Reports to the Legislature
Close Note: This page consolidates, and makes available electronically, reports to the Legislature from January 1, 2008 to date. These reports come from a variety of sources and the Legislature makes no claim as to the timeliness or comprehensiveness of the list. If you have or are aware of additional reports during this time frame, please send them to the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate.

Reports to the Legislature by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the State Auditor's Office can be accessed at:
JLARC: Audit and Study Reports
SAO: Reports
You may click on the column headings in the table below to sort it in ascending or descending order. For instance, if you would like to see all reports for an organization in date order, first choose the organization from the menu below, then click the Report Date column heading to sort by date. View more information about this page.

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Organization Name RCW Bill Exec. Order Report Title Report Date
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) I-5 Strategic Corridor Opportunities Report (545k) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of ESSB 5200 (2023-24)  (2.4MB) Carbon Sequestration and Forests; Repositioning State Trust Lands Report (1.6MB) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of ESSB 5200 (2023-24)  (2.4MB) Carbon and Forest Management Work Group Progress Report (2.2MB) 12/1/2023
Washington State University 28B.112.050 Addressing Sexual Misconduct at Postsecondary Educational Institutions Report (141k) 12/1/2023
Western Washington University, Government Relations ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Orientation Program Proposal for Washington College Grant Recipients Report (181k) 12/1/2023
Student Achievement Council 2SSB 5800 (2019-20)  (74k) Supporting Students Experiencing Homelessness (SSEH) Pilot Program Report (2.0MB) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of ESSB 5200 (2023-24)  (2.4MB) Washington National Guard Facility Appraisal Report - Liberty Lake (2.4MB) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of ESSB 5200 (2023-24)  (2.4MB) Washington National Guard Facility Appraisal Report - Spokane (3.3MB) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) 2023 Annual Wildfire Season Report (4.0MB) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Behavioral Health Service Delivery Guide Overview Report (3.9MB) 12/1/2023
Revenue, Department of 54.16.425 2023 Report Payments in Lieu of Property Tax on Certain Public Utility District Broadband Infrastructure (169k) 12/1/2023
Fish and Wildlife, Department of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) WDFW Fisheries Monitoring Report 2023 (1.9MB) 12/1/2023
Fish and Wildlife, Department of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) WDFW - Environmental Protection Division of the Attorney General Office Report (1.4MB) 12/1/2023
Fish and Wildlife, Department of 77.12.820 Eastern Washington Pheasant Enhancement Program Annual Report (3.1MB) 12/1/2023
Fish and Wildlife, Department of 77.135.090 ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) European Green Crab Quarterly Progress Report - Fall 2023 (July 1 to September 30 2023) (2.0MB) 12/1/2023
University of Washington 28B.10.145 SB 5227 (2021-22)  (79k) SB 5227 Annual Report (342k) 12/1/2023
University of Washington ESHB 2327 (2019-20)  (89k) ESHB 2327 Report (121k) 12/1/2023
Labor and Industries, Department of 51.32.187 HB 1490 (2019-20)  (71k) Radiological Hazardous Waste Facility (RHWF) Presumption Claims 2023 Report (1.0MB) 12/1/2023
Labor and Industries, Department of 49.12.180 Workplace Rights Investigations 2023 Annual Report (364k) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of 79.135.440 Statewide Kelp Forest and Eelgrass Meadow Health and Conservation Prioritization Plan (9.0MB) 12/1/2023
Natural Resources, Department of 79.135.440 Statewide Kelp Forest and Eelgrass Meadow Health and Conservation Monitoring Plan (1.6MB) 12/1/2023
Washington State University Energy Program SB 5287 (2023-24)  (79k) Wind Turbine Blade Recycling in Washington: A Feasibility Study (1.6MB) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) 2023 Public Transportation Mobility Report (4.7MB) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of 47.04.390 ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Active Transportation Funding Programs Legislative Report - Update on Program and Project Status (2.1MB) 12/1/2023
University of Washington ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Multimodal Transportation Account - State Appropriation Sidewalk Inventory and Accessibility Mapping Project Report (318k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Capital Projects Report - Quarter 1, 23-25 Biennium (695k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Fund Transfer Letter, December 2023 (96k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Administrative Fund Transfers; 23-25 Quarter 1 (161k) 12/1/2023
Social & Health Services, Department of ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) No-Paid Services Client Caseload Report (2.3MB) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Evidence-Based Practice Institute 2023 Annual Report (376k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Program Z Allotment Modifications Report (98k) 12/1/2023
Employment Security Department ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Economic Security For All Report (316k) 12/1/2023
Washington State Patrol 43.43.965 State Fire Service Mobilization Plan Report - 2023 (454k) 12/1/2023
Corrections, Department of 72.09.620 Extraordinary Medical Placement (EMP) Data - Annual Report (215k) 12/1/2023
Commerce, Department of HB 1571 (2021-22)  (83k) Services for Indigenous Survivors of Human Trafficking Report (755k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Toll Division Annual Report, FY 2023, (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023) (4.0MB) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) 2021-2023 Low Cost Enhancement Program Report (2.9MB) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of ESHB 1125 (2023-24)  (1.4MB) Transportation Operations, 2021-23 Q3 Capital Projects (559k) 12/1/2023
Student Achievement Council ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Regional Challenge Grant: Report on Use of General Fund Monies (276k) 12/1/2023
Transportation, Department of 47.04.410 Reducing Rural Roadway Departures Program Report (278k) 12/1/2023
Employment Security Department 50.12.210 Employment Services for Individuals with Disabilities (333k) 12/1/2023
Student Achievement Council 28A.188.040 STEM Education Report Card Update (621k) 12/1/2023
Central Washington University 28B.112.050 Addressing Sexual Misconduct at Postsecondary Educational Institutions Report (128k) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5693 (2021-22)  (5.0MB) Analysis of Workforce Retention and Recruitment Related to One-time Assistance Payments; 2023 Provider Relief Workforce Stabilization Funding (523k) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Accountable Communities of Health Alignment with Community Identified Health Needs (1.0MB) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) Alternative Response Team Grant Program Report (225k) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority E2SSB 5304 (2021-22)  (208k) Re-Entry Community Services Workgroup Final Report (232k) 12/1/2023
Revenue, Department of 19.02.055 State Agency Business Licensing Information Report 2023 (779k) 12/1/2023
Health Care Authority ESSB 5187 (2023-24)  (6.2MB) PEBB Retiree Medicare Benefits (1.9MB) 12/1/2023
Enterprise Services, Department of 43.82.010 Annual Leased Facilities 2023 Report (947k) 12/1/2023

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