection Act Arbitration Proceedings, 2022 Annual Report (256k) 7/1/2022
Insurance Commissioner, Office of the E2SHB 1688 (2021-22)  (290k) Balance Billing Protection Act Impact Analysis, 2022 Annual Report (1.3MB) 12/15/2022
Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of 2SHB 1065 (2019-20)  (219k) Balanced Billing Protection Act Arbitration Proceedings (188k) 7/1/2020
University of Washington 70.245 Barriers to Death with Dignity in Washington State (812k) 12/1/2022
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of HB 1139 (2019-20)  (438k) Barriers to Recruitment of Military Personnel and Spouses to Serve in K-12 Positions (306k) 12/1/2019
Criminal Justice Training Commission, Washington State ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Basic Academy Wait Time 2023 (587k) 5/1/2024
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2010 Report (464k) 11/30/2010
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2011 Report (465k) 11/1/2011
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2012 Report (894k) 11/1/2012
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2013 Report (1.2MB) 11/1/2013
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2015 Report (689k) 11/30/2015
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2016 Report (1.1MB) 11/30/2016
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2017 Report (1.0MB) 11/1/2017
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2018 Report (1.1MB) 11/1/2018
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2019 Report (469k) 11/1/2019
Social & Health Services, Department of 74.04.535 Basic Food Employment and Training Program (BFET) Expansion, 2020 Report (466k) 11/1/2020
Social & Health Services, Department of ESHB 1092 (2007-08)  (736k) Basic Training Camp for Juveniles (1.8MB) 9/1/2008
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67 Beef Commission 2018-19 Annual Report (1.6MB) 11/1/2019
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67.200 Beef Commission 2019-20 Annual Report (4.3MB) 11/1/2020
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67 Beef Commission 2019-20 Strategic Plan (1.2MB) 10/31/2019
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67 Beef Commission 2020-21 Annual Report (3.5MB) 11/1/2021
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67.090 Beef Commission 2021-22 Annual Report (5.6MB) 11/1/2022
Beef Commission, Washington State 16.67.200 Beef Commission 2022-23 Annual Report (14.0MB) 10/1/2023
Public Instruction, Office of the Superintendent of ESSB 6444 (2009-10)  (1.5MB) Beginning Educator Support Team Program (782k) 2/28/2011
Health, Department of 18.120.010 Behavior Analyst Sunrise Review - Information Summary and Recommendations (7.3MB) 12/31/2014
Health Care Authority ESSB 6032 (2017-18)  (5.7MB) Behavioral and Physical Health Integration (116k) 11/1/2018
Health Care Authority ESHB 1109 (2019-20)  (4.1MB) Behavioral and Physical Health Integration (147k) 11/1/2019

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