Chapter 19.105 RCW



HTMLPDF 19.105.300Definitions.
HTMLPDF 19.105.310Unlawful to offer or sell contract unless contract registeredExemptions.
HTMLPDF 19.105.320RegistrationFilings required upon applicationWaiver.
HTMLPDF 19.105.325Exemptions from chapter.
HTMLPDF 19.105.330RegistrationEffective, whenCompleted form of application required.
HTMLPDF 19.105.333Signature of operator, trustee, or holder of power of attorney required on application documentation.
HTMLPDF 19.105.336Availability of campgrounds to contract purchasersBlanket encumbrancesPenalty for noncompliance.
HTMLPDF 19.105.340Impounding proceeds from contract salesConditional release of impounded fundsFunds not subject to lienNo assignment of impounded or reserved assets.
HTMLPDF 19.105.345Persons licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW exempt from salesperson registration requirements.
HTMLPDF 19.105.350Director may require reserve fund by orderActions against a registration.
HTMLPDF 19.105.360Filing of sales literature, contract form, disclosure supplements.
HTMLPDF 19.105.365Advertising promises of free gifts, awards, or prizesProvision of gift or substituteSecurity arrangements after violationAdvance fees placed in trustMembership referral programs considered promotional programs.
HTMLPDF 19.105.370Purchaser to receive written disclosures from operator or departmentExemptions.
HTMLPDF 19.105.380Unprofessional conduct/disciplinary actionGroundsLiability for administrative and legal costsAssurances of discontinuanceSupport order, noncompliance.
HTMLPDF 19.105.390Resort contractsPurchaser's cancellationNoticeStatement of right to cancel.
HTMLPDF 19.105.400Resort contractsVoidableEstoppel.
HTMLPDF 19.105.405Purchaser listsAuthorized uses.
HTMLPDF 19.105.411Fees.
HTMLPDF 19.105.420Resort contractsRegistration, durationRenewal, amendmentRenewal of prior permits.
HTMLPDF 19.105.430Unlawful to act as salesperson without registeringExemptions.
HTMLPDF 19.105.440Registration as salespersonApplicationUnprofessional conductAssurances of discontinuanceRenewal of registrationSupport order, noncompliance.
HTMLPDF 19.105.450InvestigationsScopePublishing information.
HTMLPDF 19.105.470Cease and desist ordersUtilizing temporary order, injunction, restraining order, or writ of mandamus.
HTMLPDF 19.105.480ViolationsAs gross misdemeanorsStatute of limitations.
HTMLPDF 19.105.490ViolationsReferral to attorney general or prosecuting attorney.
HTMLPDF 19.105.500ViolationsApplication of consumer protection act.
HTMLPDF 19.105.510Resort contractsNonapplicability of certain lawsCounty and city powers.
HTMLPDF 19.105.520Unlawful to represent director's administrative approval as determination as to merits of resortPenalty.
HTMLPDF 19.105.530Rules, forms, ordersAdministration of chapter.
HTMLPDF 19.105.540Administrative procedure act application.
HTMLPDF 19.105.550Administration.
HTMLPDF 19.105.560Uniform regulation of business and professions act.
HTMLPDF 19.105.570Military training or experience.
HTMLPDF 19.105.571Spouses of military personnelRegistration.
HTMLPDF 19.105.910ConstructionChapter as cumulative and nonexclusive.
HTMLPDF 19.105.930Effective date1982 c 69.


Exemption of timeshares from chapter: RCW 64.36.290.


As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(1) "Camping resort" means any enterprise, other than one that is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that has as its primary purpose the ownership, operation, or promotion of campgrounds that includes or will include camping sites.
(2) "Camping resort contract" means an agreement evidencing a purchaser's title to, estate or interest in, or right or license to use for more than thirty days the campground of a camping resort.
(3) "Camping site" means a space designed and promoted for the purpose of locating a trailer, tent, tent trailer, pickup camper, or other similar device used for land-based portable housing.
(4) "Purchaser" means a person who enters into a camping resort contract and thereby obtains title to, an estate or interest in, or license or the right to use the campground of a camping resort.
(5) "Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, association, or other organization other than a government or a subdivision thereof.
(6) "Director" means the director of licensing.
(7) "Camping resort operator" means any person who establishes, promotes, owns, or operates a camping resort.
(8) "Advertisement" means any offer, written, printed, audio, or visual, by general solicitation, including all material used by an operator in a membership referral program.
(9) "Offer" means any solicitation reasonably designed to result in the entering into of a camping resort contract.
(10) "Sale" or "sell" means entering into, or other disposition, of a camping resort contract for value, but the term value does not include a reasonable fee to offset the ministerial costs of transfer of a camping resort contract if, in transferring the contract or membership, the terms of the original contract or membership are not changed by the camping resort operator.
(11) "Salesperson" means any individual, other than a camping resort operator, who is engaged in obtaining commitments of persons to enter into camping resort contracts by making a sales presentation to, or negotiating sales with, the persons, but does not include members of a camping resort engaged in the referral of persons without making a sales presentation to the persons.
(12) "Affiliate" means any person who, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls or is controlled by or is under common control of a registrant or camping resort operator.
(13) "Campground" means real property owned or operated by a camping resort that is available for camping or outdoor recreation by purchasers of camping resort contracts.
(14) "Department" means the department of licensing.
(15) "Resale camping resort contract" means a camping resort contract offered or sold which is not the original offer, transfer, or sale of such contract, and not a forfeited contract being reoffered by an operator.
(16) "Start-up camping resort contract" means a camping resort contract that is being offered or sold for the first time or a forfeited contract being resold by a camping resort operator.
(17) "Blanket encumbrance" means any mortgage, deed of trust, option to purchase, vendor's lien or interest under a contract or agreement of sale, or other material financing lien or encumbrance granted by the camping resort operator or affiliate that secures or evidences the obligation to pay money or to sell or convey any campgrounds made available to purchasers by the camping resort operator or any portion thereof and that authorizes, permits, or requires the foreclosure or other disposition of the campground affected.
(18) "Nondisturbance agreement" means an instrument by which the holder of a blanket encumbrance agrees that: (a) Its rights in any campground made available to purchasers, prior or subsequent to the agreement, by the camping resort operator shall be subordinate to the rights of purchasers from and after the recording of the instrument; (b) the holder and all successors and assignees, and any person who acquires the campground through foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure of such blanket encumbrance, shall take the campground subject to the use rights of purchasers; and (c) the holder or any successor acquiring the campground through the blanket encumbrance shall not discontinue use, or cause the campground to be used, in a manner which would materially prevent purchasers from using or occupying the campground in a manner contemplated by the purchasers' camping resort contracts. However, the holder has no obligation or liability to assume the responsibilities or obligations of the camping resort operator under camping resort contracts.

Unlawful to offer or sell contract unless contract registeredExemptions.

Except in transactions exempt under RCW 19.105.325, it is unlawful for any person to market, offer, or sell a camping resort contract in this state or to a Washington state resident unless the camping resort contract is registered and the operator or registrant has received a permit to market the registered contracts under this chapter.

RegistrationFilings required upon applicationWaiver.

(1) To apply for registration an applicant shall file with the director:
(a) An application for registration on such a form as may be prescribed by the director. The director may, by rule or order, prescribe the contents of the application to include information (including financial statements) reasonably necessary for the director to determine if the requirements of this chapter have been met, whether any of the grounds for which a registration may be suspended or denied have occurred, and what conditions, if any, should be imposed under RCW 19.105.340, 19.105.350, or 19.105.336 in connection with the registration;
(b) Written disclosures, in any format the director is satisfied accurately, completely, and clearly communicates the required information, which include:
(i) The name and address of the camping resort applicant or operator and any material affiliate and, if the operator or registrant is other than a natural person, the identity of each person owning a ten percent or greater share or interest;
(ii) A brief description of the camping resort applicant's experience in the camping resort business;
(iii) A brief description of the nature of the purchaser's title to, estate or interest in, or right to use the camping resort property or facilities and whether or not the purchaser will obtain an estate, title to, or interest in specified real property;
(iv) The location and a brief description of the significant facilities and recreation services then available for use by purchasers and those which are represented to purchasers as being planned, together with a statement whether any of the resort facilities or recreation services will be available to nonpurchasers or the general public;
(v) A brief description of the camping resort's ownership of or other right to use the camping resort properties or facilities represented to be available for use by purchasers, together with a brief description of any material encumbrance, the duration of any lease, real estate contract, license, franchise, reciprocal agreement, or other agreement entitling the camping resort applicant or operator to use the property, and any material provisions of the agreements which restrict a purchaser's use of the property;
(vi) A summary of any local or state health, environmental, subdivision, or zoning requirements or permits that have not been complied with for the resort property or facility represented to purchasers as in or planned for the campground;
(vii) A copy of the articles, bylaws, rules, restrictions, or covenants regulating the purchaser's use of each property, the facilities located on each property, and any recreation services provided;
(viii) A statement of whether and how the articles, declarations, bylaws, rules, restrictions, or covenants used in structuring the project may be changed and whether and how the members may participate in the decision on the changes;
(ix) A brief description of all payments of a purchaser under a camping resort contract, including initial fees and any further fees, charges, or assessments, together with any provisions for changing the payments;
(x) A description of any restraints on the transfer of camping resort contracts;
(xi) A brief description of the policies relating to the availability of camping sites and conditions under which reservations are required and the availability of the sites to guests and family members;
(xii) A disclosure covering the right of the camping resort operator or the registrant and their heirs, assigns, and successors in interest to change, substitute, or withdraw from use all or a portion of the camping resort properties or facilities and the extent to which the operator is obligated to replace camping resort facilities or properties withdrawn;
(xiii) A brief description of any grounds for forfeiture of a purchaser's camping resort contract;
(xiv) A statement concerning the effect upon membership camping resort contracts if there is a foreclosure affecting any of the operator's properties, a bankruptcy, or creditor or lienholder action affecting the operator or the camping resort properties; and
(xv) Any other information deemed necessary by the department for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare;
(c) The prescribed registration fees;
(d) A statement of the total number of camping resort contracts then in effect, both within and without this state; and a statement of the total number of camping resort contracts intended to be sold, both within and without this state, together with a commitment that the total number will not be exceeded unless disclosed by post-effective amendment to the registration as provided in RCW 19.105.420;
(e) Copies or prototypes of all camping resort contracts, and addendum thereto, and membership certificates, deeds, leases, or other evidences of interest, title, or estate, to be registered;
(f) An irrevocable consent to service of process on the director or the department, effective for the term of the statute of limitations covering the last sale in this state of a camping resort contract by the applicant or operator; and
(g) Any other material information the director deems necessary for the protection of the public health, welfare, or safety, or to effectively conduct an examination of an application.
(2) The director may waive for an applicant any of the information required in this section if it is not needed for the protection of the public health and welfare.


Administrative procedure act application: RCW 19.105.540.

Exemptions from chapter.

(1) The following transactions are exempt from registration under this chapter:
(a) An offer or sale by a government or governmental agency;
(b) A bona fide pledge of a camping resort contract; and
(c) Offerings and dispositions of up to three resale camping resort contracts by purchasers thereof on their own behalf or by third parties brokering on behalf of purchasers, other than resale contracts forfeited by or placed into an operator's sale inventory. All other sales of resale camping resort contracts by any person or business requires registration under this chapter.
(2) The director may, by rule or order, exempt any person, wholly or partially, from any or all requirements of this chapter if the director finds the requirements are not necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare.

RegistrationEffective, whenCompleted form of application required.

(1) Unless an order denying effectiveness under RCW 19.105.380 is in effect, or unless declared effective by order of the director prior thereto, the application for registration shall automatically become effective upon the expiration of the twentieth full business day following a filing with the director in complete and proper form, but an applicant may consent to the delay of effectiveness until such time as the director may by order declare registration effective or issue a permit to market.
(2) An application for registration, renewal of registration, or amendment is not in completed form and shall not be deemed a statutory filing until such time as all required fees, completed application forms, and the information and documents required pursuant to RCW 19.105.320(1) and departmental rules have been filed.
It is the operator's responsibility to see that required filing materials and fees arrive at the appropriate mailing address of the department. Within seven business days, excluding the date of receipt, of receiving an application or initial request for registration and the filing fees, the department shall notify the applicant of receipt of the application and whether or not the application is complete and in proper form. If the application is incomplete, the department shall at the same time inform the applicant what additional documents or information is required.
If the application is not in a completed form, the department shall give immediate notice to the applicant. On the date the application is complete and properly filed, the statutory period for an in-depth examination of the filing, prescribed in subsection (1) of this section, shall begin to run, unless the applicant and the department have agreed to a stay of effectiveness or the department has issued a denial of the application or a permit to market.

Signature of operator, trustee, or holder of power of attorney required on application documentation.

Applications, consents to service, all affidavits required in connection with applications, and all final permits to market shall be signed by the operator, unless a trustee or power of attorney specifically granted such powers has signed on behalf of the operator. If a power of attorney or trustee signature is used, the filing shall contain a copy of the authorization, power of attorney, or trustee authorization.

Availability of campgrounds to contract purchasersBlanket encumbrancesPenalty for noncompliance.

(1) With respect to every campground located within the state which was not made available to purchasers of camping resort contracts prior to June 20, 1988, and with respect to any new blanket encumbrance placed against any campground in this state or any prior blanket encumbrance against any campground in this state with respect to which the underlying obligation is refinanced after June 20, 1988, the camping resort operator shall not represent any such campground to be available to purchasers of its camping resort contracts until one of the following events has occurred with regard to each such blanket encumbrance:
(a) The camping resort operator obtains and records as covenants to run with the land a nondisturbance agreement from each holder of the blanket encumbrance. The nondisturbance agreement shall be executed by the camping resort operator and by each holder of the blanket encumbrance and shall include the provisions set forth in RCW 19.105.300(18) and the following:
(i) The instrument may be enforced by individual purchasers of camping resort contracts. If the camping resort operator is not in default under its obligations to the holder of the blanket encumbrance, the agreement may be enforced by the camping resort operator.
(ii) The agreement shall be effective as between each purchaser and the holder of the blanket encumbrance despite any rejection or cancellation of the purchaser's contract during any bankruptcy proceedings of the camping resort operator.
(iii) The agreement shall be binding upon the successors in interest of both the camping resort operator and the holder of the blanket encumbrance.
(iv) A holder of the blanket encumbrance who obtains title or possession or who causes a change in title or possession in a campground by foreclosure or otherwise and who does not continue to operate the campground upon conditions no less favorable to members than existed prior to the change of title or possession shall either:
(A) Offer the title or possession to an association of members to operate the campground; or
(B) Obtain a commitment from another entity which obtains title or possession to undertake the responsibility of operating the campground.
(b) The camping resort operator posts a bond or irrevocable letter of credit with the director in a form satisfactory to the director in the amount of the aggregate principal indebtedness remaining due under the blanket encumbrance.
(c) The camping resort operator delivers an encumbrance trust agreement in a form satisfactory to the director, as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(d) The camping resort operator delivers other financial assurances reasonably acceptable to the director.
(2) With respect to any campground located within the state other than a campground described in subsection (1) of this section, the camping resort operator shall not represent the campground to be available to purchasers of camping resort contracts after June 20, 1988, until one of the following events has occurred with regard to each blanket encumbrance:
(a) The camping resort operator obtains and records a nondisturbance agreement to run with the land pursuant to subsection (1) of this section from each holder of the blanket encumbrance.
(b) The camping resort operator posts a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit with the director in a form satisfactory to the director in the amount of the aggregate principal indebtedness remaining due under the blanket encumbrance.
(c) The camping resort operator delivers to the director, in a form satisfactory to the director, an encumbrance trust agreement among the camping resort operator, a trustee (which can be either a corporate trustee licensed to act as a trustee under Washington law, licensed escrow agent, or a licensed attorney), and the director.
(d) The camping resort operator delivers evidence to the director that any financial institution that has made a hypothecation loan to the camping resort operator (the "hypothecation lender") shall have a lien on, or security interest in, the camping resort operator's interest in the campground, and the hypothecation lender shall have executed and recorded a nondisturbance agreement in the real estate records of the county in which the campground is located. Each person holding an interest in a blanket encumbrance superior to the interest held by the hypothecation lender shall have executed and recorded an instrument stating that such person shall give the hypothecation lender notice of, and at least thirty days to cure, any default under the blanket encumbrance before the person commences any foreclosure action affecting the campground. For the purposes of this subsection, a hypothecation loan to a camping resort operator is a loan or line of credit secured by the camping resort contracts receivable arising from the sale of camping resort contracts by the camping resort operator, which exceeds in the aggregate all outstanding indebtedness secured by blanket encumbrances superior to the interest held by the hypothecation lender.
(e) The camping resort operator delivers other financial assurances reasonably acceptable to the director.
(3) Any camping resort operator which does not comply at all times with subsection (1) or (2) of this section with regard to any blanket encumbrance in connection with any applicable campground is prohibited from offering any camping resort contracts for sale in Washington during the period of noncompliance.


Effective date1988 c 159: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and, with the exception of section 7 of this act, shall take effect immediately [March 20, 1988]. Section 7 of this act shall take effect ninety days thereafter [June 20, 1988]." [ 1988 c 159 s 29.]

Impounding proceeds from contract salesConditional release of impounded fundsFunds not subject to lienNo assignment of impounded or reserved assets.

(1) If the director finds that the applicant or registrant has not by other means assured future availability to and quiet enjoyment of the campgrounds and facilities, as required under this chapter, the director may, notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 19.105.336, require impoundment of the funds or membership receivables, or both, from camping resort contract sales, including the impoundment of periodic dues or assessments required of purchasers under the contracts, or provide other assurances acceptable to the director, until sufficient funds have been impounded or arrangements made to alleviate the inadequacy. The director may, upon finding it reasonable and necessary, for compliance with RCW 19.105.336 and 19.105.365, and not inconsistent with the protection of purchasers or owners of camping resort contracts, provide for release to the applicant, registrant, or others of all or a portion of the impounded funds, membership receivables, or other assets in the impound. The director may take appropriate measures to assure that the impounded funds will be applied as required by this chapter.
(2) Funds placed in impounds under this section or reserve accounts under RCW 19.105.350 are not subject to lien, attachment, or the possession of lenders or creditors of the operator, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers, or other third parties. In instances of bankruptcy, foreclosure, attachment, or other contingency where the ownership or beneficiary status of funds in depositories, or the receivables and funds to be collected from receivables, may be at issue, the purchasers of contracts under this chapter, as a class, shall be deemed the beneficiary. No individual purchaser or group of purchasers, other than the purchasers as a class, have any right to possession, attachment, lien, or right of partition of funds or receivables in the impound or reserve.
(3) It is unlawful for an operator or other person to assign, hypothecate, sell, or pledge any contract or other asset placed into an impound or reserve under this chapter without the express written approval of the director or a court of competent jurisdiction.

Persons licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW exempt from salesperson registration requirements.

Persons licensed under chapter 18.85 RCW are exempt from the camping resort salesperson registration requirements of this chapter for camping resort contracts offered through the licensed brokerage.

Director may require reserve fund by orderActions against a registration.

(1) If the purchaser will own or acquire title to specified real property or improvements to be acquired by the camping resort, the director may by order require to the extent necessary to protect the interests of the purchasers or owners of camping resort contracts, that an appropriate portion of the proceeds paid under those camping resort contracts be placed in a separate reserve fund to be set aside and applied toward the purchase price of the real property, improvements, or facilities.
(2) The director may take any of the actions authorized in RCW 18.235.110 against a registration in which the registrant is advertising or offering annual or periodic dues or assessments by members that the director finds would result in the registrant's future inability to fund operating costs.


Effective dates2002 c 86: See note following RCW 18.08.340.
Part headings not lawSeverability2002 c 86: See RCW 18.235.902 and 18.235.903.

Filing of sales literature, contract form, disclosure supplements.

The camping resort operator or other registrant of offerings of camping resort contracts shall file with the director at least five business days prior to the first use thereof in the state of Washington (1) the proposed text of all advertisements and sales promotion literature, (2) its proposed form of camping resort contract, and (3) the text of any supplements or amendments to the written disclosures required to be furnished prospective purchasers under RCW 19.105.370: PROVIDED, That if the text in lieu of definitive copies of any materials are filed, definitive copies shall be filed with the director within five business days following the date of first use of the materials.

Advertising promises of free gifts, awards, or prizesProvision of gift or substituteSecurity arrangements after violationAdvance fees placed in trustMembership referral programs considered promotional programs.

(1) It is unlawful for a camping resort operator or other person, in connection with an advertisement or offer for sale of a camping resort contract in this state, to promise or offer a free gift, award, prize, or other item of value if the operator or person knows or has reason to know that the offered item is unavailable in a sufficient quantity based upon the reasonably anticipated response to the advertisement or offer.
(2) A person who responds to an advertisement or offer in the manner specified, who performs all stated requirements, and who meets the qualifications disclosed shall receive the offered item subject to chapter 19.170 RCW.
(3) The director may, upon making a determination that a violation of subsection (1) or (2) of this section has occurred, require any person, including an operator or other registrant found in violation, who continues, or proposes to continue, offering a free gift, award, prize, or other item of value in this state for purposes of advertising a camping resort or inducing persons to purchase a camping resort contract, to provide evidence of the ability to deliver on promised gifts, prizes, or awards by means such as bonds, irrevocable letters of credit, cash deposits, or other security arrangements acceptable to the director.
(4) The director may require that any fees or funds of any description collected in advance from persons for purposes of obtaining promised gifts, awards, prizes, or other items of value, be placed in trust in a depository in this state until after delivery of the promised gift, prize, award, or other item of value.
(5) Operators or other registrants or persons promising gifts, prizes, awards, or other items of consideration as part of a membership referral program shall be considered to be offering or selling promotional programs.
(6) Chapter 19.170 RCW applies to free gifts, awards, or prizes regulated under this chapter.

Purchaser to receive written disclosures from operator or departmentExemptions.

Except in a transaction exempt under RCW 19.105.325, any operator who offers or sells camping resort contracts in this state shall provide the prospective purchaser with the written disclosures required to be filed under RCW 19.105.320(1)(b) in a form that is materially accurate and complete before the prospective purchaser signs a camping resort contract or gives any item of value for the purchase of a camping resort contract. The department may provide its own disclosures, supplementing those of the operator, in any format it deems appropriate. The department shall not be held liable for any alleged failure to disclose information or for deficiencies in the content of its disclosures when such disclosures are based upon information provided by the operator or a registrant.

Unprofessional conduct/disciplinary actionGroundsLiability for administrative and legal costsAssurances of discontinuanceSupport order, noncompliance.

(1) In addition to the unprofessional conduct in RCW 18.235.130, the director may take disciplinary action for the following conduct, acts, or conditions:
(a) The applicant, registrant, or affiliate has failed to file copies of the camping resort contract form under RCW 19.105.360;
(b) The applicant, registrant, or affiliate has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter;
(c) The applicant's, registrant's, or affiliate's offering of camping resort contracts has worked or would work a fraud upon purchasers or owners of camping resort contracts;
(d) The camping resort operator or any officer, director, or affiliate of the camping resort operator has been enjoined from or had any civil penalty assessed for a finding of dishonest dealing or fraud in a civil suit, or been found to have engaged in any violation of any act designed to protect consumers, or has been engaged in dishonest practices in any industry involving sales to consumers;
(e) The applicant or registrant has represented or is representing to purchasers in connection with the offer or sale of a camping resort contract that a camping resort property, facility, amenity camp site, or other development is planned, promised, or required, and the applicant or registrant has not provided the director with a security or assurance of performance as required by this chapter;
(f) The applicant or registrant has not provided or is no longer providing the director with the necessary security arrangements to ensure future availability of titles or properties as required by this chapter or agreed to in the permit to market;
(g) The applicant or registrant is or has been employing unregistered salespersons or offering or proposing a membership referral program not in compliance with this chapter;
(h) The applicant or registrant has breached any escrow, impound, reserve account, or trust arrangement or the conditions of an order or permit to market required by this chapter;
(i) The applicant or registrant has filed or caused to be filed with the director any document or affidavit, or made any statement during the course of a registration or exemption procedure with the director, that is materially untrue or misleading;
(j) The applicant or registrant has engaged in a practice of failing to provide the written disclosures to purchasers or prospective purchasers as required under this chapter;
(k) The applicant, registrant, or any of its officers, directors, or employees, if the operator is other than a natural person, have willfully done, or permitted any of their salespersons or agents to do, any of the following:
(i) Engage in a pattern or practice of making untrue or misleading statements of a material fact, or omitting to state a material fact;
(ii) Employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud purchasers or members;
(iii) Engage in a pattern or practice of failing to provide the written disclosures to purchasers or prospective purchasers as required under this chapter;
(l) The applicant or registrant has failed to provide a bond, letter of credit, or other arrangement to ensure delivery of promised gifts, prizes, awards, or other items of consideration, as required under this chapter, breached such a security arrangement, or failed to maintain such a security arrangement in effect because of a resignation or loss of a trustee, impound, or escrow agent;
(m) The applicant or registrant has engaged in a practice of selling contracts using material amendments or codicils that have not been filed or are the consequences of breaches or alterations in previously filed contracts;
(n) The applicant or registrant has engaged in a practice of selling or proposing to sell contracts in a ratio of contracts to sites available in excess of that filed in the affidavit required by this chapter;
(o) The camping resort operator has withdrawn, has the right to withdraw, or is proposing to withdraw from use all or any portion of any camping resort property devoted to the camping resort program, unless:
(i) Adequate provision has been made to provide within a reasonable time thereafter a substitute property in the same general area that is at least as desirable for the purpose of camping and outdoor recreation;
(ii) The property is withdrawn because, despite good faith efforts by the camping resort operator, a nonaffiliate of the camping resort has exercised a right of withdrawal from use by the camping resort (such as withdrawal following expiration of a lease of the property to the camping resort) and the terms of the withdrawal right have been disclosed in writing to all purchasers at or prior to the time of any sales of camping resort contracts after the camping resort has represented to purchasers that the property is or will be available for camping or recreation purposes;
(iii) The specific date upon which the withdrawal becomes effective has been disclosed in writing to all purchasers and members prior to the time of any sales of camping resort contracts after the camping resort has represented to purchasers that the property is or will be available for camping or recreation purposes;
(iv) The rights of members and owners of the camping resort contracts under the express terms of the camping resort contract have expired, or have been specifically limited, upon the lapse of a stated or determinable period of time, and the director by order has found that the withdrawal is not otherwise inconsistent with the protection of purchasers or the desire of the majority of the owners of camping resort contracts, as expressed in their previously obtained vote of approval;
(p) The format, form, or content of the written disclosures provided therein is not complete, full, or materially accurate, or statements made therein are materially false, misleading, or deceptive;
(q) The applicant or registrant has failed to file an amendment for a material change in the manner or at the time required under this chapter or its implementing rules;
(r) The applicant or registrant has filed voluntarily or been placed involuntarily into a federal bankruptcy or is proposing to do so; or
(s) A camping resort operator's rights or interest in a campground has been terminated by foreclosure or the operations in a camping resort have been terminated in a manner contrary to contract provisions.
(2) An operator, registrant, or applicant against whom administrative or legal proceedings have been filed shall be responsible for and shall reimburse the state, by payment into the business and professions account created in RCW 43.24.150, for all administrative and legal costs actually incurred by the department in issuing, processing, and conducting any such administrative or legal proceeding authorized under this chapter that results in a final legal or administrative determination of any type or degree in favor of the department.
(3) The director may enter into assurances of discontinuance in lieu of issuing a statement of charges or a cease and desist order or conducting a hearing under this chapter. The assurances shall consist of a statement of the law in question and an agreement not to violate the stated provision. The applicant or registrant shall not be required to admit to any violation of the law, nor shall the assurance be construed as such an admission. Violating or breaching an assurance under this subsection is grounds for suspension or revocation of registration or imposition of a fine.
(4) The director shall immediately suspend the license or certificate of a person who has been certified pursuant to RCW 74.20A.320 by the department of social and health services as a person who is not in compliance with a support order. If the person has continued to meet all other requirements for reinstatement during the suspension, reissuance of the license or certificate shall be automatic upon the director's receipt of a release issued by the department of social and health services stating that the licensee is in compliance with the order.


Effective date2005 c 25: See note following RCW 43.24.150.
Effective dates2002 c 86: See note following RCW 18.08.340.
Part headings not lawSeverability2002 c 86: See RCW 18.235.902 and 18.235.903.
Short titlePart headings, captions, table of contents not lawExemptions and waivers from federal lawConflict with federal requirementsSeverability1997 c 58: See RCW 74.08A.900 through 74.08A.904.
Effective datesIntent1997 c 58: See notes following RCW 74.20A.320.

Resort contractsPurchaser's cancellationNoticeStatement of right to cancel.

Any camping resort contract may be canceled at the option of the purchaser, if the purchaser sends notice of the cancellation by certified mail (return receipt requested) to the camping resort operator at the address contained in the camping resort contract and if the notice is postmarked not later than midnight of the third business day following the day on which the contract is signed. In addition to this cancellation right, any purchaser who signs a camping resort contract of any description required to be registered with the department without having received the written disclosures required by this chapter has cancellation rights until three business days following eventual receipt of the written disclosures. Purchasers shall request cancellation of contracts by sending the notice of cancellation by certified mail (return receipt requested), postmarked not later than midnight of the third business day following the day on which the contract is signed or the day on which the disclosures were actually received, whichever event is later to the camping resort operator at the address contained in the camping resort contract. In computing the number of business days, the day on which the contract was signed shall not be included as a "business day," nor shall Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays be included. Within three business days following receipt of timely and proper notice of cancellation from the purchaser, the camping resort operator shall provide evidence that the contract has been canceled. Thereafter, any money or other consideration paid by the purchaser shall be promptly refunded.
Every camping resort contract, other than those being offered and registered as resales, shall include the following statement in at least ten-point boldface type immediately prior to the space for the purchaser's signature:
"Purchaser's right to cancel: You may cancel this contract without any cancellation fee or other penalty, or stated reason for doing so, by sending notice of cancellation by certified mail, return receipt requested, to . . . . . . (insert name and address of camping resort operator). The notice must be postmarked by midnight of the third business day following the day on which the contract is signed. In computing the three business days, the day on which the contract is signed shall not be included as a "business day," nor shall Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays be included."
If the purchaser has not inspected a camping resort property or facility at which camping resort sites are located or planned, the notice must contain the following additional language:
"If you sign this contract without having inspected a property at which camping sites are located or planned, you may cancel this contract by giving this notice within six (6) business days following the day on which you signed the contract."

Resort contractsVoidableEstoppel.

Any camping resort contract entered into in violation of this chapter may be voided by the purchaser and the purchaser's entire consideration recovered at the option of the purchaser, but no suit under this section may be brought after two years from the date the contract is signed.

Purchaser listsAuthorized uses.

(1) The legislature recognizes the proprietary interest camping resort operators have in purchaser lists. The legislature also recognizes that purchasers of camping resort contracts have a legitimate interest in being able to contact other resort purchasers for the purpose of forming a members' association. In balancing these competing interests, the legislature believes that purchaser lists can be made available to camping resort purchasers with reasonable restrictions on the dissemination of those lists.
(2) Upon request of a purchaser, the camping resort operator shall provide to the purchaser a list of the names, addresses, and unit, site, or purchaser number of all purchasers. The camping resort operator may charge for the reasonable costs for preparing the list. The operator shall require the purchaser to sign an affidavit agreeing not to use the list for any commercial purpose.
(3) It is a violation of this chapter and chapter 19.86 RCW for any person to use a membership list for commercial purposes unless authorized to do so by the operator.
(4) It is a violation of this chapter and chapter 19.86 RCW for a camping resort operator to fail to provide a list of purchasers as provided in this section.


Applicants or registrants under this chapter shall pay fees determined by the director as provided in RCW 43.24.086. The fees shall be prepaid and the director may determine fees for the following activities or events:
(1) A fee for the initial application and an additional fee for each camping resort contract registered;
(2) Renewals of camping resort registrations and an additional fee for each additional camping resort contract registered;
(3) An initial and annual fee for processing and administering any required impound, trust, reserve, or escrow arrangement and security arrangements for such programs;
(4) The review and processing of advertising or promotional materials;
(5) Registration and renewal of registrations of salespersons;
(6) The transfer of a salesperson's permit from one operator to another;
(7) Administering examinations for salespersons;
(8) Amending the registration or the public offering statement;
(9) Conducting site inspections;
(10) Granting exemptions under this chapter;
(11) Penalties for registrants in any situation where a registrant has failed to file an amendment to the registration or the public offering statement in a timely manner for material changes, as required in this chapter and its implementing rules.

Resort contractsRegistration, durationRenewal, amendmentRenewal of prior permits.

A registration of camping resort contracts shall be effective for a period of one year and may, upon application, be renewed for successive periods of one year each, unless the director prescribes a shorter period for a permit or registration. A camping resort contract registration shall be amended if there is to be an increase in inventory or consolidation to the number of camping resort contracts registered, or in instances in which new contract forms are to be offered. Consolidations, new contract forms, the adding of resorts to the program, or amendments for material changes shall become effective in the manner provided by RCW 19.105.330. The written disclosures required to be furnished prospective purchasers under RCW 19.105.370 shall be supplemented by amendment request in writing as necessary to keep the required information reasonably current and reflective of material changes. Amendments shall be filed with the director as provided in RCW 19.105.360. The foregoing notwithstanding, however, the camping resort operator or registrant shall file an amendment to the registration disclosing any event which will have a material effect on the conduct of the operation of the camping resort, the financial condition of the camping resort, or the future availability of the camping resort properties to purchasers. The amendment shall be filed within thirty days following the event. The amendment shall be treated as an original application for registration, except that until the director has acted upon the application for amendment the applicant's registration shall continue to be deemed effective for the purposes of RCW 19.105.310.
Any permit to sell camping resort memberships issued prior to November 1, 1982, shall be deemed a camping resort registration subject to the renewal provisions of this chapter upon the anniversary date of the issuance of the original permit.

Unlawful to act as salesperson without registeringExemptions.

Unless the transaction is exempt under RCW 19.105.325, it is unlawful for any person to act as a camping resort salesperson in this state without first registering under this chapter as a salesperson or being licensed as a salesperson under chapter 18.85 RCW or a broker licensed under that chapter.

Registration as salespersonApplicationUnprofessional conductAssurances of discontinuanceRenewal of registrationSupport order, noncompliance.

(1) A salesperson may apply for registration by filing in a complete and readable form with the director an application form provided by the director that includes the following:
(a) A statement whether or not the applicant has been found to have engaged in any violation of any act designed to protect consumers and whether the applicant is qualified for licensure under RCW 18.235.130;
(b) A statement fully describing the applicant's employment history for the past five years and whether or not any termination of employment was the result of any theft, fraud, or act of dishonesty;
(c) A consent to service comparable to that required of operators under this chapter; and
(d) Required filing fees.
(2) In addition to the unprofessional conduct specified in RCW 18.235.130, the director may take disciplinary action against a camping resort salesperson's registration or application for registration under this chapter or the person's license or application under chapter 18.85 RCW for any of the following conduct, acts, or conditions:
(a) Violating any of the provisions of this chapter or any lawful rules adopted by the director pursuant thereto;
(b) Making, printing, publishing, distributing, or causing, authorizing, or knowingly permitting the making, printing, publication, or distribution of false statements, descriptions, or promises of such character as to reasonably induce any person to act thereon, if the statements, descriptions, or promises purport to be made or to be performed by either the applicant or registrant and the applicant or registrant then knew or, by the exercise of reasonable care and inquiry, could have known, of the falsity of the statements, descriptions, or promises;
(c) Knowingly committing, or being a party to, any material fraud, misrepresentation, concealment, conspiracy, collusion, trick, scheme, or device whereby any other person lawfully relies upon the work, representation, or conduct of the applicant or registrant;
(d) Continuing to sell camping resort contracts in a manner whereby the interests of the public are endangered, if the director has, by order in writing, stated objections thereto;
(e) Misrepresentation of membership in any state or national association; or
(f) Discrimination against any person in hiring or in sales activity on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin, or violating any state or federal antidiscrimination law.
(3) The director, subsequent to any complaint filed against a salesperson or pursuant to an investigation to determine violations, may enter into stipulated assurances of discontinuances in lieu of issuing a statement of charges or a cease and desist order or conducting a hearing. The assurance shall consist of a statement of the law in question and an agreement not to violate the stated provision. The salesperson shall not be required to admit to any violation of the law, nor shall the assurance be construed as such an admission. Violation of an assurance under this subsection is grounds for disciplinary action.
(4) The director may by rule require such further information or conditions for registration as a camping resort salesperson, including qualifying examinations and fingerprint cards prepared by authorized law enforcement agencies, as the director deems necessary to protect the interests of purchasers.
(5) Registration as a camping resort salesperson shall be effective for a period of one year unless the director specifies otherwise or the salesperson transfers employment to a different registrant. Registration as a camping resort salesperson shall be renewed annually, or at the time of transferring employment, whichever occurs first, by the filing of a form prescribed by the director for that purpose.
(6) It is unlawful for a registrant of camping resort contracts to employ or a person to act as a camping resort salesperson covered under this section unless the salesperson has in effect with the department and displays a valid registration in a conspicuous location at each of the sales offices at which the salesperson is employed. It is the responsibility of both the operator and the salesperson to notify the department when and where a salesperson is employed, his or her responsibilities and duties, and when the salesperson's employment or reported duties are changed or terminated.
(7) The director shall immediately suspend the license or certificate of a person who has been certified pursuant to RCW 74.20A.320 by the department of social and health services as a person who is not in compliance with a support order. If the person has continued to meet all other requirements for reinstatement during the suspension, reissuance of the license or certificate shall be automatic upon the director's receipt of a release issued by the department of social and health services stating that the licensee is in compliance with the order.


Effective dates2002 c 86: See note following RCW 18.08.340.
Part headings not lawSeverability2002 c 86: See RCW 18.235.902 and 18.235.903.
Short titlePart headings, captions, table of contents not lawExemptions and waivers from federal lawConflict with federal requirementsSeverability1997 c 58: See RCW 74.08A.900 through 74.08A.904.
Effective datesIntent1997 c 58: See notes following RCW 74.20A.320.

InvestigationsScopePublishing information.

The director may make such public or private investigations or may make such requests for information, within or without this state, as the director deems necessary to determine whether any registration should be granted, denied, suspended, or revoked, or a fine imposed, or whether any person has violated or is about to violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule, order, or permit under this chapter, or to aid in the enforcement of this chapter or in prescribing of rules and forms under, and amendments to, this chapter and may publish information concerning any violation of this chapter or any rule or order under this chapter.

Cease and desist ordersUtilizing temporary order, injunction, restraining order, or writ of mandamus.

(1) Whenever it appears to the director that any person has engaged or is about to engage in any act or practice constituting a violation of any provision of this chapter, any withdrawal of a camping resort property in violation of RCW 19.105.380(1)(o), or any rule, order, or permit issued under this chapter, the director may in his or her discretion issue an order directing the person to cease and desist from continuing the act or practice. The procedures in RCW 18.235.150 apply to these cease and desist orders. However, the director may issue a temporary order pending the hearing which shall be effective immediately upon delivery to the person affected and which shall remain in effect until ten days after the hearing is held and which shall become final if the person to whom notice is addressed does not request a hearing.
(2) If it appears necessary in order to protect the interests of members and purchasers, whether or not the director has issued a cease and desist order, the attorney general in the name of the state, the director, the proper prosecuting attorney, an affiliated members' common-interest association, or a group of members as a class, may bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin any such acts or practices and to enforce compliance with this chapter or any rule, order, or permit under this chapter. Upon a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order, or writ of mandamus shall be granted and a receiver or conservator may be appointed for the defendant, for the defendant's assets, or to protect the interests or assets of a members' common-interest association or the members of a camping resort as a class. The state, the director, a members' common-interest association, or members as a class shall not be required to post a bond in such proceedings.


Effective dates2002 c 86: See note following RCW 18.08.340.
Part headings not lawSeverability2002 c 86: See RCW 18.235.902 and 18.235.903.

ViolationsAs gross misdemeanorsStatute of limitations.

(1) Any person who willfully fails to register an offering of camping resort contracts under this chapter is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
(2) It is a gross misdemeanor for any person in connection with the offer or sale of any camping resort contracts willfully and knowingly:
(a) To make any untrue or misleading statement of a material fact, or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading;
(b) To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud;
(c) To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person;
(d) To file, or cause to be filed, with the director any document which contains any untrue or misleading information;
(e) To breach any impound, escrow, trust, or other security arrangement provided for by this chapter;
(f) To cause the breaching of any trust, escrow, impound, or other arrangement placed in a registration for compliance with RCW 19.105.336; or
(g) To employ unlicensed salespersons or permit salespersons or employees to make misrepresentations or violate this chapter.
(3) No indictment or information may be returned under this chapter more than five years after the date of the event alleged to have been a violation.


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

ViolationsReferral to attorney general or prosecuting attorney.

The director may refer such evidence as may be available concerning violations of this chapter or of any rule or order under this chapter to the attorney general or the proper prosecuting attorney who may in his or her discretion, with or without such a reference, institute the appropriate civil or criminal proceedings under this chapter.

ViolationsApplication of consumer protection act.

For the purposes of application of the consumer protection act, chapter 19.86 RCW, any material violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be construed to constitute an unfair or deceptive act or practice or unfair method of competition in the conduct of trade or commerce.

Resort contractsNonapplicability of certain lawsCounty and city powers.

Camping resort contracts registered under this chapter are exempt from the provisions of chapters 21.20 and * 58.19 RCW and any act in this state regulating the offer and sale of land developments, real estate cooperatives, or time shares. Nothing in this chapter prevents counties or cities from enacting ordinances or resolutions setting platting or subdivision requirements solely for camping resorts or for camping resorts as subdivisions or binding site plans if appropriate to chapter 58.17 RCW or local ordinances.


*Reviser's note: Chapter 58.19 RCW was repealed in its entirety by 2024 c 321 s 504, effective January 1, 2028.

Unlawful to represent director's administrative approval as determination as to merits of resortPenalty.

(1) Neither the fact that an application for registration nor the written disclosures required by this chapter have been filed, nor the fact that a camping resort contract offering has been effectively registered or exempted, constitutes a finding by the director that the offering or any document filed under this chapter is true, complete, and not misleading, nor does the fact mean that the director has determined in any way the merits or qualifications of or recommended or given approval to any person, camping resort operator, or camping resort contract transaction.
(2) It is a gross misdemeanor to make or cause to be made to any prospective purchaser any representation inconsistent with this section.


IntentEffective date2003 c 53: See notes following RCW 2.48.180.

Rules, forms, ordersAdministration of chapter.

(1) The director may make, amend, and repeal rules, forms, and orders when necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
(2) The director may appoint those persons within the department deemed necessary to administer this chapter. The director may delegate to such persons any powers, subject to the authority of the director, that may be necessary to carry out this chapter, including the issuance and processing of administrative proceedings and entering into stipulations under RCW 19.105.380.

Administrative procedure act application.

Chapter 34.05 RCW shall apply to any administrative procedures carried out by the director under this chapter unless otherwise provided in this chapter.


This chapter shall be administered by the director of licensing.

Uniform regulation of business and professions act.

The uniform regulation of business and professions act, chapter 18.235 RCW, governs unlicensed practice, the issuance and denial of licenses, and the discipline of licensees under this chapter.


Effective dates2002 c 86: See note following RCW 18.08.340.
Part headings not lawSeverability2002 c 86: See RCW 18.235.902 and 18.235.903.

Military training or experience.

An applicant with military training or experience satisfies the training or experience requirements of this chapter unless the director determines that the military training or experience is not substantially equivalent to the standards of this state.

Spouses of military personnelRegistration.

The director shall develop rules consistent with RCW 18.340.020 for the registration of spouses of military personnel.


Implementation2011 2nd sp.s. c 5: See note following RCW 18.340.010.

ConstructionChapter as cumulative and nonexclusive.

Except as specifically provided in RCW 19.105.510, the provisions of this chapter are cumulative and nonexclusive and do not affect any other remedy available at law.

Effective date1982 c 69.

This act shall take effect on November 1, 1982.