Chapter 35.59 RCW



HTMLPDF 35.59.010Definitions.
HTMLPDF 35.59.020Legislative findingPurposes for which authority granted may be exercised.
HTMLPDF 35.59.030Acquisition, construction, operation, etc., of community centers authorized.
HTMLPDF 35.59.040Conveyance or lease of lands or facilities to other municipality for community center developmentParticipation in financing.
HTMLPDF 35.59.050Powers of condemnation.
HTMLPDF 35.59.060Appropriation and expenditure of public moneys, issuance of general obligation bonds authorizedProcedure.
HTMLPDF 35.59.070Revenue bonds.
HTMLPDF 35.59.080Lease or contract for use or operation of facilities.
HTMLPDF 35.59.090Counties authorized to establish community centers.
HTMLPDF 35.59.100Prior proceedings validated and ratified.
HTMLPDF 35.59.110Powers and authority conferred deemed additional and supplemental.


"Municipality" as used in this chapter means any county, city or town of the state of Washington.
"Government agency" as used in this chapter means the federal government or any agency thereof, or the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than a county, city or town.
"Person" as used in this chapter means any private corporation, partnership, association or individual.
"Multi-purpose community center" as used in this chapter means the lands, interests in lands, property, property rights, equipment, buildings, structures and other improvements developed as an integrated, multi-purpose, public facility on a single site or immediately adjacent sites for the housing and furnishing of any combination of the following community or public services or facilities: Administrative, legislative or judicial offices and chambers of any municipality, public health facilities, public safety facilities including without limitation, adult and juvenile detention facilities, fire and police stations, public halls, auditoria, libraries and museums, public facilities for the teaching, practice or exhibition of arts and crafts, educational facilities, playfields, playgrounds, parks, indoor and outdoor sports and recreation facilities. The term multi-purpose community center shall also mean and include walks, ramps, bridges, terminal and parking facilities for private vehicles and public transportation vehicles and systems, utilities, accessories, landscaping, and appurtenances incident to and necessary for such centers.


Effective date1967 c 110: "This act shall take effect on June 9, 1967." [ 1967 c 110 s 13.]

Legislative findingPurposes for which authority granted may be exercised.

The legislature finds that in many areas of the state local services and facilities can be more effectively and economically provided by combining two or more services and/or facilities in a single multi-purpose community center or a system of such centers. Any municipality shall have and exercise the authority and powers granted by this chapter whenever it appears to the legislative body of such municipality that the acquisition, construction, development and operation of a multi-purpose community center or a system of such centers will accomplish one or more of the following: Reduce costs of land acquisition, construction, maintenance or operation for affected public services or facilities; avoid duplication of structures, facilities or personnel; improve communication and coordination between departments of a municipality or governmental agency or between municipalities and governmental agencies; make local public services or facilities more convenient or useful to the residents and citizens of such municipality.

Acquisition, construction, operation, etc., of community centers authorized.

Any municipality is authorized either individually or jointly with any other municipality or municipalities or any governmental agency or agencies, or any combination thereof, to acquire by purchase, condemnation, gift or grant, to lease as lessee, and to construct, install, add to, improve, replace, repair, maintain, operate and regulate the use of multi-purpose community centers located within such municipality, and to pay for any investigations and any engineering, planning, financial, legal and professional services incident to the development and operation of such multi-purpose community centers.

Conveyance or lease of lands or facilities to other municipality for community center developmentParticipation in financing.

Any municipality, and any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation of the state is authorized to convey or lease any lands, properties or facilities to any other municipality for the development by such other municipality of a multi-purpose community center or a system of such centers or to provide for the joint use of such lands, properties or facilities or any other facilities of a multi-purpose community center, and is authorized to participate in the financing of all or any part of such multi-purpose community center or system of such centers on such terms as may be fixed by agreement between the respective legislative bodies without submitting the matter to a vote of the electors thereof, unless the provisions of the Constitution or laws of this state applicable to the incurring of indebtedness shall require such submission.


Joint operations by municipal corporations, deposit and control of funds: RCW 43.09.285.

Powers of condemnation.

The accomplishment of the objectives authorized by this chapter is declared to be a strictly public purpose of the municipality or municipalities authorized to perform the same. Any such municipality shall have the power to acquire by condemnation and purchase any lands and property rights within its boundaries which are necessary to carry out the purposes authorized by this chapter. Such right of eminent domain shall be exercised by the legislative body of each such municipality in the manner provided by applicable general law.

Appropriation and expenditure of public moneys, issuance of general obligation bonds authorizedProcedure.

To carry out the purposes of this chapter any municipality shall have the power to appropriate and/or expend any public moneys available therefor and to issue general obligation bonds within the limitations now or hereafter prescribed by the Constitution and laws of this state. Such general obligation bonds shall be issued and sold as provided in chapter 39.46 RCW. If the governing body of any municipality shall submit a proposition for the approval of general obligation bonds at any general or special election and shall declare in the ordinance or resolution setting forth such proposition that its purpose is the creation of a single integrated multi-purpose community center or a citywide or countywide system of such centers, all pursuant to this chapter, and that the creation of such center or system of centers constitutes a single purpose, such declaration shall be presumed to be correct and, upon the issuance of the bonds, such presumption shall become conclusive. Any such election shall be held pursuant to RCW 39.36.050.


Purpose1984 c 186: See note following RCW 39.46.110.
Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Revenue bonds.

(1) To carry out the purposes authorized by this chapter the legislative body of any municipality shall have the power to issue revenue bonds, and to create a special fund or funds for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on such bonds into which fund or funds the legislative body may obligate the municipality to pay all or part of the revenues derived from any one or more facilities or properties which will form part of the multi-purpose community center. The provisions of chapter 35.41 RCW not inconsistent with this chapter shall apply to the issuance and retirement of any revenue bonds issued for the purposes authorized in this chapter and for such purposes any municipality shall have and may exercise the powers, duties, and functions incident thereto held by cities and towns under such chapter 35.41 RCW. Such bonds may be in any form, including bearer bonds or registered bonds as provided in RCW 39.46.030. The legislative body of any municipality may fix the denominations of such bonds in any amount and the manner of executing such bonds, and may take such action as may be necessary and incidental to the issuance of such bonds and the retirement thereof.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, such bonds may be issued and sold in accordance with chapter 39.46 RCW.


Liberal constructionSeverability1983 c 167: See RCW 39.46.010 and note following.

Lease or contract for use or operation of facilities.

The legislative body of any municipality owning or operating a multi-purpose community center acquired or developed pursuant to this chapter shall have power to lease to any municipality, governmental agency or person, or to contract for the use or operation by any municipality, governmental agency or person, of all or any part of the multi-purpose community center facilities authorized by this chapter, for such period and under such terms and conditions and upon such rentals, fees and charges as such legislative body may determine, and may pledge all or any portion of such rentals, fees and charges and any other revenue derived from the ownership and/or operation of any facilities of a multi-purpose community center to pay and to secure the payment of general obligation bonds and/or revenue bonds of such municipality issued for multi-purpose community center purposes.

Counties authorized to establish community centers.

Counties may establish multi-purpose community centers, pursuant to this chapter, in unincorporated areas and/or within cities or towns: PROVIDED, That no such center shall be located in any city or town without the prior consent of the legislative body of such city or town.

Prior proceedings validated and ratified.

All proceedings which have been taken prior to the date this chapter takes effect for the purpose of financing or aiding in the financing of any work, undertaking or project authorized in this chapter by any municipality, including all proceedings for the authorization and issuance of bonds and for the sale, execution and delivery thereof, are hereby validated, ratified, approved and confirmed, notwithstanding any lack of power (other than constitutional) of such municipality or the legislative body or officers thereof to authorize and issue such bonds, or to sell, execute, or deliver the same and notwithstanding any defects or irregularities (other than constitutional) in such proceedings.

Powers and authority conferred deemed additional and supplemental.

The powers and authority conferred upon municipalities under the provisions of this chapter, shall be construed as in addition and supplemental to powers or authority conferred by any other law, and nothing contained herein shall be construed as limiting any other powers or authority of such municipalities.