Chapter 66.40 RCW



HTMLPDF 66.40.010Local option units.
HTMLPDF 66.40.020Election may be held.
HTMLPDF 66.40.030License elections.
HTMLPDF 66.40.040Petition for electionContentsProcedureSignatures, filing, form, copies, fees, etc.Public inspection.
HTMLPDF 66.40.100Check of petitions.
HTMLPDF 66.40.110Form of ballot.
HTMLPDF 66.40.120Canvass of votesEffect.
HTMLPDF 66.40.130Effect of election as to licenses.
HTMLPDF 66.40.140Certificate of result to boardGrace periodPermitted activities.
HTMLPDF 66.40.150Concurrent liquor elections in same election unit prohibited.

Local option units.

(1) For an election upon the question of whether the sale of liquor is permitted, the election unit must be any city or town, or that portion of any county not within cities and towns.
(2) This section is subject to the exception specified in RCW 66.40.030(2).
[ 2015 c 153 s 1; 1957 c 263 s 3. Prior: (i) 1933 ex.s. c 62 s 82; RRS s 7306-82. (ii) 1949 c 5 s 2, part (adding new section 23-S-2 to 1933 ex.s. c 62); Rem. Supp. 1949 s 7306-23S-2, part.]


Election may be held.

Within any unit referred to in RCW 66.40.010, upon compliance with the conditions hereinafter prescribed, there may be held, at the time and as a part of any general election, an election upon the question of whether the sale of liquor shall be permitted within such unit; and in the event that any such election is held in any such unit, no other election under this section shall be held prior to the next succeeding general election.
[ 1933 ex.s. c 62 s 83; RRS s 7306-83.]

License elections.

(1) Within any election unit referred to in RCW 66.40.010, subject to the exception specified in subsection (2) of this section, a separate election may be held upon the question of whether the sale of liquor under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses, must be permitted within the election unit. The conditions and procedure for holding the election are prescribed by RCW 66.40.020, 66.40.040, 66.40.100, 66.40.110, and 66.40.120. Whenever a majority of qualified voters voting upon the question in the election unit vote "against the sale of liquor under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses," the county auditor must file with the *liquor control board a certificate showing the result of the canvass at the election. Ninety days after the date of that canvass, it is unlawful for licensees to maintain and operate premises within the election unit licensed under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses.
(2) The addition after an election under subsection (1) of this section of new territory to the election unit by annexation, disincorporation, or otherwise does not extend the prohibition against the sale of liquor under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses to the new territory. Furthermore, the new territory is not: (a) Within the election unit in any subsequent election under subsection (1) of this section; or (b) subject to any prohibition adopted pursuant to any subsequent election under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) Elections held under RCW 66.40.010, 66.40.020, 66.40.040, 66.40.100, 66.40.110, 66.40.120, and 66.40.140 are limited to the question of whether the sale of liquor by means other than under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses is permitted within the election unit.
[ 2015 c 153 s 2; 2009 c 271 s 9; 1999 c 281 s 8; 1994 c 55 s 1; 1949 c 5 s 12 (adding new section 83-A to 1933 ex.s. c 62); Rem. Supp. 1949 s 7306-83A.]


*Reviser's note: The "state liquor control board" was renamed the "state liquor and cannabis board" by 2015 c 70 s 3.

Petition for electionContentsProcedureSignatures, filing, form, copies, fees, etc.Public inspection.

Any unit referred to in RCW 66.40.010 may hold such election upon the question of whether the sale of liquor shall be permitted within the boundaries of such unit, upon the filing with the county auditor of the county within which such unit is located, of a petition subscribed by qualified electors of the unit equal in number to at least thirty percent of the electors voting at the last general election within such unit. Such petition shall designate the unit in which the election is desired to be had, the date upon which the election is desired to be held, and the question that is desired to be submitted. The persons signing such a petition shall state their post office address, the name or number of the precinct in which they reside, and in case the subscriber be a resident of a city, the street and house number, if any, of his or her residence, and the date of signature. Said petition shall be filed not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days prior to the date upon which the election is to be held. No signature shall be valid unless the above requirements are complied with, and unless the date of signing the same is less than ninety days preceding the date of filing. No signature shall be withdrawn after the filing of such petition. Such petition may consist of one or more sheets and shall be fastened together as one document, filed as a whole, and when filed shall not be withdrawn or added to. Such petition shall be a public document and shall be subject to the inspection of the public. Upon the request of anyone filing such a petition and paying, or tendering to the county auditor one dollar for each hundred names, or fraction thereof, signed thereto, together with a copy thereof, said county auditor shall immediately compare the original and copy and attach to such copy and deliver to such person his or her official certificate that such copy is a true copy of the original, stating the date when such original was filed in his or her office; and said officer shall furnish, upon the demand of any person, a copy of said petition, upon payment of the same fee required for the filing of original petitions.
[ 2012 c 117 s 285; 1933 ex.s. c 62 s 84; RRS s 7306-84. Formerly RCW 66.40.040 through 66.40.090.]

Check of petitions.

Upon the filing of a petition as hereinbefore provided, the county auditor with whom it is filed shall cause the names on said petition to be compared with the names on the voters' official registration records provided for by law with respect to such unit. The officer or deputy making the comparison shall place his or her initials in ink opposite the signatures of those persons who are shown by such registration records to be legal voters and shall certify that the signatures so initialed are the signatures of legal voters of the state of Washington and of said unit, and shall sign such certificate. In the event that said petition, after such comparison, shall be found to have been signed by the percentage of legal voters of said unit referred to in RCW 66.40.040, the question shall be placed upon the ballot at the next general election.

Form of ballot.

Upon the ballot to be used at such general election the question shall be submitted in the following form:
"Shall the sale of liquor be permitted within . . . . . . (here specify the unit in which election is to be held)." Immediately below said question shall be placed the alternative answers, as follows:
"For sale of liquor. . . .
(  )
Against sale of liquor. . . .
(  )."
Each person desiring to vote in favor of permitting the sale of liquor within the unit in which the election is to be held shall designate his or her choice beside the words "For sale of liquor," and those desiring to vote against the permitting of the sale of liquor within such unit shall designate their choice beside the words "Against sale of liquor," and the ballot shall be counted accordingly.

Canvass of votesEffect.

The returns of any such election shall be canvassed in the manner provided by law. If the majority of qualified electors voting upon said question at said election shall have voted "For sale of liquor" within the unit in which the election is held, the sale of liquor may be continued in accordance with the provisions of this title. If the majority of the qualified electors voting on such question at any such election shall vote "Against sale of liquor", then, within thirty days after such canvass no sale or purchase of liquor, save as herein provided, shall be made within such unit until such permission so to do be subsequently granted at an election held for that purpose under the provisions of this title.
[ 1933 ex.s. c 62 s 87; RRS s 7306-87.]

Effect of election as to licenses.

Ninety days after December 2, 1948, spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses may be issued in any election unit in which the sale of liquor is then lawful. No spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility license shall be issued in any election unit in which the sale of liquor is forbidden as the result of an election held under RCW 66.40.010, 66.40.020, 66.40.040, 66.40.100, 66.40.110, 66.40.120 and 66.40.140, unless a majority of the qualified electors in such election unit voting upon this initiative at the general election in November, 1948, vote in favor of this initiative, or unless at a subsequent general election in which the question of whether the sale of liquor under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses shall be permitted within such unit is submitted to the electorate, as provided in RCW 66.40.030, a majority of the qualified electors voting upon such question vote "for the sale of liquor under spirits, beer, and wine restaurant; spirits, beer, and wine private club; spirits, beer, and wine nightclub; and sports entertainment facility licenses."
[ 2009 c 271 s 10; 1999 c 281 s 9; 1949 c 5 s 13 (adding new section 87-A to 1933 ex.s. c 62); Rem. Supp. 1949 s 7306-87A.]


Certificate of result to boardGrace periodPermitted activities.

Whenever a majority of qualified voters voting upon said question in any such unit shall have voted "Against sale of liquor," the county auditor shall file with the *liquor control board a certificate showing the result of the canvass at such election; and thereafter, except as hereinafter provided, it shall not be lawful for a liquor store to be operated therein nor for licensees to maintain and operate licensed premises therein except as hereinafter provided:
(1) As to any stores maintained by the board within any such unit at the time of such licensing, the board shall have a period of thirty days from and after the date of the canvass of the vote upon such election to continue operation of its store or stores therein.
(2) As to any premises licensed hereunder within any such unit at the time of such election, such licensee shall have a period of sixty days from and after the date of the canvass of the vote upon such election in which to discontinue operation of its store or stores therein.
(3) Nothing herein contained shall prevent any distillery, brewery, rectifying plant or winery or the licensed operators thereof from selling its manufactured product, manufactured within such unit, outside the boundaries thereof.
(4) Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person residing in any unit in which the sale of liquor shall have been forbidden by popular vote as herein provided, who is otherwise qualified to receive and hold a permit under this title, from lawfully purchasing without the unit and transporting into or receiving within the unit, liquor lawfully purchased by him or her outside the boundaries of such unit.


*Reviser's note: The "state liquor control board" was renamed the "state liquor and cannabis board" by 2015 c 70 s 3.

Concurrent liquor elections in same election unit prohibited.

No election in any unit referred to in RCW 66.40.010, 66.40.020, 66.40.040, 66.40.100, 66.40.110, 66.40.120 and 66.40.140, upon the question of whether the sale of liquor shall be permitted within the boundaries of such unit shall be held at the same time as an election is held in the same unit upon the question of whether the sale of liquor under the provisions of RCW 66.40.030 shall be permitted. In the event valid and sufficient petitions are filed which would otherwise place both questions on the same ballot that question upon which the petition was filed with the county auditor first shall be placed on the ballot to the exclusion of the other.
[ 1949 c 93 s 1 (adding new section 88-A to 1933 ex.s. c 62); Rem. Supp. 1949 s 7306-88A.]