These documents are currently being revised to incorporate the changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session. Please consult the Sections Affected Table for changes made during the 2024 Legislative Session.

Chapter 70.37 RCW



HTMLPDF 70.37.010Declaration of public policiesPurpose.
HTMLPDF 70.37.020Definitions.
HTMLPDF 70.37.030Washington health care facilities authority establishedMembersChairTermsQuorumVacanciesCompensation and travel expenses.
HTMLPDF 70.37.040Washington health care facilities authorityPowersSpecial fund bondsRevenue bonds.
HTMLPDF 70.37.050Requests for financingFinancing planBond issue, special fund authorized.
HTMLPDF 70.37.060Bond issuesTermsPaymentLegal investment, etc.
HTMLPDF 70.37.070Bond issuesSpecial trust fundPaymentsStatusAdministration of fund.
HTMLPDF 70.37.080Bond issuesDisposition of proceedsSpecial fund.
HTMLPDF 70.37.090Payment of authority for expenses incurred in investigating and financing projects.
HTMLPDF 70.37.100Powers of authority.
HTMLPDF 70.37.110Advancements and contributions by political subdivisions.

Declaration of public policiesPurpose.

The good health of the people of our state is a most important public concern. The state has a direct interest in seeing to it that health care facilities adequate for good public health are established and maintained in sufficient numbers and in proper locations. The rising costs of care of the infirm constitute a grave challenge not only to health care providers but to our state and the people of our state who will seek such care. It is hereby declared to be the public policy of the state of Washington to assist and encourage the building, providing and utilization of modern, well equipped and reasonably priced health care facilities, and the improvement, expansion and modernization of health care facilities in a manner that will minimize the capital costs of construction, financing and use thereof and thereby the costs to the public of the use of such facilities, and to contribute to improving the quality of health care available to our citizens. In order to accomplish these and related purposes this chapter is adopted and shall be liberally construed to carry out its purposes and objects.


As used in this chapter, the following words and terms have the following meanings, unless the context indicates or requires another or different meaning or intent and the singular of any term shall encompass the plural and the plural the singular unless the context indicates otherwise:
(1) "Authority" means the Washington health care facilities authority created by RCW 70.37.030 or any board, body, commission, department or officer succeeding to the principal functions thereof or to whom the powers conferred upon the authority shall be given by law.
(2) "Bonds" mean bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the authority issued pursuant hereto.
(3) "Health care facility" means any land, structure, system, machinery, equipment or other real or personal property or appurtenances useful for or associated with delivery of inpatient or outpatient health care service or support for such care or any combination thereof which is operated or undertaken in connection with hospital, clinic, health maintenance organization, diagnostic or treatment center, extended care facility, or any facility providing or designed to provide therapeutic, convalescent or preventive health care services, and shall include research and support facilities of a comprehensive cancer center, but excluding, however, any facility which is maintained by a participant primarily for rental or lease to self-employed health care professionals or as an independent nursing home or other facility primarily offering domiciliary care.
(4) "Participant" means any city, county or other municipal corporation or agency or political subdivision of the state or any corporation, hospital, comprehensive cancer center, or health maintenance organization authorized by law to operate nonprofit health care facilities, or any affiliate, as defined by regulations promulgated by the director of the department of financial institutions pursuant to RCW 21.20.450, which is a nonprofit corporation acting for the benefit of any entity described in this subsection.
(5) "Project" means a specific health care facility or any combination of health care facilities, constructed, purchased, acquired, leased, used, owned or operated by a participant, and alterations, additions to, renovations, enlargements, betterments and reconstructions thereof.

Washington health care facilities authority establishedMembersChairTermsQuorumVacanciesCompensation and travel expenses.

There is hereby established a public body corporate and politic, with perpetual corporate succession, to be known as the Washington health care facilities authority. The authority shall constitute a political subdivision of the state established as an instrumentality exercising essential governmental functions. The authority is a "public body" within the meaning of RCW 39.53.010. The authority shall consist of the governor who shall serve as chair, the lieutenant governor, the insurance commissioner, the secretary of health, and one member of the public who shall be appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate, on the basis of the member's interest or expertise in health care delivery, for a term expiring on the fourth anniversary of the date of appointment. In the event that any of the offices referred to shall be abolished, the resulting vacancy on the authority shall be filled by the officer who shall succeed substantially to the powers and duties thereof. The members of the authority shall be compensated in accordance with RCW 43.03.240 and shall be entitled to reimbursement, solely from the funds of the authority, for travel expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties under this chapter, subject to the provisions of RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060. A majority shall constitute a quorum.
The governor and the insurance commissioner each may designate an employee of his or her office to act on his or her behalf during the absence of the governor or the insurance commissioner at one or more of the meetings of the authority. The vote of the designee shall have the same effect as if cast by the governor or the insurance commissioner if the designation is in writing and is presented to the person presiding at the meetings included within the designation.
The governor may designate a member to preside during the governor's absence.


Effective dateSeverability1989 1st ex.s. c 9: See RCW 43.70.910 and 43.70.920.
Legislative findingsSeverabilityEffective date1984 c 287: See notes following RCW 43.03.220.
Effective dateSeverability1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34: See notes following RCW 2.08.115.

Washington health care facilities authorityPowersSpecial fund bondsRevenue bonds.

(1) The authority is hereby empowered to issue bonds for the construction, purchase, acquisition, rental, leasing or use by participants of projects for which bonds to provide funds therefor have been approved by the authority. Such bonds shall be issued in the name of the authority. They shall not be obligations of the state of Washington or general obligations of the authority but shall be payable only from the special funds created by the authority for their payment. They shall contain a recital on their face that their payment and the payment of interest thereon shall be a valid claim only as against the special fund relating thereto derived by the authority in whole or in part from the revenues received by the authority from the operation by the participant of the health care facilities for which the bonds are issued but that they shall constitute a prior charge over all other charges or claims whatever against such special fund. The lien of any such pledge on such revenues shall attach thereto immediately on their receipt by the authority and shall be valid and binding as against parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the participant, without recordation thereof and whether or not they have notice thereof. For inclusion in such special funds and for other uses in or for such projects of participants the authority is empowered to accept and receive funds, grants, gifts, pledges, guarantees, mortgages, trust deeds and other security instruments, and property from the federal government or the state of Washington or other public body, entity or agency and from any public or private institution, association, corporation or organization, including participants, except that it shall not accept or receive from the state or any taxing agency any money derived from taxes save money to be devoted to the purposes of a project of the state or taxing agency.
(2) For the purposes outlined in subsection (1) of this section the authority is empowered to provide for the issuance of its special fund bonds and other limited obligation security instruments subordinate to the first and prior lien bonds, if any, relating to a project or projects of a participant and to create special funds relating thereto against which such subordinate securities shall be liens, but the authority shall not have power to incur general obligations with respect thereto.
(3) The authority may also issue special fund bonds to redeem or to fund or refund outstanding bonds or any part thereof at maturity, or before maturity if subject to prior redemption, with the right in the authority to include various series and issues of such outstanding special fund bonds in a single issue of funding or refunding special fund bonds and to pay any redemption premiums out of the proceeds thereto. Such funding or refunding bonds shall be limited special fund bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, including this section and shall not be general obligations of the authority.
(4) Such special fund bonds of either first lien or subordinate lien nature may also be issued by the authority, the proceeds of which may be used to refund already existing mortgages or other obligations on health care facilities already constructed and operating incurred by a participant in the construction, purchase or acquisition thereof.
(5) The authority may also lease to participants, lease to them with option to purchase, or sell to them, facilities which it has acquired by construction, purchase, devise, gift, or leasing: PROVIDED, That the terms thereof shall at least fully reimburse the authority for its costs with respect to such facilities, including costs of financing, and provide fully for the debt service on any bonds issued by the authority to finance acquisition by it of the facilities. To pay the cost of acquiring or improving such facilities or to refund any bonds issued for such purpose, the authority may issue its revenue bonds secured solely by revenues derived from the sale or lease of the facility, but which may additionally be secured by mortgage, lease, pledge or assignment, trust agreement or other security device. Such bonds and such security devices shall not be obligations of the state of Washington or general obligations of the authority but shall be payable only from the special funds created by the authority for their payment. Such health care facilities may be acquired, constructed, reconstructed, and improved and may be leased, sold or otherwise disposed of in the manner determined by the authority in its sole discretion and any requirement of competitive bidding, lease performance bonds or other restriction imposed on the procedure for award of contracts for such purpose or the lease, sale or other disposition of property of the state, or any agency thereof, is not applicable to any action so taken by the authority.

Requests for financingFinancing planBond issue, special fund authorized.

The authority shall establish rules concerning its exercise of the powers authorized by this chapter. The authority shall receive from applicants requests for the providing of bonds for financing of health care facilities and shall investigate and determine the need and the feasibility of providing such bonds. Whenever the authority deems it necessary or advisable for the benefit of the public health to provide financing for a health care facility, it shall adopt a financing plan therefor and shall declare the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, including as part of such cost funds necessary for the expenses incurred in the financing as well as in the construction or purchase or other acquisition or in connection with the rental or other payment for the use thereof, interest during construction, reserve funds and any funds necessary for initial start-up costs, and shall issue and sell its bonds for the purposes of carrying out the proposed financing plan: PROVIDED, That if a certificate of need is required for the proposed project, no such financing plan shall be adopted until such certificate has been issued pursuant to chapter 70.38 RCW by the secretary of the department of social and health services. The authority shall have power as a part of such plan to create a special fund or funds for the purpose of defraying the cost of such project and for other projects of the same participant subsequently or at the same time approved by it and for their maintenance, improvement, reconstruction, remodeling, and rehabilitation, into which special fund or funds it shall obligate and bind the participant to set aside and pay from the gross revenues of the project or from other sources an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds being issued, reserves and other requirements of the special fund and to issue and sell bonds payable as to both principal and interest out of such fund or funds relating to the project or projects of such participant.
Such bonds shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, or both, as provided in RCW 39.46.030, carry such registration privileges, be made transferable, exchangeable, and interchangeable, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, be subject to such terms of redemption, bear such fixed or variable rate or rates of interest, and be sold in such manner, at such price, as the authority shall determine. Such bonds shall be executed by the chair, by either its duly elected secretary or its executive director, and by the trustee if the authority determines to utilize a trustee for the bonds. Execution of the bonds may be by manual or facsimile signature: PROVIDED, That at least one signature placed thereon shall be manually subscribed. Any interest coupons appurtenant to the bonds shall be executed by facsimile or manual signature or signatures, as the authority shall determine.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Bond issuesTermsPaymentLegal investment, etc.

The bonds of the authority shall be subject to such terms, conditions and covenants and protective provisions as shall be found necessary or desirable by the authority, which may include but shall not be limited to provisions for the establishment and maintenance by the participant of rates for health services of the project, fees and other charges of every kind and nature sufficient in amount and adequate, over and above costs of operation and maintenance and all other costs other than costs and expenses of capital, associated with the project, to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds payable out of the special fund or funds of the project, to set aside and maintain reserves as determined by the authority to secure the payment of such principal and interest, to set aside and maintain reserves for repairs and replacement, to maintain coverage which may be agreed upon over and above the requirements of payment of principal and interest, and for other needs found by the authority to be required for the security of the bonds. When issuing bonds the authority may provide for the future issuance of additional bonds on a parity with outstanding bonds, and the terms and conditions of their issuance.
All bonds issued under the authority of this chapter shall constitute legal investments for trustees and other fiduciaries and for savings and loan associations, banks, and insurance companies doing business in this state. All such bonds and all coupons appertaining thereto shall be negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for all purposes of the negotiable instruments law of this state.

Bond issuesSpecial trust fundPaymentsStatusAdministration of fund.

All revenues received by the authority from a participant derived from a particular project of such participant to be applied on principal and interest of bonds or for other bond requirements such as reserves and all other funds for the bond requirements of a particular project received from contributions or grants or in any other form shall be deposited by the authority in qualified public depositaries to the credit of a special trust fund to be designated as the authority special bond fund for the particular project or projects producing such revenue or to which the contribution or grant relates. Such fund shall not be or constitute funds of the state of Washington but at all times shall be kept segregated and set apart from other funds. From such funds, the authority shall make payment of principal and interest of the bonds of the particular project or projects; and the authority may set up subaccounts in the bond fund for reserve accounts for payment of principal and interest, for repairs and replacement and for other special requirements of the bonds of the project or projects as determined by the authority. In lieu of itself receiving and handling these moneys as here outlined the authority may appoint trustees, depositaries and paying agents to perform the functions outlined and to receive, hold, disburse, invest and reinvest such funds on its behalf and for the protection of the bondholders.

Bond issuesDisposition of proceedsSpecial fund.

Proceeds from the sale of all bonds of a project issued under the provisions of this chapter received by the authority shall be deposited forthwith by the authority in qualified public depositaries in a special fund for the particular project for which the bonds were issued and sold, which money shall not be funds of the state of Washington. Such fund shall at all times be segregated and set apart from all other funds and in trust for the purposes of purchase, construction, acquisition, leasing, or use of a project or projects, and for other special needs of the project declared by the authority, including the manner of disposition of any money not finally needed in the construction, purchase, or other acquisition. Money other than bond sale proceeds received by the authority for these same purposes, such as contributions from a participant or a grant from the federal government may be deposited in the same project fund. Proceeds received from the sale of the bonds may also be used to defray the expenses of the authority in connection with and incidental to the issuance and sale of bonds for the project, as well as expenses for studies, surveys, estimates, inspections and examinations of or relating to the particular project, and other costs advanced therefor by the participant or by the authority. In lieu of itself receiving and handling these moneys in the manner here outlined the authority may appoint trustees, depositaries and paying agents to perform the functions outlined and to receive, hold, disburse, invest and reinvest such funds on its behalf and for the protection of the participants and of bondholders.

Payment of authority for expenses incurred in investigating and financing projects.

The authority shall have power to require persons applying for its assistance in connection with the investigation and financing of projects to pay fees and charges to provide the authority with funds for investigation, financial feasibility studies, expenses of issuance and sale of bonds and other charges for services provided by the authority in connection with such projects. All other expenses of the authority including compensation of its employees and consultants, expenses of administration and conduct of its work and business and other expenses shall be paid out of such fees and charges, out of contributions and grants to it, out of the proceeds of bonds issued for projects of participants or out of revenues of such projects; none by the state of Washington. The authority shall have power to establish special funds into which such money shall be received and out of which it may be disbursed by the persons and with the procedure and in the manner established by the authority.

Powers of authority.

The authority may make contracts, employ or engage engineers, architects, attorneys, an executive director, and other technical or professional assistants, and such other personnel as are necessary. It may delegate to the executive director or other appropriate persons the power to execute legal instruments on its behalf. It may enter into contracts with the United States, accept gifts for its purposes, and exercise any other power reasonably required to implement the principal powers granted in this chapter. No provision of this chapter shall be construed so as to limit the power of the authority to provide bond financing to more than one participant and/or project by means of a single issue of revenue bonds utilizing a single bond fund and/or a single special fund into which proceeds of such bonds are deposited. The authority shall have no power to levy any taxes of any kind or nature and no power to incur obligations on behalf of the state of Washington.


Severability1982 c 10: See note following RCW 6.13.080.

Advancements and contributions by political subdivisions.

Any city, county or other political subdivision of this state and any public health care facility is hereby authorized to advance or contribute to the authority real property, money, and other personal property of any kind towards the expense of preliminary surveys and studies and other preliminary expenses of projects which they are by other statutes of this state authorized to own or operate which are a part of a plan or system which has been submitted by them and is under consideration by the authority for assistance under the provisions of this chapter.