Chapter 28B.110 RCW



HTMLPDF 28B.110.010Discrimination prohibited.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.020Definitions.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.030Rules and guidelines.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.040ComplianceCommunity colleges.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.050Violation of chapter.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.060Existing law and procedures.
HTMLPDF 28B.110.070Distribution to students.

Discrimination prohibited.

Article XXXI, section 1, Amendment 61 of the Washington state Constitution requires equal treatment of all citizens, regardless of gender. Recognizing the benefit to our state and nation of equal educational opportunities for all students, discrimination on the basis of gender against any student in the institutions of higher education of Washington state is prohibited.


For purposes of this chapter, "institutions of higher education" or "institutions" include the state universities, regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and the community colleges.

Rules and guidelines.

In consultation with institutions of higher education, the student achievement council shall develop rules and guidelines to eliminate possible gender discrimination to students, including sexual harassment, at institutions of higher education as defined in RCW 28B.10.016. The rules and guidelines shall include but not be limited to access to academic programs, student employment, counseling and guidance services, financial aid, recreational activities including club sports, and intercollegiate athletics.
(1) With respect to higher education student employment, all institutions shall be required to:
(a) Make no differentiation in pay scales on the basis of gender;
(b) Assign duties without regard to gender except where there is a bona fide occupational qualification as approved by the Washington human rights commission;
(c) Provide the same opportunities for advancement to males and females; and
(d) Make no difference in the conditions of employment on the basis of gender in areas including, but not limited to, hiring practices, leaves of absence, and hours of employment.
(2) With respect to admission standards, admissions to academic programs shall be made without regard to gender.
(3) Counseling and guidance services for students shall be made available to all students without regard to gender. All academic and counseling personnel shall be required to stress access to all career and vocational opportunities to students without regard to gender.
(4) All academic programs shall be available to students without regard to gender.
(5) With respect to recreational activities, recreational activities shall be offered to meet the interests of students. Institutions which provide the following shall do so with no disparities based on gender: Equipment and supplies; medical care; services and insurance; transportation and per diem allowances; opportunities to receive coaching and instruction; laundry services; assignment of game officials; opportunities for competition, publicity, and awards; and scheduling of games and practice times, including use of courts, gyms, and pools. Each institution which provides showers, toilets, lockers, or training room facilities for recreational purposes shall provide comparable facilities for both males and females.
(6) With respect to financial aid, financial aid shall be equitably awarded by type of aid, with no disparities based on gender.
(7) With respect to intercollegiate athletics, institutions that provide the following shall do so with no disparities based on gender:
(a) Benefits and services including, but not limited to, equipment and supplies; medical services; services and insurance; transportation and per diem allowances; opportunities to receive coaching and instruction; scholarships and other forms of financial aid; conditioning programs; laundry services; assignment of game officials; opportunities for competition, publicity, and awards; and scheduling of games and practice times, including use of courts, gyms, and pools. Each institution which provides showers, toilets, lockers, or training room facilities for athletic purposes shall provide comparable facilities for both males and females.
(b) Opportunities to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Institutions shall provide equitable opportunities to male and female students.
(c) Male and female coaches and administrators. Institutions shall attempt to provide some coaches and administrators of each gender to act as role models for male and female athletes.
(8) Each institution shall develop and distribute policies and procedures for handling complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Institutional sexual violence policies should include, but are not limited to, information about the institution's Title IX compliance officer or other individuals at the institution responsible for handling sexual violence violations and potential criminal conduct. Institutions shall annually distribute these policies and procedures in writing or electronically to all students and employees.


Effective date2012 c 229 ss 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.

ComplianceCommunity colleges.

The executive director of the student achievement council, in consultation with the council of presidents and the state board for community and technical colleges, shall monitor the compliance by institutions of higher education with this chapter.
(1) The council shall establish a timetable and guidelines for compliance with this chapter.
(2) By November 30, 1990, each institution shall submit to the council for approval a plan to comply with the requirements of RCW 28B.110.030. The plan shall contain measures to ensure institutional compliance with the provisions of this chapter by September 30, 1994. If participation in activities, such as intercollegiate athletics and matriculation in academic programs is not proportionate to the percentages of male and female enrollment, the plan should outline efforts to identify barriers to equal participation and to encourage gender equity in all aspects of college and university life.
(3) The council may delegate to the state board for community and technical colleges any or all responsibility for community college compliance with the provisions of this chapter.


Effective date2012 c 229 ss 101, 117, 401, 402, 501 through 594, 601 through 609, 701 through 708, 801 through 821, 902, and 904: See note following RCW 28B.77.005.
Intent2011 1st sp.s. c 11: See note following RCW 28B.76.020.
Effective date1997 c 5: See note following RCW 28B.15.455.

Violation of chapter.

A violation of this chapter shall constitute an unfair practice under chapter 49.60 RCW, the law against discrimination. All rights and remedies under chapter 49.60 RCW, including the right to file a complaint with the human rights commission and to bring a civil action, shall apply.

Existing law and procedures.

This chapter shall supplement, and shall not supersede, existing law and procedures relating to unlawful discrimination based on gender.

Distribution to students.

Institutions of higher education shall distribute copies of the provisions of this chapter to all students.